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  • in risposta a: One Piece 780: Ipotesi e Discussione Spoiler #1483627

    Dentro la gabbia non può entrare nessuno, quindi deve essere qualcuno che sta dentro. Voto CP0

    Dimenticavo di rispondere a questo.
    Io non escluderei che un rogia (magari dotato di notevole ambizione) o anche paramisha con doti particolari (ad esempio il teletrasporto di Law o il potere Blueno) possa entrare nella gabbia. :sisi:

    Mi sa tanto che Law ha intenzione di “ope-benedire” Luffy

    Luffy immortale? Dubito che Oda gli permetterebbe di accettare … :sisi:

    in risposta a: One Piece 780: Ipotesi e Discussione Spoiler #1483552

    uhmmm eh si… non mi è nemmeno chiaro se sia un ricordo o parole dette con un fil di voce…
    Il !? fa pensare a qualcosa appena successa… :sisi:

    Il tempo e la gabbia stringono… il prossimo potrebbe essere un capitolo cruciale :sisi:

    in risposta a: One Piece 780: Ipotesi e Discussione Spoiler #1483548

    uhmmmm Law potrebbe aver dato a Luffy disposizioni “testamentarie”.
    Notizie su una sua “Morte apparente” e/o su come resuscitarlo…

    in risposta a: One Piece 780: Ipotesi e Discussione Spoiler #1483547

    Credit: Aohige
    Source: APF

    chapter 780 Spell binding of the Heart
    Jinbe – sank the temple back in the ocean near the port.

    Few minutes back from the last chapter.

    As Law lay there dying, Trebol laughs at how persistent he is.
    Dofla tells Law he has no chance against Dofla by himself, let alone both him and Trebol at the same time, just let go.
    He then laughs at Law’s wasted 13 years of life.

    He offers Law that he’ll grant one wish, any wish, if he performs the immortality surgery right now.
    Law laughs and he’ll do it if Dofla can bring back Corazon to life right now, and go kiss the asses of every citizen in this country.

    Law tells him that it is infact Doflamingo that doesn’t realize what he has gotten himself into.
    Strawhats have done miracles through out their adventure, and there’s no way Doflamingo can stop them. He will never get Ceasar back.
    Your future is doomed.

    Doflamingo shoots Law several times, pissed at his remarks, at the fact he wears the Corazon symbol on his back, and the fact that he calls his pirates the Heart Pirates even though he refuses to sit on the Heart seat.
    Dofla claims the cursed spell Law and Corazon has bound to him will end this day…

    Back to the present time

    Tank Lepanto follows King Riku to head to the city, as Viola explains to Zoro and others that there’s only 2 enemies left, but one of our own has fallen too…

    Luffy leaps to Doflamingo, leaving the defeated Bellamy on the ground.
    As Dofla smirks that I freed Bellamy just as I said, didn’t I?, Luffy attacks him with elephant gun.
    Dofla stops the attack with a spider web move, and also dodges the following Hawk Gatling.
    He uses an attack called White Break, a gigantic strand of strings rising up to crush Luffy.

    Luffy dodges the attack and lands near Law’s body.
    Law lies there in a pool of blood, as Luffy asks him what happened here.
    Law does not answer. Dofla tells Luffy to look at him, isn’t it obvious that he is dead?
    Luffy refuses to believe him.

    As Luffy sits there near Law in silence, Dofla says Law told him you will show me miracles.
    You don’t seem very strong from the fight we just had, but come on, there’s still two of us. Let’s end this game.
    – meanwhile, the citizens below notices the birdcage is slowly shrinking…

    You bastards!! Luffy screams.
    In his mind, Law’s words replays. (Hey Mugiwara, listen…)

    End of chapter.

    Luffy may be remembering what Law said earlier, or perhaps Law JUST now told him something. We don’t know yet.

