One Piece 601: Solo Spoiler

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  • #631373
    Caesar VII

    Nella seguente discussione potrete trovare gli spoilers di One Piece 601.
    1)Postare, come dice il titolo, solo gli Spoiler (script e pics)! Per la loro discussione c’è l’apposito topic
    2)Postare, possibilmente, script che abbiano almeno la traduzione in inglese (per una maggiore “leggibilità” da parte di tutti) con la relativa Fonte, il relativo Stato (Confermato, Incerto o Fake) e i dovuti Crediti.
    Script e Pics vanno rigorosamente sotto .
    3)Possibili fonti dove trovare spoiler confermati: MangaHelpers, APforum e 2ch.

    Thread aperto


    Fonte: 2ch/APF
    Crediti: Mr T/aohige
    Stato: Confermato
    Tipo: testo


    510 :T ◆PecpvbY4/. [] :2010/10/20(水) 14:00:21 発信元:
    601話 ROMANCE DAWN ~for the new world~




    516 :T ◆PecpvbY4/. [] :2010/10/20(水) 14:11:49 発信元:






    535 :T ◆PecpvbY4/. [] :2010/10/20(水) 14:35:51 発信元:


    539 :T ◆PecpvbY4/. [] :2010/10/20(水) 14:38:43 発信元:

    542 :T ◆PecpvbY4/. [] :2010/10/20(水) 14:41:06 発信元:

    T’s short blurb

    Chapter 601: Romance Dawn ~ for the New World
    Dawn of the Adventure into the New World

    Cover is Nami and a egret (the swindler bird in Alabasta) playing poker

    Fake Luffy got taken out by Sentoumaru.
    This week was a pretty exciting chapter

    The Fake Luffy’s real identy is bounty 26 million “Three tongued” Demaro Black

    Luffy destroys the PX5 in one hit with a haki-imbued JET Pistol!
    Zoro and Sanji arrives, and also deals with the other Pacifista instantly

    I wasn’t gonna write the spoiler, but I was just too happy to see it…

    This week ends where Luffy tells Rayleigh he’s going to be the Pirate King, and there’s tears in Rayleigh’s eyes.

    There were other stuff about the fake Strawhats, but whatever lol

    Aohige note: Three-tongue is someone who keeps lying to three different factions to keep them happy.
    Comes from the way British handled foreign affairs in WWI. In short, it means someone dishonest.

    Doesn’t mention where Cariboo/Coriboo bros went, but Doughty got taken out by PX and others fled
    Some were pissed that they were decieved
    I guess Sentoumaru wasn’t a marine in the war 2 years ago. He became a marine in the last 2 years.

    Luffy was in a hurry so he didn’t fight with Sentoumaru.

    Brook was picked up by the Flying Fish riders, and got out scott free in the midst of the chaos
    The wanted posters are recorded in PX’s memory. They can identify the suspects right away.

    Fonte: 2ch/APF
    Crediti: Ohana/aohige
    Stato: Confermato
    Tipo: testo

    601 ROMANCE DAWN for the new world

    表紙は ナミとサギ鳥


    ゾロ 何だ?
    サンジ 聞いてなかったのか?えーとな 海軍 来る おれ達 船… 逃げるわかるか?
    ゾロ なんで片言だ幼児か!!文章で説明しやがれ!!!
    サンジ 脳が筋肉馬鹿にはこれくらいがいいかもと…
    ゾロ よし後でお前斬る それよりあっちの島騒がしくねえか?
    サンジ 本当だ… あっち うるさい

