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  • in risposta a: Ichiraku Ramen #1493911


    Chap, ami ancora le sfide?
    A breve dovrò rimettermi a “studiare” e avrei qualcosa per il tuo sollazzo 😉

    Con questo caldo è già una sfida spostarsi dal divano al bagno…
    Sto valutando seriamente di farmi inserire un catetere… :sisi:

    Tu proponi (la sfida)… io disporrò. ( cit.)

    in risposta a: One Piece 795: Ipotesi e Discussione Spoiler #1493910


    Quindi il resto della ciurma si è dato alla fuga, magari col solito coup de burst. Ma Sanji non aveva chiesto il permesso per rispondere al fuoco? Avranno sparato due petardi e via.
    Kaido è una best

    Sanji probabilmente non voleva fuggire senza prima mostrare il suo valore. Possibile li abbiano fatti “gasare” da CC :sisi:
    In futuro sicuramente vedremo un flashback della fuga e dell’arrivo sulla nuova isola. Inizialmente mi ero convinto fossero nella pancia di BM o comunque in un posto generato da un altro fruttato… uhmmm boh

    Kaido è un bestione. Nel suo curriculum ha però ben 7 sconfitte. Non è invincibile. :sisi:
    Con questo personaggio Oda intende farsi beffe di chi lo accusa di non far morire (quasi) nessuno? :sisi:

    in risposta a: One Piece 795: Ipotesi e Discussione Spoiler #1493846

    Capitolo già uscito…
    Non mi sarei mai aspettato un Kaido col complesso dell’immortalità… che va a sparigliare i propositi degli ammazza-Shank. Un Kaido pronto a scatenare una guerra.
    Chissà dove sono andati a cacciarsi Sanji e gli altri. Zou? Pare che loro abbiano già cominciato a vedersela con gli uomini di Kaido.
    Direi che DF era alla ricerca di samurai per ordine dell’imperatore. :sisi:

    Fujitora non ha nessuna intenzione di catturare Luffy e Law :sisi:

    in risposta a: One Piece 795: Ipotesi e Discussione Spoiler #1493844

    Credit: Aohige
    Source: APF

    Fujitora rolls the dice and gets a 1. 1 is Straw Hat’s number. They’ve won the gamble.
    Fujitora says he’ll put off going after them for a day, and Maynard objects. This is the best chance to get Straw Hat and Law’s heads!
    But Fujitora replies the gamble is done. To complain about the result is not a manly thing to do.

    Meanwhile the soldiers in the palace regret not being able to meet Lucy. He was our savior.
    Other gladiators and pirates are resting in the palace.
    Rebecca looks for Lucy and her dad, but can’t find them.
    Riku tells her they’ll show up tomorrow, and reminds her that if Riku returns to the throne, you’re a princess.

    Meanwhile, Sanji side
    Sanji takes hostage of Cesar’s heart and demands him cooperate saving “them”
    Chopper urges him too. Cesar is reluctant, as they just recently managed to flee from Big Mom’s ships.

    On the island Nami, Brook, and Momo are running away from someone.
    They were distracted by a strange looking girl, and were separated from Sanji and Chopper.
    A horned man riding a large reptile catches up to them, demanding where they hid “that woman”, and how they got on this island.
    Someone warns them of a Erupting Rain, as mass flood of water rains down on the man and Nami

    Momo and Brook are swept away unable to cope with water (as they are devil fruit users) and Nami saves them.
    The horned man changes into a Sheep Man and attacks them with Sheep Horn, but is countered by Brook’s Soul Ballad.
    Sanji comes to their rescue and KO’s the sheepman with Diable Mutton Shot.

    A beautiful female warrior calls out the sheepman’s name, lord Sheeps Head.
    She orders the others to retreat, and to report they “found no samurai”.

    As Sanji and others head back to Chopper (who is calling out for help), a dog-looking girl watches them from behind trees…
    Meanwhile we see the belt Sheeps Head was wearing, and see a horned jolly roger on it. (Kaidou’s flag, likely)

    Kid’s hideout

    Massive explosion rocks the island.
    Kid, Apoo and others rush to the site. A siege!?
    They find a massive hold in the ground in shape of a man. Someone came crashing down from the skies!
    Hawkins guess he came from a Sky Island.
    The impact caused one of Kid’s ship to turn over, much to his irritation.

