One Piece 555: Solo Spoiler

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  • #627326

    1) Postare, come dice il titolo, solo gli Spoiler (script e pics)! Per la loro discussione c’è l’apposito topic.
    2) Postare, possibilmente, script che abbiano almeno la traduzione in inglese (per una maggiore “leggibilità” da parte di tutti) con la relativa Fonte, il relativo Stato (Confermato, Incerto o Fake) e i dovuti Crediti.
    Script e Pics vanno rigorosamente sotto .
    3)Possibili fonti dove trovare spoiler confermati: Mangahelpers, apforums e 2ch.

    Topic riaperto

    Caesar VII

    Source: 2ch
    Verification: Pending
    Credits: ID:0if0vKpy0


    Caesar VII

    Source: AP
    Verification: Pending
    Credits: Dan Dangerously









    Credits: SVG

    Well, spoiler says the title is ‘Returning the favor’

    Flashback of Ace encountering and saving Oars Jr. while searching for Blackbeard

    Doflamingo laughs like a madman and goes on a rampage bloodying up Oars

    Oars tries to reach Ace but collapses

    Chapter ends with WB walking to the scene

    Amministratore del forum

    [SPOILER]Nja spoilers
    Title: Oars and kasa
    coverstory: Nami’s weather report in sky island
    (kasa is a type of buddhist hat)

    The story starts out with Oars rampaging through the marines.
    He’s about to break through their defence line.
    The giant marines say how they usually fight looking down, they’ve never fought looking UP
    They charge in to Oars Jr, but can’t stop him.

    Oars breaks through their defences, and the pirates follow him into the bay
    The first pirates to break through charges at Hancock, but she turns them all into stone
    She attacks with Aroma Kicks (Nja didn’t provide with furigana, so we don’t know what the
    move is really called, Aroma Kick is from the kanji)
    And the stoned pirates shatter into pieces.
    However, some marines got caught in the fray and shattered as well.
    Marines are questioning if she’s going to turn against them.
    Hancock replies, she agreed to fight Whitebeard, but you men are all still my enemies.
    Well, other than “that man”. You have to realize that. Forgive me… for my beauty.
    Marines become lovelydovey

    The unstoppable Oars comes right next to Whitebeard
    Whitebeard advises him that bravery and wanting to die is a different thing.
    Oars Jr asks him (politely) to understand him, he just wants to save Ace as soon as possible

    Whitebeard orders his men to support Oars, but Oars takes focused fire by the marines due to his size
    Still he gets to the square where Ace is held, but Kuma attacks him with Ursa Shock, and Oars is badly damaged.
    He has a huge kasa on his back, but that falls onto the sea.
    Oars stairs at it, as the scene goes to flashback….


    Amministratore del forum


    [SPOILER]second half of Nja spoiler

    Ace: Because you’re closer to the sun, I’ll give you this kasa!
    Ace’s crew: Because he’s fire, he burned this thing up twice while attempting to make it… take care of it!
    The kasa kept him from getting wet in rain, and stopped snow from gathering around him.

    Oars gets back on his feet, to save the gentle hearted Ace
    To at least take out one Shichibukai….
    He attacks DoFlamingo, but DoFlamingo casually dodges it, and flies up in the sky.
    He jumps to around Oars Jr’s head, then cuts off his right leg. (with a powerful unseen string?)
    Oars falls down, but he tries to reach out to grab Ace
    Moria: Damn that bastard Doflamingo!! I told him I wanted his corpse, but he goes and cuts off his leg!!
    He creates a long spear made of shadow, and stabs Oars in the heart.

    The chapter ends as Oars Jr die.

    First part is all Hancock ruleeeeezzzzz
    Second half is all Noooooooo OARSSSSsssssss[/SPOILER]

    Amministratore del forum

    Crediti:Nja[SPOILER]655 :んじゃ ◆bvOTKk1mXg :2009/08/25(火) 21:43:15 ID:XaOUBleV0




    Sorry to cut you guys off…

    Whether Oars died or not isn’t clear

    Hancock is trashing enemies up, but the only parts that’s shattering are the parts that got stoned. There’s some pirates and marines still talking as their right arm is crumbling, so it’s not clear if they are dead.

    I thought I should follow up on this.[/SPOILER]


    Traduzione Spoilers (e speriamo che stavolta siano veri!)

    [SPOILER]Nja spoilers
    Titolo: Oars e kasa (il kasa è un tipo di cappello buddista)
    Ministorie: Il bollettino metereologico di Nami nell’isola del cielo

    La storia inizia con Oars che si scatena sui marines.
    Riesce quasi a superare tutte le loro linee di difesa.
    Uno dei marines giganti dice che di solito loro combattono guardando in giù, non guardando in su.
    Affrontano Oars Jr, ma non riescono a fermarlo.

    Oars sfonda le difese e i pirati lo seguono nella baia
    I primi pirati a infiltrarsi si imbattono in Hancock che li tramuta in pietra.
    Hancock attacca con gli Aroma Kicks (Calci aromatici? Non c’è una traduzione più precisa del nome del colpo) e riduce in pezzi i pirati pietrificati.
    Anche alcuni marines si ritrovano in mezzo e vengono fatti a pezzi.
    I marines si domandano se Hancock si stia mettendo contro di loro.
    Hancock replica che lei è d’accordo a combattere BB, ma anche tutti gli uomini sono suoi nemici. A parte “quell’uomo”. Dice che tutti si devono convincere di questo e chiede perdono… per la sua bellezza. I marines si rincoglioniscono!