    46GR 偽麦わら一味集合地
    ルフィ ゾロ サンジ あいつ(偽ルフィ)お前らの知り合い?実わさっきよ
    そこに海軍。おとなし降伏しろ~ 出入り口は封鎖した~!!
    偽ルフィ カリブーとコブリーに命令!
    カリブー 偽ルフィの命令無視して戦闘意志のない弱った海兵打ち殺す
    PX 麦わらのルフィ確認。 狙いを定める
    偽ルフィ 本物か?今オレに狙いをつけた…
    パシフィスタ2 ドウテイを撃つ。騒ぎの中偽ルフィ逃げる
    戦闘丸 なんでおめーが麦わらと呼ばれてんだ
    偽ルフィ てめえおれがだれだか分かってるよな?道をあけろ!懸賞金4億 ドラゴンの息子でガープの孫
    戦闘丸 麦わらはおめえみてえなカスじゃねえよ と鎌で殴る
    戦闘丸 パシフィスタに偽ルフィの確認。 
    偽ルフィ=懸賞金2千600万B 海賊 三枚舌のデマロ・ブラック
    みんなに偽物とばれる 怒りだす他海賊 ルフィ事情を把握しはじめる
    戦闘丸 本物もここにいるそいつを狙え! PX標的を見つける
    髭が取れたルフィ PXの攻撃をかわして
    ルフィ 何すんだ!リュックには大事な弁当が入ってるんだぞ!
    ルフィ 騒ぎを起こすと出航しずれえって言われたのに
    戦闘丸 出航する必要はない。2年前とちがって わいは正式に海兵になったんだ!お前をここで捕える!!
    PX手からビーム 交わすルフィ ルフィギア2 ジェットピストルでPX一体破壊。
    戦闘丸 覇気を纏った…!!
    逃げるルフィ。後ろから走ってサンジ ゾロ
    サンジ ルフィやっぱりか!!何でテメエは常にトラブルの渦中にいるんだよ!!
    再会喜ぼうとしたら PXビームしようと~
    サンジ ゾロ同時にPXに攻撃。ゾロは斬る。サンジは首を折る(蹴る)
    他海賊 偽物とぜんぜんちがう~と眼が飛び出してびっくり。
    ゾロ ルフィお前は9番目だぞ
    サンジ 黙れ てめえどんだけ自慢だ!!ルフィいそげ みんな船で待ってる
    ルフィ おう!!いや~うれしいな~2年ぶりだな~!!
    走り出す ルフィ サンジ ゾロ
    ルフィ レイリー!!
    レイリー フフフ様子を見に来たが 問題なさそうだな 更に力が洗練されている。 では 早く行きなさい仲間の元へ
    ルフィ うん!!レイリー2年間 本当色々ありがとう!!
    レイリー ふふ 改まる柄じゃない早く行け…
    ルフィ拳を上げて レイリー おれは やるぞ!!!
    レイリー ?
    ルフィ 海賊王に おれはなるっ!!
    眼に涙を浮かべる レイリー


    601 Romance Dawn for the new world

    Cover is Nami and the swindler bird

    Amid the chaos, Brook gets on the back of a Flying Fish Rider and heads to 42GR

    Sanji confirms the location of the meeting point by Franky through the den-den mushi
    Zoro: What is it?
    Sanji: Haven’t you been listening? Let’s see… Marines, come. We run. To Ship. Get it?
    Zoro: Why are you talking to me like baby!! Explain in sentences!!
    Sanji: I figured this would be adequet for a man with muscles as his brain.
    Zoro: Alright then, I’ll make sure and cut you later. Anyways, what’s with the ruckus at that island over there?
    Sanji: Hmm, true. Noisy. Over there.

