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  • in risposta a: One Piece 800: Ipotesi e Discussione Spoiler #1496896


    E preannuncia un disastro futuro a fine capitolo.
    Morirà qualcuno della sua ciurma?


    Leggendo lo spoiler il senso sembra molto diverso…
    La flotta di cappello di paglia entrerà nella storia per un incidente che sconvolgerà il mondo. Immagino possa trattarsi della caduta di Marijoa che porterebbe ad un nuovo (dis)ordine mondiale :sisi:
    Bisognerebbe dare un occhiata alla raw per stabilire qual’è la traduzione più corretta. :sisi:

    in risposta a: One Piece 800: Ipotesi e Discussione Spoiler #1496877

    Ho letto il capitolo.
    Come ampiamente previsto, Luffy rifiuta di riconoscerli come figli…
    D’altronde la prova del DNA gli darebbe anche ragione :sisi:
    La sua flotta nasce ugualmente.
    Mi sarei aspettato una sua fuga ma Oda non poteva provo rinunciare al classico party di fine saga… :sisi:

    in risposta a: One Piece 800: Ipotesi e Discussione Spoiler #1496876

    Credit: Aohige
    Source: APF

    800 Follower sake cup
    (親分・子分 is a parent-child relationship between a boss and his followers)
    Prince Sanji tries to kiss Sleeping Beauty Robin while Seven Goats holds him back
    Luffy tells them he’s not drinking it. He doesn’t even like booze.
    Barto insists, since after this incident the Straw Hats will be chased by bigshots of the world, but Luffy tells him if he drink this, he’ll be a fleet captain for all these ships.
    Barto tells him Luffy sempai will become the pirate king one day, even this massive fleet isn’t enough to tackle the world.
    Zoro tells them it’s no use trying to convince Luffy, and to pour the sake into his mug. (he just wants to drink booze)
    Orlumbus tells Luffy that strength is no match for numbers, and he will need their force one day.
    Luffy tells him it’s all too cramped and stuffy. Luffy asks if there’s any food, he’s more interested in eating right now.
    Cavendish tells him how dare he decline, a big star like myself is willing to join as a follower, while Sai and Ideo thinks about beating Luffy up and forcing him to drink.
    Luffy tells them “I want to become the Pirate King! Not some important guy!”

