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  • in risposta a: One Piece 784: Ipotesi e Discussione Spoiler #1490709

    Letto il capitolo…
    Il ritorno di Bellamy ed il suo ultimo scontro con Luffy mi avevano fatto pensare che Oda potesse far usare a Luffy una tecnica che omaggiasse il nemico amico… ma non credevo potesse essere il principio base del gear 4 :sisi:

    Uhmmm DF è in difficoltà ma non ancora sconfitto… :sisi:

    Settimana prossima niente capitolo (Golden week)

    in risposta a: One Piece 784: Ipotesi e Discussione Spoiler #1490642

    Credit: Aohige
    Source: APF

    Chapter 784 “Gear 4”

    The citizens run from the encroaching birdcage, and marines run to save them.
    Baby five explains what’s going on to Sai, while blushing and calling him darling (or honey, however you want to translate)
    Sai tells Chinjao and Oolumbus to wake up the fallen, or they’ll sit there waiting to die.

    Meanwhile, Violetta explains to Usopp that despite them being in the center of the nation, they are not safe fromthe birdcage.
    The birdcage is shrinking with Dofla in the middle, so this place will be shredded in no time as well.
    Usopp clings to Hack and screams for him to hurry and run, but Zoro runs the other direction. He means to stop it.

    Cavendish sits next to Law, telling him hopefully his arm will be ok.
    The tontatta couple have reattached Law’s arm, and it’s only a matter of time before it’s healed.
    Cavendish tells Law that even if they manage to defeat Doflamingo, the world will be in a turmoil over this. And you guys are going to be in the eye of the storm.
    Law replies, he’s well aware.

    Luffy blows air into his arm while it’s blackened with CoA.
    He then moves the air to his body, becoming hulking in size.
    He then bounces around like a rubber ball, but the sound of bounce feels hard and strong. (more like Thump Thump than Bounce Bounce)

    Gear 4… Bounding Man.

    Dofla laughs, mocking Luffy for jumping about like a ball.
    Luffy answers, he had to increase his size and elasticity in order to fight those massive monsters on the island while training for two years. This is what he came up with.
    Dofla continues to mock, saying what good will elasticity do?
    But Luffy tells him you won’t even be able to do anything to me.

    His fist retreats into his arm, then bounces out like spring. Gomu Gomu no.. KONG!
    The powerful punch sends Dofla flying through a building, sending him into the middle of the city!

    The citizens are puzzled to see Dofla suddenly falling out of the sky.
    The marines scream why Dofla is here, but Dofla tells them he has no idea either.
    The citizens flee, but there’s no where to run due to the birdcage.

    Dofla looks up to the sky, and sees Luffy FLYING.
    He retracted his feet into his legs like when he used Kong, and repeatedly do geppou to soar through the sky with his arms stretched out like a plane!
    Then Luffy disappears… appearing right next to Dofla! He kicks Dofla with Gomu Gomu Rhino Schneider, sending him flying through another building.
    The citizens watch in amazement as Luffy follows Dofla, while bounching like superball on the ground.

    Dofla leaps up in the air, cursing at having so much trouble with a “mere rubber man”.
    But he understands what Luffy did now… Luffy used CoA to harden his skin, to increase the tension strength of his rubber by multiple times!
    Luffy uses Gomu Gomu no Culverin, a pistol like cannon punch, but Doflamingo dodges it. He gets in close to Luffy, and attacks him with the Athlete kick.

    But his powerful kick cannot penetrate Luffy’s sides.
    Luffy’s body is using CoA to become hard, yet retaining rubber elasticity at the same time!
    Luffy simply bounces Dofla off of himself.

    Luffy changes the direction of his Python (Culverin) to chase after Doflamingo.
    The punch changes its direction multiple times and homes into the target, getting a clean hit on Doflamingo’s face!

