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  • in risposta a: One Piece 775: Ipotesi e Discussione Spoiler #1453891

    Ma come avrà fatto Franky a salvarsi ?

    Non mi pare ci venga mostrato…
    Avrà trovato il modo di eliminare quello che era il suo punto debole… la schiena in carne.
    Potrebbe aver attutito l’impatto con la faccia…
    che ne è uscita parecchio malconcia… :mah:

    in risposta a: One Piece 775: Ipotesi e Discussione Spoiler #1453628

    L’ultimo pesciolino finito al cartoccio è proprio l’omninatante Senor Pink.
    UHmmm DF non può lasciar scappare Moncherie…

    Storia strappalacrime :sisi: che spiega lo stravagante abbigliamento di Senor Pink :sisi:

    • Questa risposta è stata modificata 9 anni, 3 mesi fa da chaplin.
    in risposta a: One Piece 775: Ipotesi e Discussione Spoiler #1453623

    Credit: Aohige
    Source: APF

    Chapter 775 Love for Lucien

    The princess, obviously in love with Leo, tells him she permits him to carry her, as her leg is injured.
    Leo thinks she’s being selfish again, and tells her she can heal it and walk on her own feet. She’s known for being fast.
    The princess is angered, and refuses to move.

    Kabu smacks Leo, and tells him to just carry her and let’s get out of here. He obliges reluctantly.
    Kabu sighs as how dense Leo is. The princess is a kind and loving girl to everyone else, she only acts this way to Leo, but he doesn’t get it.

    As they leave, Jora attempts to recover to contact Doflamingo.
    Doflamingo’s plan includes the usages of the Heal-Heal fruit’s ultimate technique, “Restoration”, which costs life span of the ability user.
    It could restore the SMILE factory even if something was to happen to it!

    SMILE factory, Franky vs Senior Pink
    Franky hits Pink with Strong Punch, and Senior slams Franky with Nyan Nyan (Meow Meow) Suplex.
    The two have been exchanging these for over thirty times.

    The Tontattas and Pink groupies ask the two why they aren’t avoiding each other’s attacks.
    Franky respects Pink as a man, and wants to fight head on. He will take every move Pink dishes out straight on, and still win.
    Pink moves away from Franky, and challenges him to take on his next move. Franky acknowledges, and Pink darts towards him.
    As Pink slams straight into Franky, he tells him if he’s still standing after taking on this final move, he’ll admit defeat and take on Franky’s last move.

    Pink slams Franky up the wall of the tower swimming, and carries him all the way high up the sky.
    Pink mutters that if he could keep flying, he could go see Lucien and their son Gimlet.
    But alas, gravity will bring him down.

    Pink does a Nyan Nyan Suplex in the air, and as they fall, he slams Franky into the ground with Baby Buster.
    Slammed into the ground back-first, Franky is heavily damaged, machine parts are showing and sparks fly, but still manages to get up.
    Pink admits defeat and stands there, ready to take Franky’s final move.

    As Franky rushes Pink with Franky Iron Boxing, Pink recollects his memory with Lucien…

    Senior Pink (still young and slim) met Lucien on a rainy day.
    She was a simple woman, pretty, but not gorgeous, with charming freckles.
    She loved rain and hated pirates. She asked Pink what his occupation was, and he answered a banker…

    Pink married Lucien and their son Gimlet was born.

    Pink hid his identity as a pirate and worked as a Donquixote family member during the day, and a loving husband at home.

    Time pass….
    Lucien, in despair reports to Pink of their son’s death.

    One week ago after Pink disappeared, Gimlet came down with a fever.
    The hospital couldn’t help him. She called the bank over and over, but they didn’t know who Pink was.
    She screams at Pink, calling him a liar, and runs out in the rain.

    Lucien was caught in a landslide, and became vegetated state.
    She could no longer show expression or respond to anyone… the doctor told Pink she didn’t have much to live either.
    Pink blames himself and breaks down.

    One day, Pink vists his wife wearing the baby clothings of his son he found.
    Much to his surprise, there was a smile on Lucien’s face!
    From this day on, Pink started wearing his son’s clothings. The public mocked him as a fool, and Donquixote family members laughed at his looks. But these clothing were worth more to him than any expensive suit could ever be, because it was the only way he could go see his wife’s smile…

    Back to present day, Franky knocks out Senior Pink.
    Franky sees tears in Pink’s eyes, and wipes them off.
    He calls Pink “brother”, and asks the unconscious Pink, that one day if they were ever to meet again, to have a drink with him and tell him about this woman “Lucien”.

    victor: Franky.