    Everyone has “?” above their heads, not understanding what he’s talking about.
    (meanwhile Zoro starts drinking the sake with his bare hands)
    Luffy tells the pirates if there comes a time when he needs them, he’ll yell out for help.
    We don’t need to be boss and henchmen. If you guys need help, yell for us! We’ll come to help you, I’ll never forget fighting Doflamingo along side you guys!
    Barto finally understands, what “Pirate King” means to Luffy simply means being free.
    At that very moment, canon fire attack shakes their ship.
    Orlumbus tells his men to follow Columbus’ (presumably one of his officer) orders as he and the other leaders are still in the very important meeting.
    A fleet of ships came attacking the pirates, demanding Luffy’s 500 million bounty head.
    They are alliance of men who were dealing business with Doflamingo, and now that the Joker has fallen they have come to kill Luffy in spite, as well as King Riku.
    The captains all smile at Luffy’s comment. Barto is in tears at how great Luffy is, while Hajrudin laughs out loud and tells Barto to give the declaration.
    Caven, Ideo, Sai, and Leo all agree.
    Meanwhile the attacks on Yonta Maria fleet continues, as the aggressors seek fame for taking down the famed fleet.
    The crews of Yonta Maria warns the citizens of Dressrosa to return to the shore, as this is now a warzone and it’s dangerous for them.
    The citizens are still worried about Fujitora attacking the fleet.
    Just then, what’s left of the massive statue of Pica as well as other rubble of Dressrosa falls on the aggressors ships.
    Fujitora has finally dropped the debris of Dressrosa on the fleet…. just not the fleet the Straw Hats are on!
    The seven captains sits down with sake cups in their hands, and declare their oath to Luffy as their leader.
    They don’t care if Luffy doesn’t drink the sake to accept their oath, they will do this on their own.
    They swear to be the spear and shield for Luffy in time of need.
    They drink from the cup, despite Luffy’s insistence to stop them.
    The pirate crews cheer on, and gets ready for the feast.
    The henchmen calls Luffy Straw Hat boss, although Luffy yells back at them “Hey! Look, I didn’t drink the sake alright?” as he holds up the empty cup (Zoro drank it all)
    Sai says that’s fine. We’re swearing our allegiance completely on our own, and if something happens we’ll come to help ‘on our own’. It doesn’t hurt having someone like us, now will it?
    He continues to ask Luffy to at least remember the faces and names of the seven, but Usopp interrupts by telling Luffy there’s fighting fish steak as the main dish.
    Meanwhile Cavendish asks Leo if he’s going to join the feast, while Ideo asks Barto when is he going to stop crying
    “Rubble and later Sunny”
    This day in the coast of Dressrosa, a strange weather phenomenon was recorded.
    Bastille sees the rubble has finally fallen, and demands report if the Straw Hats have all sunk.
    The marine reports that all of the rubble has missed hitting the Straw Hats and their allies, as Bastille yells WHAT IS GOING ON! in fits of rage.
    Fujitora thinks to himself, he is no longer qualified to chase after the Straw Hats.
    He bows in the direction of Luffy, thanking him for cleaning up the mess the World Government has made.
    Sengoku was sitting on a gorilla right behind Fujitora, laughs and tells him you know I heard you. (shocked Fujitora lol)
    Rebecca and Kyros also learns the news of Luffy safely sailing out of Dressrosa.
    He is in tears that he can finally feel the warmth of his daughter’s hands, unlike when he was a toy soldier.
    On Yonta Maria, Luffy and others starts the feast, celebrating their victory over Doflamingo.
    Narrator notes the strange “Only Follower Sake cup” brought these seven men together as followers of Straw Hat Luffy.
    These seven will continue to grow, and will cause a huge incident that goes down in history.
    But no one know the tale just yet.
    End of chapter.

    in risposta a: One Piece 799: Ipotesi e Discussione Spoiler #1496464


    In definitiva, però, non sono certo che Luffy accetterà la cosa così come gli è stata posta. Una flotta “alla Barbabianca” non credo gli possa piacere vista la grossa somiglianza caratteriale con Gol D. Roger. E’ assai probabile che alla fine se ne esca con qualcosa del tipo: “siete amici, fate come vi pare. Io vado per conto mio”.
    Vista la Jonta Maria, poi, sia a lui che a Franky potrebbe venire il complesso d’inferiorità 😛
    Oda, però, ci farà sapere la risposta tra MILLEMILA anni di questo passo.

    In linea di massima sono d’accordo. :sisi:
    Luffy vorrebbe addirittura scrollarseli di dosso…
    sebbene gli saranno necessari per battere Kaido. :sisi:
    Lo sapremo nel prossimo capitolo….
    se Oda non deciderà di spostare l’attenzione su Sanji & C :sisi:

    in risposta a: One Piece 799: Ipotesi e Discussione Spoiler #1496234

    Letto il capitolo.
    Luffy ha finalmente una grande alleanza di pirati.
    Questo è probabilmente l’inizio della fine… del manga :sisi:
    Nessun capitolo la prossima settimana

    Punto un obolo sulla rinuncia alla lotta da parte del buon Fujitora.

    L’hanno aiutato a rinunciare…
    Era comunque uno scontro fasullo :sisi
    Colpi telefonati :sisi:

    Sai che incazzatura si prenderà EbiHime quando lo verrà a sapere?
    Luffy non è manco sposato/impegnato che già gli sono arrivate migliaia di richieste d’adozione.