    End of chapter.

    in risposta a: One Piece 783: Ipotesi e Discussione Spoiler #1487471

    Stando alla mia ipotesi, sarebbero stati comunque otto e non dieci. :prrr:

    10 anni, se i miei calcoli sono corretti, non è il 20% in più di 8 anni ma quello di 8 anni e 4 mesi…
    C’è una bella differenza :prrr:

    in risposta a: One Piece 783: Ipotesi e Discussione Spoiler #1487393

    E chissà se il vero motivo per cui Oda dichiarò che OP sarebbe durato altri 10 anni è che già aveva in mente di prendersi una pausa ogni 3-4 capitoli.

    Una pausa ogni 4 capitoli, se i miei calcoli sono corretti, produce un ritardo pari al 20%…
    12 anni invece dei 10 promessi/minacciati… non fa poi tanta differenza :sisi:

    Con personaggi i cui obiettivi sono particolarmente ambiziosi ci sono ampi spazi di manovra. :sisi:

    in risposta a: One Piece 783: Ipotesi e Discussione Spoiler #1487090

    Letto il capitolo.
    Chissà cosa s’è inventato Luffy…

    E chissà perché Cavendish offre il suo capotto a Robin…

    in risposta a: One Piece 783: Ipotesi e Discussione Spoiler #1487030

    Non mi aspettavo si arrivasse già a questo punto…
    gear 4… :sisi:

    in risposta a: One Piece 783: Ipotesi e Discussione Spoiler #1487028

    Credit: Aohige
    Source: APF

    Chapter 783 “You’re in my way”
    Wadatsumi wants to go with Jinbe

    Leo sees the explosion and wants to go help, but Kyros and Robin advise against it.
    Even Law, who was also a shichibukai, was beaten to pulp, they would only pull Luffy’s leg if they did.

    They saw Law because Luffy carried him and leaped out of the explosion.
    He tosses Law towards Robin, and while she was surprised to see his arm cut off, spreads Spider Net and catches him.

    Dofla comes chasing him, and shoots Bullet Strings to try and finish off Law. Luffy attacks him with Hawk Whip, but too late to stop the bullets.
    The bullets rain down on Robin and Law.

    Cavendish arrives in the nick of time to deflect the bullets and protect Law.
    Luffy yells to Caven to take the others to safety. At first he wants to join Luffy’s fight, but Luffy yells out that he’s counting on him.
    Caven can’t deny the wishes of his fans! If Strawhat Luffy is to be his fan, he will oblige!

    He rushes to call for Barto to help evacuate them and Law to safety.
    Meanwhile Leo tries to stitch Law’s wounds together and have the princess heal him.
    Dofla tells Luffy to step out of the way, let him end Law’s suffering, but Luffy replies he’ll have to beat him to get past.
    Luffy tries to attack with rushes of punches, but Dofla easily dodges and tells Luffy while his punches are fast, they lack the power behind them.
    He counters with OverHeat, damaging Luffy, while he remembers when he first heart of the Straw Hat Luffy…

    When he heard from Trebol that Crocodile was taken down by a marine Captain, he didn’t believe it.
    Then he saw the increase of Straw Hat Luffy’s bounty, and started investigating.

    Now Luffy has survived the Marineford War and came all the way here to Dressrosa.
    While he praises the young pirate, he kicks him down through the floor of the castle and the impact reaches even the lower floors.

    Law regains consciousness, and tells Cavendish to leave him here. He spent 13 years chasing Dofla, he wants to see the end of it himself.
    Law tells him that if Straw Hat loses here, I should die here. I’m the one that dragged Luffy into this…!

    Robin tries to tell Law that the alliance was on equal grounds, and Luffy is here on his own will, but Law is adamant to stay.
    Cavendish realizes it’s impossible to convince him, and sits down next to Law. He tells Robin to take the others to safety.
    Caven tells Law that he won’t hear the wishes of a suicidal man. I will stay, and if you are going to die, it will be after me.

    Luffy attacks Dofla with Grizzly Magnum, but easily countered.
    Dofla asks Luffy how long are you going to take to kill me? One hour is the time limit until the birdcage is completely closed.
    In less than half an hour there will be people dying. Elderly and babies will be the first to go. And in 40 minutes you will hear their screams reaching this palace.
    It’s all your fault. If you didn’t come here, this nation would be in peace.