    End of chapter. Break next issue.

    in risposta a: One Piece 774: Ipotesi e Discussione Spoiler #1451973

    Di sicuro a Kyros verrà attaccato qualcosa in stile PH da Law. Magari una “gamba di cavallo” :asd:

    “una terza gamba” :sisi:

    in risposta a: One Piece 774: Ipotesi e Discussione Spoiler #1449910

    Ho ricontrollato… è possibile che sia effettivamente Senor pink l’unico pesciolino che non è stato ancora fritto…
    Buffalo viene malmenato di Kyros nel capitolo 744 e Oda potrebbe non averlo conteggiato nei 7 nemici da eliminare.

    Luffy e Zoro credo siano affezionati alle loro cicatrici. Se si trattasse di loro sarei abbastanza certo che non si farebbero “ripristinare”.
    Kyros è un personaggio minore… Oda potrebbe lasciarglielo fare…
    ma penso che rimarrà così. :sisi:

    in risposta a: One Piece 774: Ipotesi e Discussione Spoiler #1448391

    Franky e Senior Pink credo si trovino simpatici…
    Tra loro immagino finirà a tarallucci e vino

    capitolo uscito :sisi:

    in risposta a: One Piece 774: Ipotesi e Discussione Spoiler #1448368

    Capitolo inaspettato…sebbene atteso da tempo immemore…
    finalmente svelato il potere della principessa tontattiana
    Moncherie ha il potere di guarire le ferite :sisi:
    La squadra addetta al recupero la trova e la salva.

    Ad inizio capitolo scopriamo che Robin proteggerà Rebecca mentre ad occuparsi di Diamante sarà l’eroe monogambato kyros… :sisi:

    • Questa risposta è stata modificata 9 anni, 3 mesi fa da chaplin.
    • Questa risposta è stata modificata 9 anni, 3 mesi fa da chaplin.
    in risposta a: One Piece 774: Ipotesi e Discussione Spoiler #1448367

    Credit: Aohige
    Source: APF

    Chapter 774 Tontatta Warrior chief Leo
    Jinbe scolds Wadatsumi

    Robin tells Diamante there’s too much “handicap on one side”.
    Diamante laughs it off, what do you think, this is some sort of fair “duel”? This is an execution!

    But what Robin meant was quite the opposite… (implying, Diamante is the on disadvantaged)
    She tells Kyros he doesn’t have to worry about his daughter anymore, as she will protect her now.
    Kyros thanks her, he’s rage has reached his limit. He’s just about had it with this man.

    Meanwhile, Gladius’ men carry off their wounded.
    Barto yells at them, telling them they’re not dead, and to get the hell out of here.

    Leo and co receives a call from Viola.
    She spotted Princess Manshelly has been captured by Jora, and forced to use her ability.
    Leo and Kabu rushes through the palace to her rescue.

    Jora tells the princess to obey her.
    The little princess begs to be returned home to Green Bit.
    What do you think you are, Boa Hancock!? Jora screams.
    She demands the princess to heal the officers of the family.

    All those who fought the officers are heavily hurt, if she uses her Chiyu-Chiyu (Heal-Heal) Fruit ability and restore the officers, the battlefield will turn around in their favor! Use the abilty you used on Sugar earlier to restore everyone! Gives us your magic Jorro (water can)!

    The princess doesn’t want to comply, she found out that the people she’s wanting her to heal are bad people who hurt King Riku. King Doflamingo had been lying all this time.
    She cries, and her cuteness nearly overhwlems Jora and the family members.

    But Jora snaps out of it. What do you think you are, the most beautiful girl of the millennium!?
    (It’s hard to tell if Jora is saying this and the previous Hancock comment about herself, like Buggy style, or talking about the princess. Because her grammar is completely off, as expected of a lunatic. I assumed the latter)

    She is fed up with the princess not complying to her orders, and abuses her by squeezing her.
    The princess cries in pain, and her tear falls on a nearby fallen family grunt. The grunt gets up, healed.
    Jora realizes even her tear has the healing power. She slaps the princess around, forcing her to shed tears of healing.
    Viola watches this in horror, and screams for Leo to get there quickly

    Viola tells the others about the horrible abuse the princess is receiving for her ability.
    Usopp realizes the importance on her ability as a healer, no wonder they would want her..
    Unless they can stop Jora, the fight is endless!

    Leo arrives at the scene.
    Jora tells him it’s too late! The tears of princess is already in the air, about to fall on the officers.
    But Kabu rushes forward, and charges into the fallen officers and knocks them away from the falling tears with Beetle Upper.

    Leo uses his Stitch Stitch ability to spin strings between the officers and Jora, then stitches them all towards Jora, slamming their bodies into her with Haute Couture Patch Work. (haute couture is a order maid high quality clothing)
    Jora falls, “That is… art”

    The princess is elated to see Leo coming to save her, he is like a prince to her!
    Viola relieved, reports to the tontattas on successful rescue. They did it! They took out Jora without letting a single officer recover!