    OH doh forgot to mention

    The Birdcage is slowly shrinking in the last page.

    in risposta a: One Piece 779: Ipotesi e Discussione Spoiler #1479870

    Letto il capitolo
    Non c’è molto da dire…
    Law è morto? Lo scopriremo tra 2 settimane.
    La prossima settimana non esce il capitolo :sisi:

    Mi incuriosisce Koala…
    Da chi si sta nascondendo? C’è un altro pericolo?
    E’ una nuvoletta di freddo quella? uhmmmm

    in risposta a: One Piece 779: Ipotesi e Discussione Spoiler #1479760

    Credit: Aohige
    Source: APF

    – There aren’t any citizens injured in the city from the falling statue, thanks to Fujitora using his gravity power to float it long enough for them to evacuate.
    – Trebol isn’t worried about the factory, because he thinks they still have Mansherry to restore both the factory and the defeated officers.
    – The princess tries to heal Kyros, but he tells her to save her ability (which has limits) for someone else. (Law foreshadowing?)
    – Sabo at first replies to Koala that there aren’t much in this world that she can’t handle herself, but when she tells him it’s beyond her capability and Luffy may be in danger he changes his mind instantly and tells her he’ll be on her way.
    – Bellamy is aware that Dofla only told him he’ll free him, because he knows Bellamy would give his life away anyways. But he still stubbornly puts his life on the line for Dofla only to be remembered by him. Luffy acknowledges that Bellamy is doing this to “man up” and their fight ends in the exact same way the first fight ended… with a single punch in his face, pummeled into the ground, with fist mark on his face.
    But this time Luffy’s expression isn’t indifference… it’s RAGE. He screams out Doflamingo’s name in fits of rage.

    Pare sia un capitolo di alleggerimento con preambolo alla battaglia finale :sisi:

    in risposta a: One Piece 778: Ipotesi e Discussione Spoiler #1478722

    Ci volevano tutti questi capitoli per capire che doveva usare l’Haki ? Mah….

    L’haki è servito solo a contrastare quello di Pica…
    Il lungo scontro è servito a divertirlo e per escogitare un metodo che mettesse all’angolo il corpo reale di Pica e gli permettesse un attacco diretto. :sisi:

    in risposta a: One Piece 778: Ipotesi e Discussione Spoiler #1475558

    Letto il capitolo…
    Zoro regna :sisi:

    la frase ad inizio capitolo conferma l’esattezza della risposta che ho dato al rospaccio nel thread precedente (trattasi di informazioni datate) :sisi:

    in risposta a: One Piece 778: Ipotesi e Discussione Spoiler #1475518

    Oda è riuscito a far durare lo scontro l’intero capitolo…
    e ha anche piazzato un Poneglyph nella ministoria :sisi:
    La skywalk resta una prerogativa del cuoco :sisi:

    Tanti saluti a pica :sisi:

    in risposta a: One Piece 778: Ipotesi e Discussione Spoiler #1475512

    Credit: Aohige
    Source: APF

    Chapter 778 Tactics No5
    The humans on surface finds a Poneglyph inside the ruins and brings it to Jinbe’s attention!

    Pica makes his way towards King Riku, but Kyros has no means of stopping it.
    Barto cries for Usopp’s safety, and Elizabello readies his King Punch.

    Zoro tells Elizabello to save his King Punch for later… and to wait 2 more minutes.
    He calls for Oorumbus (calls him “Director*” instead of Admiral by mistake)

    King Riku tells people to evacuate, and yells at Pica, trying to draw attention.
    I’m the one you want, I’m right here!
    Pica tells Riku that he is not a king, nor is he fit to be one. Your pathetic pacifism cannot protect a nation.
    A nation is about power. You must have the power to obliterate your enemies to protect the nation.

    Riku admits he is unfit for a king, and that he has no desire to return to the throne.
    But he says he is a human being. If murder must be done, I rather choose death. There is no future for a murderous nation.
    Pica tells him that is why no good men leaves his name in history.. because they die, just like you!
    Pica reaches out to Riku and others, with his massive hands the size of a city…

    *Zoro calls Oorumbus Kantoku as in “Director”, but in baseball it’s “coach”
    Coach may be a more fitting translation as Oorumbus DOES indeed throw Zoro like a baseball lol.

    Oorumbus grabs Zoro, and throws him towards Pica with Admiral Killer Bowling.
    Zoro endures the incredible speed and wind against his face.

    All of Nine Mountains and Eight seas. One World.
    A thousand gathering for one lesser thousand world. Squred three times, and nothing can withstand these blades.
    Santouryuu hidden technique…. Ichidai Sanzen Daisen Sekai (One Greater Three Thousand World)!!

    Zoro’s move slices Pica in half.
    Pica’s real body flees to the upper torso, but Zoro cuts that in half as well.
    He realizes Pica’s real body can be controlling only one stone at a time, whereever he goes. He himself does not split!
    He leaves the “Dead” stones alone and keeps slicing the moving stone parts.