    Per lei e Luffy…
    questo potrebbe essere l’unico modo per aver figli…
    Dubito conoscano quello tradizionale :sisi:
    Che spreco… :sisi:

    in risposta a: One Piece 799: Ipotesi e Discussione Spoiler #1496226

    Credit: Aohige
    Source: APF

    Chapter 799 Father and Sons
    Cover art: Sabo cracking nuts for squirrels
    Luffy keeps declaring his punches and kicks as he attacks Fujitora.
    Fujitora acknowledges Luffy’s strength, but he objects to being pitied.
    I’m an Admiral, called “monster” by many. I don’t need sympathy for being blind… if you are trying to piss me off, you’re doing a good job at it!
    Luffy tells him he doesn’t want to hit the blind man in silence, be cause he doesn’t dislike Fujitora.
    Fujitora laughs, and tells him that they both need to be aware of their place, and pity and likes/dislikes have no place in a man’s fight.
    He uses Gravitou (Gravity + katana) Mouko (Raging Tiger) to blow Luffy away.
    On order of Cavendish, Hajrudin catches Luffy and takes him back to the ships.
    Zoro is eager to fight next, but Barto stops him that this is no time and place.
    All the pirates ships are waiting 5km off shore, and line of ships are connecting them to the dock.
    Oorumbus’s massive fleet provided the ships to make a long bridge.
    Everyone runs (with Hajrudin still holding Luffy in his hands, while Luffy cries out lemmego I can still fight! lol)
    But Fujitora thinks to himself… It’s too late, Strawhat…
    The rubbles he collected are all floating above the ships. They have no where to run, as soon as they’re out in the ocean the debris will fall on them, sinking every ship.
    He cannot see the sight himself, but surely Luffy can.
    The life from now on will be hell now that you’ve defeated Joker. There will be many after your life. Might as well I take you to hell myself.
    Fujitora mutters “You had sympathy for my blindness, but I brought this upon myself.
    I saw too many things I did not want to see, and shut my eyes on my own…
    Just then the Dressrosa citizens arrive at the dock, yelling at Lucy to return their princess.
    Fujitora warns them that it’ll be dangerous for them to venture forward, but they heed no attention to him and keep running forward.
    Fujitora cannot see their faces, find it odd that he doesn’t feel any actual enmity from their yelling.
    What he doesn’t see… is that the citizens are all smiling with joy as they run.
    They knew where Rebecca is, and that she is with her true father, lord Kyros.
    They knew they were father and daughter since 16 years ago, but kept it to themselves… just like the secret of who the “Fairies” are.
    The citizens rush to the ships, risking their lives, so the marine will hesitate to drop the rubble on the ships!
    Fujitora now regrets not being able to see. He wanted to see the face of the man so many risk their lives to save.
    Surely this Straw Hat Luffy have a kind and gentle face.
    Luffy & co arrives at a MASSIVE ship. The Yonta Maria, flagship of the Yonta Maria fleet led by Orlumbus.
    It’s so massive the giant Hajrudin looks like a normal human by scale.
    Aboard the ship, the pirate have something to tell Luffy…
    1. Suleiman joins Cavendish’s crew, the Beautiful Pirates consisting of 75 crew members.
    2. Barto Club led by Barto Romeo, crew of 56
    3. The Happo Army led by Sai, 1000 members.
    4. Blue Gilly, along with Abdullah and Jeet, has joined Ideo’s team XXX Gym Martial Arts alliance of 4 members.
    5. Leo got the permission from Tontatta elder to come as well, along with 200 tontatta warriors.
    6. Hajrudin belongs to the Giant Mercenaries, consisting of 5 giants. They will one day rule over the giants to reform the legendary Giant Warrior Pirates.
    7. Orlumbus (sorry, this is how it’s spelt in the manga. I’ll go fix it later) commands the gigantic fleet of Yonta Maria, consisting of 56 ships and 4300 crew mates.
    The seven leaders of the total of 5600 pirates wants to exchange sake cups to form a Father and Sons relationship with Luffy.
    In other words, they want to join the Straw Hat Pirates alliance as underlings of Luffy!
    (just like how the Whitebeard pirates operated)
    End of chapter, break next issue. 🙁

    in risposta a: One Piece 798: Ipotesi e Discussione Spoiler #1494571

    Letto il capitolo
    I tontatta si occupano di rendere inoffensiva la marina
    Law e Sengoku parlano di Corazon…
    Luffy decide che non è onorevole fuggire da un cieco col bastone e si prepara ad affrontarlo.. :sisi:

    in risposta a: One Piece 797: Ipotesi e Discussione Spoiler #1494388


    Una cosa sola non l’ho capita.
    Ma Law si è dato alla fuga solitaria o cosa?
    Non mi sembra di averlo visto in nessuna delle tavole. Chiedo lumi al sommo Chap.