    Luffy denies that claim as a facade.
    Dofla says he’s getting in his way all for heroics, but Luffy returns no, YOU are the one getting in MY way.
    I won’t let anyone die on my watch.

    Both you and this birdcage of yours is getting in MY way.

    Gear…….. Fourth.

    End of chapter, break next issue.

    in risposta a: One Piece 782: Ipotesi e Discussione Spoiler #1486008

    Letto il capitolo…
    Trebol, come Monet prima di lui, provoca un’esplosione (incendiando il proprio muco) :sisi: Chissà come se la caverà Law…
    Un bel botto è un “ottimo diversivo”… che postpone lo scontro tra Luffy e DF-

    Non capisco il potere di Trebol. Non è un rogia, ok, ma perchè rufy non riesce a colpirlo ? E poi perchè quando Law lo colpisce perde tutto il muco ?

    Luffy colpisce il muco pensando che sia il corpo di Trebol trasformato dai poteri di un frutto logia. L’haki gli avrebbe così consentito di colpire il vero corpo.
    Law capisce che in realtà il vero corpo è nascosto sotto il muco.
    Opta per un taglio rapido e verticale invece che orizzontale. :sisi:

    Io invece non ho ancora ben chiaro cosa dica Leo…
    Le traduzioni di MS e MP divergono… ed è anche possibile che non sia legato a quanto successo a Trebol…
    Inoltre nel flashback sembrerebbe che non sia stato DF a tagliare la testa del padre… :mah:

    in risposta a: One Piece 782: Ipotesi e Discussione Spoiler #1485982

    Il diversivo di cui scrivevo nella presentazione del thread lo fornisce Trebol… che poi viene sconfitto da Law. :sisi:
    Due piccoli flashback…
    Ho visto il capitolo in cinese… attendo quello in inglese

    in risposta a: One Piece 782: Ipotesi e Discussione Spoiler #1485960

    Ancora nessun riassunto spoiler del capitolo…
    ma pare ci sarà un piccolo o medio o lungo flashback su DF. :sisi:

    in risposta a: One Piece 782: Ipotesi e Discussione Spoiler #1485868

    ma una volta spoiler e capitolo arrivavano rispettivamente martedì e (spesso) mercoledì, come mai adesso sono sempre entrambe al giovedì?

    Una volta il WSJ cominciava ad essere distribuito alle edicole una settimana prima dell’uscita ufficiale ossia già dal lunedì precedente (anche prima se necessario). Mesi or sono l’editore ha deciso di distribuirlo con il minore anticipo possibile. Probabilmente la distribuzione comincia il mercoledì ma il rischio da pre spoiler non vale la candela. Sfornare tutto il giovedì minimizza i rischi :sisi:

    in risposta a: One Piece 781: Ipotesi e Discussione Spoiler #1485833

    Non credo che DoFla Muoiva quindi dovrà continuare a vivere

    La sua ciurma è stata sbaragliata…
    e sono abbastanza certo che anche lui verrà reso inoffensivo in questo arco narrativo…
    Law potrà ritenersi soddisfatto :sisi:

    Chap, ti ricordo che Luffy in breve tempo (ID e MF) ha lasciato un bel po’ di “tempo utile” lungo il percorso. Inoltre, se non ricordo male, anche l’utilizzo del gear toglie tempo. Da WS in poi il nostro capitano ne ha fatto un uso crescente e continuo… non vorrei arrivi un “Oh caspio! Ho finito la vita” prima di potere capire cos’è questo cavolo di OP. Certo, poi si può dire che la vita iniziale era di 150anni o più, logicamente

    Escludendo altri time skip… Luffy diventerà re dei pirati prima di compiere 20 anni…
    Immagino che li abbia ancora 6 mesi di vita :sisi:
    Poi non mi stupirebbe vederlo seguire l’esempio di Roger. Malattia, patibolo, testamento urlato e giù il sipario… con possibile finalone a sorpresa sui titoli di coda. :mah:

    in risposta a: One Piece 781: Ipotesi e Discussione Spoiler #1485430

    Certo che le supernove avranno davvero una vita breve. Tra Luffy e Law non so quanti anni si son già tagliati via…