    Zoro continues to slice up Pica until there is only small fragment left for him to hide in.
    Pica’s real self leaps out, completely covered in black with Haki. He declares even if you can cut stones, you can’t cut me in Haki!
    Zoro replies “Only if your haki is above my own…”

    Nine Mountains and Eight seas. Nothing in this world shall withstand my blade.
    Sanzen Sekai (Three Thousand Worlds)!!

    Pica’s real self is cut, and he goes down.
    However, Pica’s stone statues still continues to fall on Usopp and others. Usopp calls out to Zoro for help.

    King’s Punch!
    Elizabello finally uses his King punch, while complaining that Zoro had him use the King punch just to clean up the stone debris.

    Mission accomplished! End of chapter.

    in risposta a: One Piece 777: Ipotesi e Discussione Spoiler #1473915

    Ma quell’open nella tavola in cui zoro decide la stategia, cosa vorrà dire ?

    Rifletteva ad occhi chiusi.
    Presa la sua decisione ha aperto l’occhio… con lo “sguardo della tigre”.
    Quella dovrebbe esse una onomatopea…

    Chissà se userà la sky walk…

    Il dubbio più grosso me lo lascia la frase in verticale sulla prima pagina. Si parla di Rufy&Law quando nel corso del capitolo non vengono quasi neppure nominati. Il riferimento al tag-team vorrà sottintendere che li vedremo combattere in coppia (tra qualche capitolo)?
    Se sì, entrambi contro Doffy oppure affronteranno insieme sia il fenicottero che il colloso e la iena?

    Hanno già affrontato DF in combinata…
    A leggere le “frasi in verticale” presenti anche negli altri capitoli…
    temo che diano informazioni già superate dagli eventi
    Nel capitolo 775 si dice che hanno raggiunto il campo di battaglia… anche se la cosa è avvenuta già molti capitoli prima :sisi

    in risposta a: One Piece 777: Ipotesi e Discussione Spoiler #1470665

    Letto il capitolo…
    Tutto come immaginavo :sisi:

    La schiena di Robin è messa male…
    il fondoschiena invece no…

    La principessa Moncheri avrà molto da fare :sisi:

    in risposta a: One Piece 777: Ipotesi e Discussione Spoiler #1470582

    Credit: Aohige
    Source: APF

    Chapter 777 Zoro vs Pica

    Wadatsumi apologizes for the chaos, and the sea kitten is reunited with its family.

    As Diamante falls from Kyros’ blade, he hits his head on a wooden pike and is knocked out.
    Robin sends off Rebecca to her father. Unbeknownst to Rebecca, Robin’s back was torn and bloodied from the iron stars she shielded her from.
    The wooden pike Diamante hit his head on… was the grave of Scarlet.

    Viola reports to King and Tank Lepanto of Kyros’ victory and safety of Rebecca.
    Short flashbacks of the day Scarlet’s death was reported to them.

    Viola also reports on Strawhats and their allies defeating majority of Donquixote family officers.
    Only ones still left standing are Bellamy, Pica, Trebol, and Doflamingo himself.
    The king and Tank heads to the city to find what they can do to help.
    The citizens, shamed from their own actions of going after the Strawhats, follows them.

    Admiral Fujitora gathers marines to guide the citizens in the city to where they can protect them.

    As Rebecca and Kyros stand in front of Scarlet’s grave, Pica attacks them with spiked pillars.
    One of the pillars have Pica’s face. He comments on how pathetic Diamante is.

    Pica asks Kyros what is King Riku to you? Rebecca, did you not receive insults all this time because of him?
    Kyros replies he is his foster father and man who saved his life. The Riku family knows the true meaning of peace. Everyone wants him back on the throne!
    Pica hears what he needed to hear, and disappears.

    2nd level
    Zoro is angrily looking for Pica, who fled into the ground again. Why does he keep running away, instead of facing him!?
    Pica appears again, to beat up Hajrudin, Chinjao, Ideo, and other wounded. He also calls Baby 5 a traitor, and attempt to crush her between stones. Sai knocks her out of the way, and gets crushed instead.
    Zoro is pissed seeing his cowardly actions of beating up defenseless wounded comrades, and rushes to help.