    Few moments ago…
    High above the location, on a sky island, Urouge warns the mysterious man who walks to the edge of the island.
    He seems eager to suicide, and Urouge decides against stopping the man, and he seemed determined.

    The man was looking for a place to die.
    He has suffered defeat seven times as a pirate, and captured by Marines or Emperors 18 times.
    Has suffered torture a 1000 times in his life time.

    He leaps off the island, and lands on Kid’s island.

    The man was sentenced to death 40 times.
    When he was hung, the chain broke.
    When he was sent to the guillotine, the blade broke.
    When he was impaled with spears, the spears broke.
    He ended up sinking 9 gigantic prison ships.

    No one could ever kill him. Not even himself.

    His hobby is suicide. His name is… Kaidou of hundred beasts!

    Kaidou gets up as Kid and others gazes on.
    He is jealous of Whitebeard who has found a place do die.

    Kaidou… anyone you ask will tell you, if you limit to one on one, this man is the strongest creature in the world.

    Kaidou is sick and tired of this boring world.
    He says it’s come to this… damn it. Prepare for the final battle, “Joker”.
    I don’t care if this boring world is destroyed in the process.. let the world see its final war!!


    in risposta a: One Piece 794: Ipotesi e Discussione Spoiler #1493648


    Ma se Bellamy è stato incatenato nel capitolo 792 dalla marina come fa ad essere con loro ?

    Ma poi come è possibile che la casa non sia stata distrutta ?

    No no… quello incatenato nel capitolo 792 è DF senza occhiali. Non mi risulta la cattura di Bellamy :nono:
    La piccola casetta in canapa (con vasche e pesciolini e tanti fiori di lillà) dovrebbe essere collocata sulla Flower Hill (la collina dei fiori).
    DF fa trasferire il palazzo reale in cima alla collina e da lì chiude tutti nella gabbia per uccelli. Immagino che la catapecchia sia sfuggita alla distruzione poiché era nel centro della gabbia :sisi:
    Se invece ti riferisci al passato… ad una vendetta. In pochi conoscevano quel posto ed a farla a pezzi ne aumentavi il valore… :sisi:

    in risposta a: One Piece 794: Ipotesi e Discussione Spoiler #1493638


    chi era quello dei corvi? non si sa vero?

    Che io sappia no. Non sappiamo molto sui rivoluzionari. Posso aggiungere che diversi di loro indossano un cappello con una piuma…
    e che Luffy, Ace e Sabo hanno vissuto su monte corvo…

    Nella stanza “svenuti” ci sono Rufy, Usop, Law, Kyros con 2 gambe e uno che non riesco a riconoscere ? Chie è ?

    “Molleggino” Bellamy ?

    in risposta a: One Piece 794: Ipotesi e Discussione Spoiler #1493618

    Il capitolo è uscito…
    La risposta alla domanda di cui sopra ci è stata data… ma lasciando in sospeso una questione connessa. Robin è rimasta con i rivoluzionari per 2 anni e ha conosciuto Koala. Sapeva di Sabo? Perché non ha dato la notizia a Luffy?
    Forse non lo sapremo mai… :sisi:

    Kyros sembra avere 2 gambe… un blooper? :mah:

    Nessun capitolo la prossima settimana :sisi:

    in risposta a: One Piece 794: Ipotesi e Discussione Spoiler #1493613

    Credit: Aohige
    Source: APF

    794 Sabo’s adventure
    Doflamingo lends his sunglasses to a Flamingo
    (but hiding his face from the readers)
    At Kyros’ house in the flowerfield
    Sabo tells Robin to not wake up Luffy, he just came to see him one last time before leaving
    CP0 is returning to the island to capture Sabo and other revolutionaries.
    In a day or two Dressrosa will be packed with people. He advises the Strawhats to leave as early as possible.
    Zoro and Franky comments they had no idea Luffy had another brother besides Ace.
    Sabo explains he was supposed to be dead all these years, and tells his story.
    After the trio became brothers and that fateful day where he met Dragon and later gunned down by the Celestial dragon, as he sank in the sea Dragon came and rescued him before he sank.
    When he regained consciousness, Sabo had no memory of who he was, or even his own name.
    The revolutionary points out his belongings have the name Sabo, but he cannot recall.
    Dragon says he’s certain the child is a Goa nobility and another revolutionary offers to find his parents and return him to them, but Sabo yells in rejection.
    He’d rather be taken away from here.
    Sabo explains to Zoro that while he didn’t have any memory, he felt strong desire to not return to his parents.
    He explains it was Ace who brought his memory back… at the worst timing.
    back to flashback
    Revolutionaries were reading the news about Whitebeard, and how he and Fire Fist Ace died.
    Upon hearing that name and seeing Ace’s image, memory floods Sabo’s head.
    As he hears details of Ace’s death and regains memory of their time together, tears flood Sabo’s eyes.
    Ace… is my brother!
    Sabo screams and passes out.
    He sleeps for three days before regaining consciousness, and sees worried Hack and crying Koala.
    Koala tearfully asks Sabo if he’s going to quit the revolutionary now that his memory is regained.
    Sabo puts her worries to rest telling her he has no intention of leaving them, and that he needs to speak with Dragon.
    2 years later…
    Sabo tells his comrades to let the entire revolutionary army know, he’s going after a devil fruit.
    Sabo’s reunion with Luffy. The silent conversation we didn’t hear is now revealed.
    It’s me, Luffy! Sabo greets his brother. Luffy doesn’t recognize him and tells him whoever you are if you’re after the Mera Mera fruit you’re an opponent! And my name is Lucy, don’t call me Luffy!
    But Sabo replies, a disguise can’t hide my brother from me.
    Luffy replies brother? Only person who can call me brother is Ace who died, and…. Luffy realizes at this point.
    Tears swell in his eyes as Luffy realizes it’s Sabo. At first he refuses to believe him, but upon mentioning stealing Dadan’s sake, Luffy hugs him in tears.
    Luffy’s screams are illegible as he can’t even talk straight. Sabo thanks Luffy for staying alive.
    Luffy cries he allowed Ace to die in front of his eyes, but Sabo tells him he’s glad he didn’t lose TWO brothers that day in his absence.
    If I lost you, I would have been all alone. Thank you for surviving, Luffy.
    He asks Luffy if he can have the Mera Mera fruit, and Luffy nods in tears in agreement.
    flashback ends
    Sabo gets ready to leave, and shows the straw hat crew Luffy’s Vivre card he made.
    He tears off a piece for himself, and gives the rest to Zoro.
    He tells them Luffy may cause a lot of trouble, but please take care of him.
    Robin waves farewell with a smile, while Franky tearfully tells him to leave him up to them.
    Zoro laughs, says you sound just like Ace.
    Sabo calls Hack, and tells him he’s on his way.
    Hack tries to ask him about how Luffy is doing, but Sabo cuts off the phone early again.
    Apparently this is his quirky habit, as Hack yells and swings a punch
    Sabo rides a pack of crows as he heads back to his men.
    He asks the leading crow if they’re ready to sail, and the crow answers “anytime”.
    Well then, let’s hurry!
    End of chapter, no chapter next issue.

    Dopo un capitolo che obbligava a porsi tante nuove domande… un capitolo che risponde ad una di quelle tra le più vecchie
    Perché Sabo non è corso a salvare Ace?…
    Elementare, Watson…

    P.S.: il WSJ esce “ufficialmente” il lunedì (e talvolta il sabato) ma la sua distribuzione avviene “fisicamente” molti giorni prima…

    in risposta a: One Piece 793: Ipotesi e Discussione Spoiler #1493562

    Letto il capitolo…
    Uhmmm non so quanto fidarmi della traduzione.
    Mi riferisco in particolare al finale.
    Secondo lo spoiler abbiamo
    “Akainu dice con rabbia a Fujitora che gli è vietato mettere piede su qualsiasi base della marina fino a che non gli porterà le teste di Law e Luffy.
    Isshou risponde con rabbia certo capo cosa, è proprio quello che voglio fare.”
    Avevo inteso in questa risposta la volontà da parte di Fujitora di non voler più rispondere ad una organizzazione in cui non si riconosce…
    Mi sembrava molto verosimile come comportamento
    Nel capitolo invece leggo qualcosa del tipo
    Allora finisci ciò che hai iniziato e poi me la vedrò io con te, Fujitora. Portami la testa di Law e Luffy, ti aspetto
    Proprio ciò che volevo sentirmi dire.
    Tradotto così fa pensare che Fujitora voglia uno scontro immediato con Akainu… portandosi dietro anche Law e Luffy.
    Nei piani di Oda c’è probabilmente la vendetta di Luffy (magari spalleggiato anche da Sabo) per la morte di Ace…
    ma è davvero questo il momento più adatto? Beh.. forse sì… se Bigmom fosse dalla loro parte.
    Questa volta dovrò procurarmi le raw per esaminare con calma il testo :sisi:

    Il governo sa di rapporti tra Aokiji e Barbanera… :sisi:
    Capone è entrato nella ciurma di Bigmom? Chi si è presentato dal monaco? Amico o nemico che gli ruberà il frutto?

    in risposta a: One Piece 793: Ipotesi e Discussione Spoiler #1493561

    C’è così tanta carne al fuoco che MP non ha ancora sfornato il capitolo in inglese… Vogliono sia cotta a puntino? :sisi:
    Fortunatamente c’è la versione cinese…
    Tutta la “generazione peggiore” pare essere ancora sulla breccia. Ritroviamo anche Capone…sulla nave di Bigmom… intenzionato a portare “a casa” CC.
    Immagino che a breve avremo le tanto agognate nuove sulla sorte del gruppo capitanato da Sanji.
    Finalmente vediamo le fattezze di Kaido (o del bestione che usa come destriero? :mah: )
    Qualcuno si prenderà la testa di Shank il rosso prima che Luffy possa fargli indossare il cappello di paglia?
    Il capitolo è ricco di elementi volutamente ambigui… :sisi:

    in risposta a: Ichiraku Ramen #1493560


    Per fortuna che chap non sbaglia mai a scrivere. Spero per lui che non confonda le sue amate e frequentissime quinte che vede in giro con delle semplici seconde. O con tette in 2d 😀

    😕 T’interessano così tanto le “mie” tette? Dovresti preoccuparti delle tue.
    Braccia aperte, gomiti all’altezza delle spalle, avambracci a 90 e pugni verso l’alto. Avvicina lentamente le braccia tra loro davanti al viso, mantenendo i gomiti sempre alla stessa altezza.
    Fanne 3 serie da 12 ripetizioni
    P.S.: notare come l’ultima parola di questo commento funge da fil rouge con i commenti precedenti 8)

    in risposta a: One Piece 793: Ipotesi e Discussione Spoiler #1493558

    Credit: Aohige
    Source: APF

    793 Tiger and Dog
    Chopper can’t tell apart a tengu, Pinocchio, and Usopp.
    As Fujitora bows his head, King Riku tells him to raise his head.
    Fujitora says he doesn’t mind the world seeing this, what’s important is to let them know the truth.
    If it is us that let the Pirate be loose in this kingdom, what right do we have to preach justice?
    This victory was won by pirates, warriors, and the citizens of this nation.
    Kyros salutes the Tontatta warriors, and disbands their squad.
    He tells them to go to the palace to help the king out.
    Riku knows Marines are in a tight position, and orders Tank to shelter the pirates and warriors in the palace (so the marines won’t have to arrest them)
    Meanwhile in Mariejois
    Sakazuki learns that Doflamingo leaving the Shichibukai as well as the false news was by the order of the Gorousei.
    He questions them why the whole world had to play fool to Doflamingo’s whim, and asks them to never do this again.
    The Gorousei tells him to stop being a brat, and that they’re not concerned with saving marines’ face.
    They left this operations at the hands of CP.
    Sakazuki guesses that even the Gorousei was played by the Celestial Dragons’ puppets, and they tell him to shut up.
    The Gorousei turns the tables on Sakazuki, blaming him for Kuzan lending his hands to Blackbeard, but Sakazuki replies whatever the idiot does doesn’t concern him since he left the marines.
    As the argument heats up, a marine reports the incident in Dressrosa. On how Straw Hat Luffy and Law defeated Doflamingo and fall of Dressrosa.
    The gorousei mutters “That kid again…”
    But the news didn’t end there….
    Somewhere in the new world…
    With Joker fallen, a kingdom loses its ability to arm itself. A king regretfully surrenders.
    Soldiers on the battlefield rejoices at the end of war, while pirates are concerned with the money they already paid to Joker.
    They know the weapons are still there in Dressrosa, and wants to go rob them, but his crew stops him as an Admiral still is there in Dressrosa.
    Brokers scream at the lack of SMILE and devil fruits to trade, and stomp on wanted pictures of Luffy and Law in anger.
    It’s all their fault!!
    Meanwhile, VA Tsuru’s ship sails the ocean.
    Certain someone while eating rice crackers says how Otsuru has been after this pirate crew for years.
    Tsuru returns “yeah, on your orders.” to the man (obviously Garp)
    In a city elsewhere, Bonney stole pizza as an old woman, and eats it as a little child.
    She reads the newspaper, and congratulates Law & Luffy. As a fellow rookie their actions made her happy.
    Meanwhile, Urouge is above the clouds, tending to his wounds when a mysterious someone appears behind him…
    Capone on his deck comments on the news, saying his friends are doing well.
    He orders his men to make sure to bring Ceasar home.
    (He calls Luffy and Law nakama and he’s out to get Ceasar, perhaps Law had already contacted Capone as an ally?)