    Non lo sa nessuno… (a parte Oda & C)
    Potrebbe aver seguito Luffy per poterlo portare in salvo usando il teletrasporto…
    oppure potrebbe ritrovarlo al capezzale di DF (di cui si son perse le tracce) per l’ultimo saluto…
    o magari sta cercando quel tesoro di Marijoa di cui non s’è saputo più nulla..
    Potrebbe anche aver deciso di giocare al dottore con una delle procaci dressrosiane :mah:
    Lo scopriremo nel prossimo capitolo :sisi:

    in risposta a: One Piece 797: Ipotesi e Discussione Spoiler #1494363

    Letto il capitolo.
    Archiviata la questione Rebecca…
    non resta che fuggire a tutta birra da Dressrosa :sisi:

    in risposta a: One Piece 797: Ipotesi e Discussione Spoiler #1494362

    Credit: Aohige
    Source: APF

    Chapter 797 Rebecca
    Cover is Smoker’s recovered, Tashigi, G-5 men, and the kids are celebrating with cotton candy party
    Zoro tells Luffy that there’s not much time, do whatever you have to do and meet them at the east port. While running south himself. Naturally.
    At the marine operations tent, Bastille is taking charge as the big shots have gone after the pirates already.
    The marines report that the target is likely running towards the East dock, and they’ll send available men there.
    Meanwhile, Abdullah and Jeet answers the marine calls at the East dock, saying the pirates there’s no need for backup.
    (The duo and Ideo have taken out all the marines there already, and Jeet is faking the call)
    Bastille is on to him though, and demand his marine code and name. Jeet is unable to answer, and Bastille orders back up to head to east dock.
    Straw Hats/Barto’s group is being chased by marines, but the gladiators will hold off the enemy.
    Cavendish, Sai, Baby 5, Hajrudin, Suleiman, and Blue Gilly all stands in the way between the marines and Barto’s group.
    Meanwhile, Luffy is at the palace, calling out Rebecca’s name.
    Rebecca comes to the window and calls out to Luffy, while the marines near the palace charges towards him.
    In the palace garden, Riku orders Lepanto to bring Rebecca and Viola, as he plans to head down to the town to announce his return to throne.
    Luffy leaps to Rebecca’s window. Rebecca says she needs to thank him for everything but Luffy says that’s not why he came here.
    He asks her if she’s ok with Kyros. He plans to leave her side and never see her again!
    Rebecca tearfully says she saw the letters, and she knows he’s trying to distance himself from her.
    She asks Luffy if he doesn’t want to live with her anymore, but Luffy tells her I don’t know, I’m about to leave this country.
    You need to think for yourself. I came here to confirm if YOU are ok with this!
    Rebecca cries out no, she’s not ok with this.
    Luffy asks her to come with him, and she agrees. Rebecca asks Viola to do her a favor.
    Luffy carries Rebecca and leaps out of the castle.
    A nobleman runs to King Riku to report. It’s the straw hat Luffy! He has kidnapped the princess!
    The news of Luffy’s kidnapping quickly spreads among the civilian. He must be after ransom!
    Gatts is surprised, but he exclaims he still loves Luffy.
    A marine officer orders his men to shoot down Luffy, and they aim their rifles…
    however, mysteriously all the rifles fires duds, and the marines all fall to the ground!
    Upon hearing the report Bastille guesses it’s CoC haki, but the marine reports no, the soldiers are not unconscious.
    He orders all men to rush to the east port, and send all the ships there too.
    Luffy tells Rebecca he’ll drop her off at the hill and she’ll have to go on her own. He’ll be the bait and draw the marines away.
    Rebecca thanks Luffy for his actions.
    Meanwhile the citizens take up arm against Luffy, believing the pirate is still a pirate, not a hero trustworthy.
    Kyros packs ups in his house, and about to leave.
    He asks forgiveness to Scarlet in heaven for spreading falsified rumors of her marriage with someone else.
    It’s all for Rebecca’s future and happiness.
    As he opens the door to leave the house, Rebecca is standing outside.
    She says no more lies. I’m not the daughter of some prince. It doesn’t matter if you had killed hundreds, and your hands are bloody… I only have one father, and it’s Kyros!
    She cries and jumps into her father’s arms, remembering their promise. Mr Soldier you’re supposed to be with me forever!
    Kyros cries, saying if she is ok with him being her father, and she tearfully tells him yes, we’ll live together.
    Viola reports to King Riku that Rebecca will not be returning to the palace. That s her wish.
    Rebecca had asked her to take her place as the princess. Viola laughs, this is the second time someone had asked her this odd wish
    (I suppose the first time was Scarlet when she ran away with Kyros)
    Barto and others are still waiting for Luffy at the East dock.
    Luffy still hasn’t shown up, and Trafalgar Law disappeared somewhere as well.
    As they wait for Luffy, Barto spots Fujitora flying towards them on a rubble. His face is shocked with doom.
    Luffy-sempai, PLEASE HURRY UP!
    Luffy is seen running towards the dock with all his might.
    End of chapter