    Pica creates a huge head to chomp on Zoro, while he asks Zoro if he knows who is at the King’s plateau right now.
    Zoro slices the head in half and answers the king of this nation!
    Pica replies no, Riku is “ex” king of the nation. But did you know the important members of his former government are also there? As well as the Samurais and God Usopp? There is only one king and it is Doflamingo. These pests are annoyances.
    He creates the giant body again, and starts walking towards the plateau.

    Zoro realizes he has been tricked. Pica kept moving the battle away and away from the plateau, so once he starts going back to there Zoro wouldn’t be able to catch up! With Pica’s strength, he could crush the plateau with one punch, instantly killing the king and Usopp.

    Zoro has to think fast….
    Plan 1: Shoot a sword slash at him. – No good, it’s too far to reach Pica with full impact
    Plan 2: Jump on the giant and slice him. – There’s no way he can catch up.
    Plan 3: Shout at the top of his lungs and warn Usopp – There’s no way he can hear me.
    Plan 4: Use the Dendenmushi…. which I don’t have. Nope.

    Plan 5: Fly through the air and cut him. Yeah. Let’s go with this one!

    End of chapter

    in risposta a: One Piece 776: Ipotesi e Discussione Spoiler #1464883

    Credit: Aohige
    Source: APF

    Jinbe coverstory: One day while the sea monster sleeps in the ruins at the bottom of the ocean, the ruin suddenly disappears.
    The sea monster searches and finds the ruins relocated to the surface town.
    Enraged, the sea monsters attack ships and sink them.

    It was all a misunderstanding.

    Franky instructs the Tontattas to destroy the factory that kept them captive, then passes out, leaving the rest up to Luffy. ‘

    Meanwhile at the garden…
    Diamante slices up the garden with Half-moon Glaive, a powerful sword slash.
    He mocks Kyros. What happened to this “rage” you had earlier? Hahaha!
    Diamante wasn’t just some guy that flaps around, he himself has considerable swordsmanship.
    He also uses his flapping ability to dodge Kyro’s attacks.

    Kyors, exhausted from running and fighting all day on one leg, collapses to his knees.
    Diamante continues to mock him, and then pulls out what appears to be fireworks.
    The fireworks launches objects into the air, exploding into countless tiny pieces of paper.

    The they weren’t mere paper pieces… Diamante reverts them back to their original state, revealing them to be spiked iron balls.
    Death Enjambre, is a rain of falling iron starts that can devastate armies! Adios, suckers!

    Diamante uses an iron umbrella to shield himself, while Robin creates Flower-umbrella to guard herself and Rebecca.
    However, Kyros simply blocks all the rain drops by simply swinging his sword!
    Diamante is astonished, can this guy walk in the rain without getting wet from a single drop!?

    Diamante pulls out a gun, and shoots Kyros’ single leg, making him fall to the ground.
    The iron stars rain down on Kyros, beating him with every drop.

    Diamante laughs maniacally, while Rebecca enraged at his cruelness attempt to charge out of the Flower Umbrella.
    Robin stops her, but her flower umbrella won’t last much longer either…

    Kyros tells Rebecca to stay back, as he gets up, allowing the iron stars to beat down on him.
    He tells her to keep her vows to her mother’s wish. He knows she never hurt anyone even in the coliseum to keep her mother’s wishes. There is no need to taint your hands with this mongrel’s blood now.

    Diamante screams at Kyors, what are you.. made of iron? Or made of stupidity!?
    Kyros tells him your kind would never understand human pain. You will never understand devastation of being forgotten by loved ones.
    You ask what I am made of… I am made of RAGE!

    Diamante, terrified, takes stance to use another Half-moon Glaive. I’ll kill you like I did Scarlet!!
    Kyros doesn’t even bother dodging his sword slash… instead, he counters it with Trueno Bastard (Thunder slash with Bastard sword), a powerful sword slash that slices Diamante’s sword in half, and cuts him down!

    End of chapter.

    • Questa risposta è stata modificata 9 anni, 2 mesi fa da chaplin.
    in risposta a: One Piece 776: Ipotesi e Discussione Spoiler #1464822

    Credit: redon
    Source: APF

    – Chapter 776: “Hero of the Colosseum”.
    – Franky faints when he enters in Smile Factory.
    – Diamante creates fireworks with pointed balls to attack Robin, Rebecca and Kyros.
    – Although Kyros is injured, he defeats Diamante with “The lightning destroy sword” attack.

    Oda ha preferito cominciare da Diamante :sisi:

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