One Piece 548: Solo Spoiler

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  • #626238

    1) Postare, come dice il titolo, solo gli Spoiler (script e pics)! Per la loro discussione c’è l’apposito .
    2) Postare, possibilmente, script che abbiano almeno la traduzione in inglese (per una maggiore “leggibilità” da parte di tutti) con la relativa Fonte, il relativo Stato (Confermato, Incerto o Fake) e i dovuti Crediti.
    Script e Pics vanno rigorosamente sotto
    3)Possibili fonti dove trovare spoiler confermati: Mangahelpers, apforums e 2ch.

    Amministratore del forum









    毒男に変身したM2が直接 正義の門 を開けるように命令し

    扉が解放 船で先へ

    我慢できなくなったジンベエが事情を話し でんでん虫が繋がっていると…

    ルフィ達は号泣…最後の別れをし扉は無情にも閉まり 通信が途切れる








    Ok here it goes

    Everyone manages to board the escape ship however the Door of Justice will not open.

    They are seiged by Marine ships and engage further battle.

    They defeat most of the enemies when Jinbei says that actually…
    Mister 2 is the only way that the door can be opened.

    Mister 2 “I’ll explain myself later after we get out the door”

    Jinbei thinking but holding back his words: But if you do this you…

    (cut to)

    Mister 2 disguised as Poison man gives the order to open the Door of Justice.
    The door opens and the ship proceeds towards the exit.

    Jinbei couldn’t hold back his words any more so he decides to call Mister 2 on the den den mushi.
    (He knew from the beginning that Mister 2 was going to sacrifice himself for everyone else to escape)

    Luffy is wailing wildly on the Den Den mushi to Mister 2.
    They say their final farewells and the Door of Justice cruelly closes behind them.

    The real Poison man appears inside Impel Down and approachs Mister 2.
    Real Poison Man: What are your final words?

    Mister 2 seems happy and ready to die.


    I didn’t see some important pictures so I couldn’t remember the whole issue properly sorry.

    The Door of Justice was not able to be destroyed
    Mister 2 went back alone disguised as Poison Man to give the order to open and shut the door to a soldier
    in order let everyone escape.[/SPOILER]

    Amministratore del forum

    Fonte: APforum
    Stato: Confermato


    grazie a aohige APforum
    [SPOILER]pic 1
    Chapter 548: “Thank You”
    Coverstory is Franky being chased by cyborg animals

    pic 2
    Luffy: Yeah!! We reached the battleship!!

    pic 3
    ?: !!!
    ?: Oh yeah!! This was here…!!!

    pic 4
    ?: The gate is…. opening!!!
    pirate: What’s going on!? Why is the gate opening!?
    Mr.3: What’s going on? Is it a trap!?
    pirate: Uoooo Yes!!! I don’t know know why, but (rest cut off)

    pic 5
    Magellan: No, that is right… Has my decision ever been wrong?
    guard: No sir, I don’t mean that!
    Magellan: After you let their ship through, close the gate right away. Got that?
    guard: Yes sir!
    Marine: Do not let them get away! There’s no way that should be allowed! Fire!
    Marine: Is it Magellan’s orders!? What is he thinking!!
    I don’t understand the meaning of this!! Where’s Warden Magellan!?

    pic 6
    Magellan (real): What are you doing!! Who told you to open the “Gate of Justice!!!”
    Magellan (Bon): !
    guard: What!? Chief…Warden!?
    Magellan (real): !!?
    Magellan (Bon): …. Oh.
    Jinbei: …..
    Luffy: Are you serious!? Bon-chan…!?

    (more coming)[/SPOILER]

    scusate per la larghezza ma non riesco a stringere le immi

    Amministratore del forum

    The last pictures[SPOILER][/SPOILER]and translation from Aohige_AP:[SPOILER]pic 7
    Jinbei: We left behind hundreds of other fallen comrades also!!
    You want to return and fight Magellan!?
    There will be even more casualties!! And loss of time!
    Someone had to stay behind to open this gate!!
    Luffy: ……
    Jinbei: ……!!
    Bon (flashback): I’m the only one that can do this perfectly!
    I’ll open the “Gate of Justice”!!
    Jinbei (flashback): What do you plan to do afterwards…!!
    Bon: You know you shouldn’t ask that.
    Don’t tell this to Mugi-chan until the communication is cut off.

    pic 8
    Bon: That’s right, it’s me!! Hahahahaha!
    You fell for it again!!!
    guards: He was an imposter!

    Pic 9
    pirates: Bon-chan!! Brother Bon, answer!! Bon-chaaaan!!!
    Mr.3: Mr.2…!!
    Buggy: Mr.2, you…. I’m sorry, for everything!!
    Ivasan: Bon boy….!!!
    various voices: Bon chan!! Brother Bon!! Bon chaaaan!!
    Luffy: Bon-chan, the gate is closing…!!
    (rest cut off)

    Pic 10
    Luffy: THANK YOU!!!
    varioius voices: Brother Bon, thank you!!! Thank you!!!

    Pic 11
    Even in hell….
    A flower of friendship can blossom
    As the waves ebb and flow
    A flower petal is left behind
    I will blossom it again one day
    This Okama-way

    Pic 12
    Everyone: Bonchaaaaan!!
    Magellan: Do you have any last words?
    Bon: I’ve achieved my wish.
    (Let’s meet again.. in the Okama field)
    The last panel talks about how many prisoners escaped the Impel Down, but the pic is too blurry to read.
    “This was the biggest blunder ever in history of Impel Down…
    But the incident was not over yet”[/SPOILER]

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