    46GR Fake Strawhats gathering area
    Pirates are riled up
    Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji (I assume fake, ohana’s scribbles are almost gibberish here)
    Do you know him? Yeah, we found him over there….
    Marines arrive at the scene. Surrender!! The exits are all covered!!
    Fake Luffy orders Cariboo and Coriboo!
    Cariboo ignores Fake Luffy’s orders, and starts slaughtering weakened marines that no longer have the will to fight back.
    Fakes vs Marines
    PXs appear
    PX: Strawhat Luffy identified. Targeting.
    Fake Luffy: Are they real? They are targeting me…
    Another Pacifista shoots Doughty. Luffy runs away amidst the chaos
    Sentoumaru appears
    Sentoumaru: Why are you being called Strawhat? (at Fake Luffy)
    Fake Luffy: You know who I am don’t you? Out of my way! I’m am the 400 million bounty head, son of Dragon and grandson of Garp…
    Sentoumaru: The Strawhat isn’t a piece of crap like you
    Sentoumaru hits him with the axe. He then has the Pacifista identify the fake Luffy
    Fake Luffy = 26 million bounty pirate “Three-tongued” DeMaro Black
    Everyone realizes he’s fake, and are enraged. Luffy finally starts to realize what’s going on
    Sentoumaru: The real one is here too! Aim for him!!
    PX finds the target
    Luffy loses his fake beard, and dodges PX attacks
    Luffy: Hey, what do you think you’re doing!! I got important stuff in my bag!!
    Everyone is surprised to see Luffy’s face, exactly the same as the wanted posters
    Luffy: Damnit, I was told not to cause trouble or it’ll be harder to sail away….
    Sentoumaru: You don’t have to set sail. Unlike 2 years ago, I’m a marine soldier now!! I’m going to capture you right here and now!
    PX attacks with beam from their hands, Luffy dodges. Luffy goes into Gear 2, and destroys one of the PX with JET Pistol
    Sentoumaru: He’s wearing haki….!!!
    Luffy runs, Sanji and Zoro comes running towards him from behind
    Sanji: Luffy, I knew it!! Why are you always in middle of a trouble!?
    They were about to celebrate their reunion, but a PX starts to fire lasers.
    Sanji and Zoro attacks the PX at the same time. Zoro cuts him, and Sanji breaks its neck with a kick.
    The other pirates are amazed that they are nothing like the fake ones
    Zoro: Luffy, you’re ninth.
    Sanji: Shut up. Why are you so proud of that!? Luffy hurry, everyone’s waiting
    Luffy: Yeah!! Man, I’m so happy!! It’s been 2 years!!
    Luffy, Sanji, and Zoro runs
    Luffy finds Rayleigh sitting on a tree far away
    Luffy: Rayleigh!!
    Rayleigh: Hahaha, I came to make sure you’re alright but… it seems like it. You’ve honed your strength even more. Now hurry to your crew.
    Luffy raises his fists: Rayleigh! I’m gonna do it!!
    Rayleigh: ?
    Luffy: I’m going to be the Pirate King!!
    Tears in Rayleigh’s eyes

    Just you wait, New World!!


    Amministratore del forum

    Fonte: tistory woonggaro
    Stato: Confermato
    Tipo: immagini



    Fonte: 2ch
    Crediti: Ohana
    Tipo: testo

    Translate: Aohige

    Chapter 601 Romance Dawn for the New World

    Cover is Nami and an egret (the swindler bird in Alabasta) playing poker
    Page 1:
    Grove 46
    Sentoumaru: Luffy, you really have changed do you?
    Fake luffy: !!!!!!!!!
    Sentoumaru: So you had recruit these nonsense crew, I’ll take you to our boss and plan for your execution
    Fake Luffy’s crew: Captain Luffy, do something…!!!
    Fake luffy: Shut up fools!
    Fake Sogeking: Captain let’s kill his fat ***

    Page 2:
    Brooke: Yohohohoho!!! (Luffy wait for me, our new voyage will be starting very Soooon!!!!!)
    Marines: get him!!
    Brooke: Femurata Flanc!!!
    Marines: I can’t control it… I love you Brooke-sama!!!!
    Brooke: Brink Bond Avant!!
    (it seems that brooke vanished instantly)
    Marines: Where’s Brooke? Find him!!!

    Page 3:
    Brooke: Yohohohoho!!!!
    (Brooke is seen to one of the flyingfish riders on the sky… don’t know the name.. sorry!)
    Flyingfish rider: oh! Are you brooke? Shakky told me that your ship and crewmates will be on grove 42
    Brooke: oh! Thank you… Ok, im going now…
    Flying fish rider: oh wait, you can ride with me
    Brooke: Yohohohoho!! Im just kidding…

    Page 4:
    Thousand sunny ship
    Usopp: Whaaaaaaaaatttttttttt????????!!!!!!!!!!
    Robin: (smile) what’s wrong long nose-kun?
    Nami: yeah! We have gotten changed a lot Usopp, don’t worry, we can defeat those guys!
    Usopp: I’m still not ready… I still need to get my costume… (What would be my entrance? Hmmmm?? King of the snipers has return!! I love that!)
    Chopper: Usopp, I already thought about my screen name!!
    Franky: we’re suppppeerr near!! Be ready supppeerrr crewww has returned!!
    Name/Usopp/chopper/robin: yes!!
    Rayleigh: tsktsk