    in risposta a: One Piece 797: Ipotesi e Discussione Spoiler #1494282

    Quella è la prima pagina del capitolo 797.
    Titolo: Rebecca.
    Il titolo corrobora la mia intuizione che l’affare in sospeso di Luffy riguardasse Rebecca :sisi:

    in risposta a: One Piece 796: Ipotesi e Discussione Spoiler #1494128

    Prenderà a bordo la statua di bronzo di Kyros :sisi:

    P.S.: Più che di una sfida trattasi delle 6 fatiche di Erc…haplip :sisi:

    in risposta a: One Piece 796: Ipotesi e Discussione Spoiler #1494077

    Letto il capitolo…
    si preannuncia un finale di saga alla water7 con Fujitora nei panni di Garp… nonno amorevole ma severo. :sisi:
    Ci sarà anche una new entry nella ciurma?

    Immagino che l’affare in sospeso di Luffy riguardi Rebecca :sisi:

    Niente WSJ la prossima settimana e quindi niente capitolo.

    in risposta a: One Piece 796: Ipotesi e Discussione Spoiler #1494076

    Credit: Aohige
    Source: APF

    3 days have passed since the fight, Sengoku and Tsuru arrive in Dressrosa.

    Tsuru asks if Straw Hat Luffy is still on the island, and a marine confirms yes.
    Sengoku is laughs saying he heard about the clash between Fujitora and Sakazuki, and says he’s glad he’s no longer the fleet admiral himself.
    She questions Fujitora why he’s not going after Luffy

    Fujitora rolls the dice, telling her is “The injured pirate who saved this nation” considered an enemy, or is he considered a hero?

    Luffy has won the dice luck two days in a row.
    Today is the third day… and I haven’t been cheating on the dice.
    He hands the dice over to Tsuru, and told her if anything but 1 comes out, he’ll go capture them.

    Princess Mansherry appears, asking for Popo donations.
    Tsuru smiles at the cute tontatta.
    The princess is going around healing people, and Tsuru asks how…

    Meanwhile in the central city
    Gats announced today is the day our King will return
    At the palace, Elizabello and Riku are having a chat.
    Elizabello mentions the irony of nation of people who were lost in celebration of wealth and violence now wanting peace.
    Riku ponders if he will be able to bring happiness to them, and jokes he could be a god who can shield them from any disasters.
    He’ll do his best, until the day he can hand over the throne to Rebecca.
    Elizabello laughs, remembering how feisty Scarlet used to be.