    Kid’s alliance is dining while hearing the news.
    Doflamingo is tied to Kaidou, which means they must be after him…
    Good thing our targets didn’t overlap, Killer says. Our target is…. Red Hair Shanks!
    Island somewhere..
    Drake tells his mates his past
    His father was killed by Doflamingo, but he doesn’t hold a grudge about it.
    But his comrades are more concerned with the news. They scramble looking for their lord Kaidou
    Joker has fallen, that means we lose our supply of SMILE!!
    Sakazuki yells at Issho through the denden mushi.
    He says the Admiral should know well what it means for him to admit fault. Why didn’t you report this to me first!?
    Isshou replies if he did, then you would have covered it up.
    Isshou recalls his chat with Smoker from earlier.
    Smoker told the Admiral what happened to him in Alabasta. If it wasn’t for the Straw Hats, Alabasta would have been another Dressrosa.
    But the Marines stole that credit from him, and covered it up. Smoker regrets not having the power to stop it.
    Meanwhile, Smoker is in a hospital reading the newspaper.
    Tashigi comments how Fujitora has avenged what happened to them in Alabasta.
    Smoker says even if he did have Admiral’s position, he couldn’t have pulled this off. He feels relieved at Fujitora’s action.
    Tashigi thinks he’s hungry (relieved and hungry are same sound in Japnaese) and she’ll get muffins and coffee ready, to which Smoker calls her an idiot and corrects
    The kids of Punk Hazard comes to the room, and as Tashigi takes care of them she tells them it’ll be a few more days till they reach Vegapunk.
    Back in Dressrosa
    Sakazuki admits there were so many ways he could have covered this up.
    Isshou tells him he doesn’t want to be paraded a hero for a blatant lie. He tells him the world government needs to take responsibility of what they did.
    Sakazuki yells at him that this is a matter of trust and pride of the marine. Your selfish acts will cost our credibility for justice!
    Isshou yells back, that if a credibility can fall so easily, then it really didn’t exist in the first place!
    Sakazuki angrily tells Isshou that he is banned to set foot on any marine base until he brings back the heads of Law and Straw Hat.
    Isshou angrily replies sure thing boss, that’s what I want.
    End of chapter.

    capitolo ricco :O

    in risposta a: Ichiraku Ramen #1493556


    Non sapevo che la demenza senile fosse contaggiosa…


    PartecipanteREI, ma tu non dovresti essere a ripetizione per l’esame di settembre?

    Era a ripetizione di g :sisi:

    in risposta a: One Piece 793: Ipotesi e Discussione Spoiler #1493551

    Parte del testo presente nella prima pagina del capito di cui è disponibile la preview

    Credit: Gerutkunyo
    Source: Chuing

    Citizens: A Marine Admiral…! Performing Dogeza…! “Tele DenDen Mushi” (can’t see)
    Riku: Raise your head… Fujitora. Are you fine with the world watching this!? Did you perhaps not lay a finger on Doflamingo to do this…..!?

    Fujitora: What we need is the “Truth”…!! Relying on them to fight… was a “gamble”. I’m the one who let the pirates run free… How can I point my sword at the Shichibukai now and talk justice (can’t see).

    P.S.: “can’t see” è una nota del traduttore che ci avverte di non riuscire a leggere quella parte del testo. :sisi:

    in risposta a: Naruto Gaiden #1493541


    Sicuramente nel film in uscita.
    Se non ricordo male, in una delle immagini promozionali c’era un bel paio di Rinnegan come sfondo

    Avevo letto qualcosa sul film ma non immaginavo l’antagonista fosse così temibile e “particolare”…
    Ho controllato… e non ci sono dubbi :sisi:
    Se avessi seguito la mia stessa intuizione non avrei avuto bisogno di chieder lumi… :sisi:

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