    Page 5:
    Meanwhile, Sanji and zoro seems notice the real straw hat luffy, they saw sentoumaru with the 2 px’s
    Sanji: oh no! Captain!!! Let’s help him!!
    Zoro: Wait! Shit Chef, our captain doesn’t want to expose us yet…
    Sanji: how do you say so marimo?!
    Zoro: look!
    (Luffy didn’t fight and just seeing the argument between fake luffy and sentoumaru)

    Page 6:
    Luffy: Oh, I almost forgot… my crew is waiting… I’ve got to go!!
    Sentoumaru: (talking to luffy who is running away) Oh, look at your crewmate… scared already?! Well, Rookiiess!!
    Fake Luffy: Oi fatty asshole, you want a fight… Let’s go Strawhat pirates!
    Fake luffy’s crew: Let’s go captain!!
    Sanji: Hey marimo, luffy Is running now… let’s follow him…
    Zoro: I know, don’t command me shit chef!

    Page 7:
    Luffy: Wait for me, Zoro, Nami, Usopp, Sanji, Chopper, Robin, Franky, Brooke, our reunion, Our Reunion, I can feel our reunion now! Can’t wait to see you guys again…
    Zoro: Luffy!!
    Sanji: Luffy!!!
    Luffy: Oh, those fake zoro and sanji again… what a pain in the ass….
    Sanji: Darnit, he said we’re fakes!!
    Zoro: he doesn’t listen because you look like fake shitty cook… your eyebrow seems changed ei?
    Sanji: Darn it! (Those newkamas turned me like this!)…

    Page 8:
    Sentoumaru: What’s wrong Luffy? Can’t fight already??
    Fake luffy: cough*cough*
    Marine: Sir… it seems that he is not strawhat luffy, he is Demaro Black!!!
    Sentoumaru: what is his bounty?
    Marine: 26 million beri
    Sentoumaru: Oh well! I’ve already thought of that as well!! PX’s take the caribou and coriboo bro’s!

    Page 9:
    Grove 42:
    Rayleigh: I can’t believe it, usopp, you knew about Haki?
    Usopp: yes, Heracles, my teacher, teach me about that… the color of Observation!!
    Chopper: whaaaaat!! I wanna learn that too!!

    Page 10:
    Sentoumaru: (thought about the guy who ran away and the two guys who followed him) Oh! Wait! PX’s leave those rookies to the marines… let’s go to grove 42!!
    PX-5: …..
    Sentoumaru: (I am close to be tricked by those fakes… Luffy… I got you now!!)

    Page 11:
    Rayleigh: I never thought that he lives there, well nice for him to teach you about that… no surprise!!
    Robin: good for you long nose-kun
    Nami: so that’s why you became manly at the bar ei…
    Rayleigh: Everyone, be ready, someone’s coming…
    Usopp: Yes, they are 6!!!!

    Page 12:
    Brooke: Are we there yet?
    Flying fish rider: Not yet…
    Brooke: ok, well then, im going to sing, another song!!! Yohohohohohoho!!!
    Meanwhile the fake strawhats seems to be beaten up by the crews they recruited.

    Page 13:
    Sanji: Luuuufffyyyyy~!!!!!
    Luffy: ooohhh!! Sanji!! And zoro too??
    Zoro: yes! How dare you thought as fakes… darn captain!
    Luffy: oh sorry, two years had passed, it seems that both of you are starting to like each other..
    Zoro and Sanji: shut-up!!!
    Luffy: we need to get hurry
    Sanji: Luffy, Franky told me that the new rendezvous for our new voyage will be on grove 42.
    Luffy: let’s go!!