    Una volta realizzato il proprio sogno (cosa che avverrà presto) l’unica splendida avventura che gli rimarrà sarà la morte. Anticiparla è una scelta logica :sisi:

    in risposta a: One Piece 781: Ipotesi e Discussione Spoiler #1485150

    Letto il capitolo
    uhmm mi conservo alcuni commenti per il prossimo thread :sisi:
    Law è duro a morire… ma DF lo è ancora di più.
    Grazie alla fascia non si sfascia…
    Lo si considerava senza cuore… ed invece potrebbe averne 5???
    (Kakuzu docet) :sisi:

    in risposta a: One Piece 781: Ipotesi e Discussione Spoiler #1485138

    Credit: Aohige
    Source: APF

    Chapter 781 true wish
    (or ambition)

    The Sea Monsters allows the fishermen to use them as ships for fishing, in apology

    The Birdcage is closing in, shredding buildings on the way.
    The citizens scramble towards the center of town to avoid getting shredded.

    Doflamingo tells Luffy he had no intention of letting anyone live, the game has changed.
    In about one hour, everyone in this nation will be dead from the shrinking birdcage.

    Marines scramble to save the citizens, while Usopp panics and King Riku curses Dofla for his cruelty.
    Usopp realizes the only way to stop this is for Luffy to beat the snot out of Doflamingo, and cheers on.

    Luffy tells Doflamingo, that all he has to do to end this is beat him, and lunges towards him.
    As Luffy prepares Gomu Gomu attack and Doflamingo readies himself to counter,

    Law appears right next to Doflamingo while his attention is on Luffy, and stabs him with a Ope Ope knife.
    “Gamma Knife!”

    The attack destroys the opponent from the inside, and Doflamingo screams in pain!
    Trebol doesn’t understand how Law is alive, or the fact he’s using Ope Ope ability without a ROOM…
    But Law tells him, oh we’re inside ROOM alright.

    We see that a MASSIVE ROOM is covering the area, miles out from the palace.
    Law says this costs him some life, but he managed to maintain this gigantic ROOM this entire time, just to wait for this one opening…!

    Flashback, after taking a few shots from Doflamingo (which missed his vital organs), he used Shambles to swap himself with another body from down stairs.
    He put his hat on the body he swapped with, to make it look like himself. (The man was wearing a dark shirt and light pants, similar to Law)

    Later, when Luffy was enraged and ready to kick ass, Law teleported behind him to tell him his plans. (This was the final panel from last chapter)

    Doflamingo falls to his knees. He tries one last attempt to kill Law, but Law thinks even he manages to do so, Dofla will die.
    Luffy blows away Dofla with JET Stamp, and lunges to follow up, but Law stops him and gets up to walk towards Dofla to finish him himself.
    Law tells Dofla that Gamma Knife destroys the internal organs, as a doctor I assure you you will die.
    Trebol enraged lunges towards Law, but is easily kicked aside by Luffy.

    Law condemns Dofla for the last time for what he did to Cora, and told him Cora would never have pulled that trigger anyways. I WOULD HAVE.
    Dofla agrees, he tells Law that Law is just like himself.

    Law tells Dofla he should have been the one to die that day.
    Dofla tells Law he’ll tell him what he wanted to hear. That Corazon was useless, annoying, and he feels glad to off him that day.. is that what you want to hear?
    Law doesn’t let him finish the sentence, and attacks him with full might Counter Shock.

    Law, exhausted, falls to the ground…. and Doflamingo gets back up!
    Given enough time, Dofla can operate on himself using strings. His strings are working as they speak to fix up the vital organs.
    Devil fruit abilities are very flexible in use, you see…?

    Dofla raises his foot to stomp on Law’s head, to finish him off. But Luffy stops his foot with his own. (look badass and casual too!)

    The two glare at each other.

    The final battle is about to begin.

    End of chapter

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