    The princess hugs Leo, telling him she was frightened.
    Leo comments on her gaining weight, instantly breaking the mood, and receiving a punch from the princess.
    Kabu sighs. (… as usual)

    End of chapter

    in risposta a: One Piece 773: Ipotesi e Discussione Spoiler #1447067

    ops… thread da cancellare :sisi:

    in risposta a: One Piece 773: Ipotesi e Discussione Spoiler #1445329

    il capitolo è uscito :sisi:

    in risposta a: One Piece 773: Ipotesi e Discussione Spoiler #1445318

    Credit: Aohige
    Source: APF

    Chapter 773 Half & Half

    Barto is confused seeing Hakuba, he looks like Cabbage but the face is different.
    Dillinger and whoever fodder were left behind, were all taken out by Hakuba.
    He realizes this is what happened at D block, and deducted that this must be a “different” Cavendish.

    Hakuba is out of control, even tries to slash at Barto but is hindered by the barrier.
    He sets his eyes on Robin, and goes after her.

    Robin catches Hakuba easily, and tells him “Speed” means nothing to her. And asks the evil-looking Cavendish what he wants from her.

    Cavendish manages to wrestle control of himself, and tells Hakuba he didn’t allow him to come out!
    He apologizes to Robin. Robin realizes that must have been the daydreamer “Hakuba” she’s heared rumors about.

    As Cavendish tries to explain, Hakuba takes over again, and speaks in a frightening inhuman voice that he will slice her apart limb by limb.
    Cavendish and Hakuba keeps switching out, arguing with himselves.
    As the two keeps saying “I will!” “no Me!” “no ME!” “ME!!” the two merges into half and half… one side of the face Caven, and other Hakuba.

    Caven manages to wrestle control, and asks Robin to release him. But she can’t trust him yet from what she just witnessed.
    Gladius takes this moment to inflate the whole side of the cliff, to blow them all apart.
    Robin is occupied holding Hakuba, and she will not come down as she needs to head to Rebecca.
    Barto rushes to her aid and charges Gladius, but Gladius stops him with a poisonous punk-hair.

    Gladius inflates his whole body, and any attack on him will cause him to explode, attacking them with tens of thousands of poison needles.
    But if you can’t stop Gladius, the wall will explode.
    Barto tells Cabbage to protect Robin with his body, but Hakuba is in control. Tells the “chicken” to shut up.

    There’s only one way to stop Gladius from killing Robin…
    Barto seals Gladius in a Barrier ball along with himself!
    He then goes to slit Gladius’ throat, causing him to explode.

    He manages to make Gladius explode, but he missed slitting his throat. The stab only sliced his shoulders.
    Gladius still alive, and Barto heavily damaged, he continues to inflate the wall.
    The wall explodes!

    But Cavendish, in his half & half form, convinced Robin to let him go.
    He saves Robin using “Hakuba’s speed”, while simultaneously stopping Hakuba from killing Robin by using his own hands to stop the blade. (his right arm tries to use the sword, but the left hand grabbed the sword)

    As Barto watches the two fly up to safety, he vows to become stronger and useful to Luffy & co.
    He uses “Homage Fighting” style… Barrier Barrier Pistol!
    He coats his fist in barrier, and strikes Gladius down, making him kiss the ground. Luffy-style.

    At the Flower Garden… As Kyros struggles, Diamante uses his whip-like sword to attack Rebecca!
    Kyros is unable to stop the blade, as it reaches for Rebecca..

    Robin arrives just in time to save Rebecca, using Mil Fluer Kochouran (Butterfly Orchid), sprouting countless pairs of hands to guide the blade away safely.
    Your mission is finished, Rebecca. Thank you for the key… it’s my turn to protect you!

    End of chapter.

    in risposta a: One Piece 773: Ipotesi e Discussione Spoiler #1445265

    Il forum è spartanissimo ma funziona…
    Lo spacciatore di spoiler di AB9 invece non funziona
    Il capitolo si chiama “metà e metà”
    Anche Gladius, dopo una serie di peripezie (con protagonisti Cavendish/Hakuba, Bartolomeo e Robin) viene messo KO…
    Alla fine del capitolo troviamo Robin che salva Rebecca da un attacco di Diamante…
    Pare che sia intenzionata ad occuparsene lei…
    Presto avremo un Robin Vs Diamante? boh …

    • Questa risposta è stata modificata 9 anni, 3 mesi fa da chaplin.
    in risposta a: Ichiraku Ramen #1439484

    Buon 2015 (fu)forumisti…
    speriamo ci porti un nuovo forum più simile al vecchio…

    in risposta a: One Piece 772: Ipotesi e Discussione Spoiler #1437695

    Il capitolo è uscito..
    Buon natale 🙂

    in risposta a: Ichiraku Ramen #1437560

    Babbo Natale non ha portato novità…
    Buon Natale a tutti

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