    Page 14:
    Grove 42:
    Brooke: thank you… I have to go now; I see the boat up from here…
    Flying fish rider: you should be now; your music really pains my ears!!
    Brooke: yohohohohoho!!!
    Flying fish rider: becareful jumping down… oh! He vanished again! Oh well… he really become that fast after 2 years

    Page 15:
    Brooke: Everyone!!!!
    Franky: you hear someone calling us…
    Nami: where?
    Robin: up there…
    Chopper: oh… Brooke!!!
    Franky: you really made me proud… our musician has back!
    Usopp: Brooke… Soul King Brooke!!

    Page 16:
    PX-5: (shoot a beam to luffy from the back)
    Luffy: … (he dodge the laser with his COO)
    Luffy: darnit, I don’t have time for you… gear second… Jet Pistol!!!!
    Another PX appeared
    Zoro slice the PX in to two and Sanji kick its head
    Zoro: Shitty cook, you’re covering my action!

    Page 17:
    Rayleigh: Luffy is here now…
    Nami / Usopp / Robin / Chopper / Franky / Brooke: Captain!!!!
    It seems that Nami, usopp, robin, chopper, franky and brooke noticed sanji and zoro as well… with teary eyes, they are all happy to see each other again

    Page 18:
    Rayleigh: I’m impressed of what you have gained now luffy… this is your two years of training
    Shakky: Now that all of you are here today… We can leave you now
    Luffy: Rayleigh~~!!!!! IM GOING TO BECOME THE PIRATE KING!!!!!!!!!!
    Rayleigh seemed to have tears with his eyes… and shaky just smile
    Sentoumaru: Hold on… Strawhats!!!!!
    Finally, REMATCH draws near…
    End! [/SPOILER]


    Fonte: APF
    Crediti: aohige
    Stato: Confermato
    Tipo: testo
    Chapter 601: ROMANCE DAWN – for the new world
    Dawn of adventure into the new world

    33GR Shabaody Dome
    Reporter: It’s a panic over here!! The marines have stepped in to arrest Soul King Brook, but are under attack of the fans!!
    It seems the suspect has fled somewhere already!!
    Brook: That was a good timing!!
    FFR: Your crew is waiting at 42GR
    Brook: It’s been a long time, my heart is pounding with excitement….. although I don’t have one!!
    Managers: Damn you, traitor!!!
    Reporter: That’s right!! Musician Brook was a pirate!!

    Sanji: Roger that, 42GR it is?
    Franky: Yeah, we’ll see you later!!
    Zoro: What’s up?
    Sanji: Weren’t you listening? Let’s see… “Marines come”, “We run”, “To Ship” gotcha?
    Zoro: Why are you talking to me like a baby!!! Explain in sentences!!!
    Sanji: Well I figured this would be adequate for an idiot with muscles for brains..
    Zoro: Alright, I’ll cut you later. ….. anyways, what’s with the ruckus over there?
    Sanji: Hmm, you’re right… “over there”, “noisy”

    46GR Fake Strawhat gathering place
    Fake Luffy: One of the perpetraor has been found already!! First, I’ll let this man know his place!!!
    And keep in mind men, what I’m about to do this man is a warning to all of you on what happens to you if you disobey me!!
    Pirates: Kill him!!
    Luffy: Zoro! Sanji!! Do you know that guy? You see, earlier….

    Marine: Hold it right there pirates!!! Strawhat Luffy and his followers!! surrender quietly!!!
    This 46GR has been completely surrounded, there’s no place for you to escape!!
    Fake Luffy: Marines!!!
    Luffy: What…!? Why do the marines know I’m here!?
    Fake Sanji: Eh!? What are you talking about!!
    Fake Zoro: Captain!! We’re completely surrounded!!
    Fake Luffy: (Don’t panic!!! Why do you think I gathered all these men!! We have some 100 million + followers with us!)

    Pirates: It’s no good!! Big boss, please save us!! We’re gonna be wiped out by that human weapons!! Where is big boss Luffy!?
    Fake Luffy: Hurry, we’re out of here. How are we to take on someone that can easily take out Doughty!?