    L’inarrestabile Oars si avvicina a BB, che gli dici che il coraggio e il desiderio di morire sono cose differenti.
    Oars Jr chiede a BB di comprenderlo, vuole solo salvare Ace il prima possibile.

    BB ordina ai suoi uomini di aiutare Oars, ma questi, a causa della sua stazza, viene preso di mira dal fuoco dei marines.

    Oars si avvicina al patibolo su cui c’è Ace, ma viene attaccato da Kuma con l’Ursa Shock, e Oars viene ferito pesantemente.
    Oars porta un grosso Kasa sulle spalle, che cadein mare. Fissandolo, Oras piomba in un flashback

    Ace: visto che sei tanto vicino al sole, ti regalo questo kasa!
    Ciurma di Ace: Visto che è di fuoco, Ace ha bruciato il cappello due volte prima di riuscire a finirlo… tienilo con cura!
    Il Kasa lo protegge dalla pioggia e ferma la neve che si accumula attorno a lui.
    Oars torna indietro, per salvare Ace dal cuore gentile
    Per far fuori almeno uno della flotta dei 7…
    Attacca Doflamingo, che lo schiva e vola in cielo. Salta oltre la testa di Oars e gli mozza la gamba destra (con una corda invisibile?)
    Oars cade ma cerca di raggiungere e recuperare Ace
    Moria: Quel bastardo maledetto di Doflamingo! Gli ho detto che volevo il suo cadavere, ma quello è andato a tagliarli la gamba!!
    Crea una lunga lancia di ombra, e colpisce Oars al cuore.

    Il capitolo termina con la morte di Oars.[/SPOILER]

    Amministratore del forum


    Amministratore del forum


    [SPOILER]Keep in mind, this is a quickie spoiler translation off low grade camshots.
    THere are no spellchecks, fact check, name synch, nothing.
    so do not use it for scanlations, only for reference.

    pic 1
    Nami’s Weather Report vol.1
    Business at the legendary sky island of Weatheria

    pic 2
    Pirates: The giant squad is coming! They are going for Little Oars Jr!

    Giant 1: Looking up at someone… is a new experience for me.
    Giant 2: Yeah agreed.
    Giant 1: It’s our job to stop that thing!
    Marine: He size is unbelievable! It’s way beyond the normal of a giant race!
    Marine: Keep shooting!! It’s still a human, it should have effect on him!

    pic 3
    Little Oars Jr: Ow…
    Ace: Don’t, Oars!! With your size, you’re just gonna be a target for them!!
    LOJr: Ace-kun!!! I’m coming for you!!!

    pic 4
    *all screams*

    pic 5
    Pirates: Oars created an opening to the bay!! Follow him!!

    pic 6
    Pirates: Charge in to the bay!!
    VA 1: This isn’t good! Retreat, and strengthen the defence line at the bay!!
    Do not let them get to the plaza at all cost!!

    Marine: Vice Admiral Lacroix!!!!

    Whitebeard: Damn it Oars, A hero is not the same as someone seeking death.

    pic 7

    LOJr: Please don’t stop me pops! I want to save him, as soon as possible!! I want to save Ace-kun!!!
    Whitebeard: I know…!! You guys, wipe his ass for him! Support Oars!!!
    crew: Yeah!!!

    pic 8
    Marine: How are we supposed to fight something this big!?
    pirate: You better pay attention to us also, or we’ll crush you!
    Hancock: Slave Arrow!!

    pic 9
    Pirates: whoa… what happened to you guys?
    pirates: You’re the Pirate Empress, aren’t you!?
    pirates: wha…. my body… shattered

    pic 10
    oh god, the pic is too blurry to read the furigana.
    her aroma kick has a long foreign name to it

    pic 11
    marine: ….!! Damn you, you even attacked us marines…!!
    Hancock: I agreed to fight “Whitebeard”, but…. I did not say I will become your ally.
    To me, all men are the same whether they are enemies or ally. Other than “him”…
    I want you to consider me keeping our promise under this condition.
    Marine: What!?
    Hancock: Please… for my beauty?
    Marine: Damn… that… woman…. (trying to fight of temptation)
    pic 12
    Kuma: Ursa Shock!!!

    pic 13
    Marines: Whoaaaa!
    Ace: Oars!!!!

    pic 14
    Ace: Stop!! You won’t reach here!!

    Oars: What’s this?
    Ace: I learned how to make this in the country of Wano. Try it on!
    You’re closer to the sun

    Ace’s crew: Ace messed it up twice while making it. They burned up!
    That’s what he gets for sewing straw, when he’s made out of fire himself!

    Oars: Wow… this is much cooler!
    Ace: Well that’s good!

    back to present time

    Marines: Aim at Oars!!!

    page 15
    Oars: I don’t get wet in rain anymore….
    Oars’s crew: Captain Oars, why are you outside?
    Oars: I like this!

    pirates: Oars!
    pirates: I knew it, he’s a target practice!!
    Oars: I need to take out at least one Shichibukai…..
    Doflamingo: Hm?

    page 16
    Doflamingo: Heh heh heh heh….

    Oars’ crew: Captain… why are you outside again
    Oars: The snow won’t pile on me anymore… it’s not cold anymore!
    I really like this!

    page 17
    Doflamingo: This is FUN! Heh heh heh!!!

    page 18
    Ace: Oars!!!
    marines: he got to the plaza!!
    Oars: I’m almost there….
    Moria; Damn that Doflamingo! I told him I wanted his corpse, and he goes and cuts off his leg!!

    page 19
    Moria: Tsuno-Tokage!! (Horned Lizard!!)[/SPOILER]


    CAM RAW by Mirco

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