    Rebecca is being dressed up by maids in the palace.
    A maid says she heard Scarlet ran off to wed a prince in a faraway land, and the king had to announce her dead. Of course this isn’t true, Kyros asked the king to make this story up for her sake.

    The two samurai rides a drawn bird through the city, listening to the rumors.

    Princess Scarlet ran off to a kingdom in war to marry a prince, and Rebecca was born… but the prince died in war, leaving Scarlet and Rebecca to live quietly in secret here in the kingdom. So princess Rebecca is of noble blood, no peasantry in her linage.

    Kin hears the rumor and is puzzled.
    Kan notices Mansherry’s “flower medicine” being handed out by marines.
    The princess has been sucking out life force from donors and turning it into chiyupopo to hand out.
    Sengoku is impressed at her powers, and offers his own. He boasts he should be able to heal 10 severely injured people all by himself.

    Meanwhile at Kyros’ house
    Luffy is awake, and hears the rumor about Rebecca’s father being a prince elsewhere.
    Luffy eats, sleeps, sad about Sabo being gone, and angry at the rumor all at the same time.
    He yells Rebecca’s dad is the toy soldier, but falls asleep in mid-sentence.
    Luffy still hasn’t recovered fully.

    Kyros tells the crew he spread the rumor himself.
    The only ones who know Rebecca’s true linage are royalty and Don Quixote family. He spread the rumor before anyone else learns about him.
    Kyros has a criminal past, and grew up in poverty far from nobility. He says he was never fit to be united with a noble blood.
    He sent a letter to Rebecca detailing his whole life, and and why he did this.
    He wants Rebecca to live happily where she belongs.
    But Luffy still doesn’t seem convinced.

    Barto runs into the room, hearing Luffy finally work up.
    Meanwhile Kyros receives a call from Leo.

    Barto is stricken by five strawhat pirates being in the same room, but Zoro tells him to hurry up and spill the news. Barto tells them Vice Admiral Otsuru and Sengoku have arrived on the island, and they’ll be in danger soon.
    Meanwhile Leo reports the marines in question are on the move!

    Back at Isshou… the dice rolled six.
    Isshou orders all the marines to mobilize and arrest the Straw Hat pirates, Law, and all the criminals being shielded in the palace.

    Kyros warns the straw hats the marines are coming.
    The two samurai tells them they’ve only been waiting for Luffy to wake up, they’re ready to get out of here. But they don’t have a ship.

    Kyros asks Leo if he’s ready. Leo has been on the move at Kyros’ orders.
    Leo also warns Barto that the marines are heading to the palace to arrest the gladiators, but Barto says not to worry, they’ve been keeping eyes on marines the whole time.

    The marines rush to the palace to capture Pirates, the citizens are in shock “even Lucy!?”

    Barto tells Luffy & co to head to East port. He and his friends (Sai, Cavendish, etc) are posted on the the way to help them escape to the east dock.
    The marines rush to Kyros’ house, ready to attack Luffy & co.

    Luffy asks Bellamy if he can stand on his own. Bellamy says he’s fine, he can even run. He yells at Law why he didn’t just leave him to die. Law tells him the Straw Hat said you’re his friend, that’s why I brought you here. If you want to die, help yourself.

    As they argue Barto urges them to move.
    At Barto’s lead, the straw hats, Law, and Bellamy all run.
    But Luffy stays behind, saying he has unfinished business to take care of.
    Meanwhile Viola tells Rebecca Lucy and others are being chased, they’re about to set sail from the island. Rebecca says she hasn’t had the chance to give her gratitude yet.

    Admiral Fujitora mutters to himself. Let me test to see if your luck has really run dry… with all my powers.

    End of chapter

    in risposta a: One Piece 796: Ipotesi e Discussione Spoiler #1494053

    Probabile la mia sia stata una vana speranza… a giudicare dalla prima pagina e dal titolo del capitolo… “la determinazione di Soldatino”

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