    Sentoumaru: ……..
    Fake Luffy: Whoa!?
    Pirates: Wooooww!! The big boss Strawhat is gonna fight for us!! Take them out, show us the 400 million power!!
    Sentoumaru: ….? Why are you being called Strawhat….?
    Fake Luffy: Hey you!!! Don’t you know who I am!? If you don’t want to be killed and your bowels yanked out…
    Open the way and let us through!! I am the son of Dragon!! And Grandson of Garp!! With the bounty of 400 millio….

    Sentoumaru: The “Strawhat” isn’t a piece of crap like you!!!
    Fake Luffy: Hbbboooo!!!!
    Pirates: Whaaaat!!? S…. Strawhat big boss….!!?
    Sentoumaru: I see, they’ve all been deceived into joining the Fake Strawhat crew…. PX-5, who is this?

    PX-5: Bounty 26 million…. Pirate “Three-tongued” DeMaro Black
    Pirates: !!? Fake!!?
    Fake Sanji: (They’ve found out!! Let’s get out of here, they’ll kill us!!)
    Pirate: What!!? Those bastards!! They used the name of Strawhat Luffy… and deceived us!? Because the real one is dead!!
    Albion: Damn them!! We were about to be used by some trash with bounty of 20 million or so!?
    Luffy: What!? They were impostoring us?? Sanji too!? Well, he’s a little different, but looks like him….
    Sentoumaru: THe one who deceived you is an idiot, but you being deceived by it ended your luck… I’m going to arrest all of you!!
    And…. coincidently the real Strawhat is here right now as well!! As soon as we entered this island, PX-5 identified him!! Target him, PX-5!!

    Pirate: What!?
    Luffy: Damn, that was close…. What do you think you’re doing!! I got important lunch in this bag!!

    Pirates: It’s the same face as the wanted poster!!!
    Fake Sanji: Gyaaaaa he was the real Strawhat Luffy!!!
    Marine: Get ready, we came here for the real one anyways!!
    Marine: Yes sir!!
    Luffy: You’re gonna get in my way again!? I was told not to cause ruckus or it’ll be hard to set sail!!
    Sentoumaru: Don’t worry, you don’t have to set sail… unlike 2 years ago, I’m officially a marine soldier!! I’ll arrest you right here and now!! Do it, PX-5!!

    Luffy: You’re too slow…. Gear 2… Gomu Gomu….

    Luffy: JET Pistol!!!
    Sentoumaru: He was wearing haki…!!
    Pirate: One hit…!!?

    Luffy: Shishishi!! See you later! I got the feeling I’ll see you again!
    Sentoumaru: Wait, Strawhat!!
    Zoro: Hey, Luffy!!
    Sanji: Luffy!! I knew it!! Why are you always in the smack middle of trouble!?
    Luffy: Heyyy!!! Zoro!! Sanji!! This time you’re real!! It’s been a long time, guys!!
    Sanji: Hm?
    Zoro: !!

    Zoro & Sanji: Out of my way!!!
    Zoro: It was me that cut him
    Sanji: No, I broke his neck!!

    Pirates: It’s the Strawhat pirates!!! The real one!! They are nothing like the fakes!!
    Zoro: Hey Luffy, you’re ninth
    Sanji: Shut up!! How proud are you of that!? Luffy hurry, everyone’s waiting at the ship
    Luffy: Yeah!! Man, I’m so happy, it’s been two years!!
    Marine: “Pirate Hunter” Zoro…!! “Black Leg” Sanji…. The whole gang is here on this island after all!! They’re alive!!
    Sanji: Hm!?
    Zoro: Hey, what’s up!?
    Luffy: …….

    Luffy: Rayleigh!!
    Pirates: ….. The…. the Dark King!?
    Rayleigh: Hahaha… I came to check up on you, but… it seems you’re alright. Your strength is even more refined…!!
    Luffy: Yeah!
    Rayleigh: Then go, hurry to your crew….
    Luffy: Ok, Rayleigh!! Thank you so much for these two years!!
    Rayleigh: Haha, we don’t need such formalities between us… hurry, go.
    Luffy: Rayleigh, I’m gonna do it!
    Rayleigh: ?

    Luffy: I’m going to be the Pirate King!!


    (Manly tears)


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