Naruto 464: Solo Spoiler

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  • #627670

    1) Postare, come dice il titolo, solo gli Spoiler (script e pics)! Per la loro discussione c’è l’apposito .
    2) Postare, possibilmente, script che abbiano almeno la traduzione in inglese (per una maggiore “leggibilità” da parte di tutti) con la relativa Fonte, il relativo Stato (Confermato, Incerto o Fake) e i dovuti Crediti.
    Script e Pics vanno rigorosamente sotto .
    3)Possibili fonti dove trovare spoiler confermati: Mangahelpers, Narutofan e 2ch.

    Amministratore del forum

    Oltre alla conclusione dello scontro Sasuke-Raikage, secondo me ritorneremo sulla riunione dei Kage.
    Il Raikage, che ha dimostrato di essere una vera “bomba”, perderà quasi sicuramente il braccio o comunque quella sottospacie di “polsino”. Sasuke quindi verrà salvato dal nostro amico Madara e insieme se ne andranno (forse anche con Zetsu)…


    Source: 2ch & NF
    Credit: Nja
    Verification: Confirmed

    Nja- As I thought, it’s starts from the Guillotine Drop

    Sasuke moves the Amaterasu in front of him to oppose the attack

    その時 砂が雷影の攻撃を防ぎ吹き飛ばす
    That’s when sand rushes in to defend, and blow off the Raikage’s attack

    雷影 風影貴様場合によっては容赦はせんぞ!!
    Raikage: “Kazekage, you’d better have a good reason for me to forgive this!”

    ガアラ あんたにこれ以上怪我をされても困るからな
    Gaara: “Well, you’d be in some deep shit if you got yourself hurt anymore than you are now”
    雷影自分の腕を切り落とし シーに治療させる
    Raikage cuts off his own arm; C cures him

    Sasuke and Gaara have a conversation

    “Now you have the same eyes as I once did in the past”~It’s still not too late, come back with us”~

    “Even if I returned back, what would I have~?” “I’ve grown aware of it, but you should be able to see that small light as well”

    “My eyes have already been closed to the light; what’s left is only darkness”

    テマリ もうよせ~そいつは時期に国際手配になるそうしたらもう戻れる場所なんてないんだ~私情をはさむな !お前は風影だろう!!
    Temari: “Stop it already~That guy is to be internationally wanted, and once that happens, there won’t be any place for him left to go to~ Don’t let your personal feelings interfere! You are the Kazekage!”

    ガアラの左眼から涙が流れる  分かっている!! とヒョウタンからすべての砂を出す
    Tears fall from Gaara’s left eye “I understand!” He releases all his sand from his gourd

    Taking advantage of the chaos, Karin locates the Hokage’s location

    Scene change to meeting room

    居場所がばれたのでダンゾウは混乱になったら外に出るぞ とヒソヒソ 青が大人しくしていろと 一括
    Since the meeting room was exposed, Danzou whispers: “Let’s get out of here if it turns into mayhem”; To sum up what Ao says is something like: “You’ll be quiet”

    場面は戻り デイダラ妹 すごい!!
    Scene returns to Deidara’s sister [trans note: nja’s comment]: “Awesome!”

    すべての天照を砂でガードするガアラ サスケ「さすが絶対防御だな俺の炎遁をここまで防ぐとは な」
    Gaara guards against all of the Amaterasu with his sand. Sasuke: “Your absolute defense lives up to itself. Who would’ve thought you could defend against my Katon* [trans note: nja used the wrong “fire” kanji here*] to this extent…”

    ダルイが 加勢します私が最初に術を放つので一斉に皆さんも 風3人 おk!!
    Darui: “We’ll assist. Since I’ve been firing off jutsu since the beginning, now all of us and the three Sand shinobi can as well!”

    攻撃があたる瞬間にサスケのスサノオがついに現れる (真っ黒なスサノオ)
    The moment their attacks hit, Sasuke’s Susano’o finally appears (a pitch black Susano’o)

    カリン 以前のサスケじゃもうない 冷たすぎる><
    Karin: “Sasuke from before is now completely gone. So cold” >.<

    サスケ ガアラこれが俺の絶対防御だ!!
        両眼の万華鏡を開眼したときに得られる 第三のチート能力 スサノオだ!!
    Sasuke: "Gaara, this is my absolute defense! When I activated the Mangekyou in both of my eyes, I was able to attain the third cheat ability, Susano'o!"

    The end

    サスケのスサノオは まだイタチの様に完全じゃないっぽい
    Sasuke's Susano'o still isn't complete as Itachi's was

    ただの骨人形  頭蓋骨もあり骨が黒色です
    Another bone figure. There's a skull and the bones are black in color

    Around it is a pale grey type of aura that adorns [Susano'o]

    (To be honest, the color of the aura is pretty hard to explain but it's dark in color)

    ちなみに 最初に天照を食らった侍は カンクロウに宙に浮かされ
    By the way, around the beginning Kankurou floats the Samurai who ate the Amaterasu

    and has Temari strip him using Kamaitachi

    He gets messed up but he lives lol

    Since he was talking calmly when he opens his eyes, Sasuke seems in pretty good shape

    ただジュウゴは 試したかったのはこれの事か・・・ と呪い状態から人になっていて
    But Juugo: "Was..this what I wanted to test…?" from the cursed seal he turns human

    Seems like it was a dangerous state

    雷影は  シーまだか!? 
    Raikage: "C, I'm still waiting!"

    シー   もうすぐです 
    C: "Almost there"

    雷影   腕が回復しだいサスケに攻撃するぞ!!
    Raikage: "I'll need my arm restored to attack Sasuke!"

    He says it pretty gung-ho so he's in good health lol

    I wouldn't say it's due to him stopping the bleeding

    since after he cuts off his arm, it's burnt to ash…

    I thought Sasuke came off pretty cool

    Too bad Kurotsuchi had a one-word panel lol

    Wonder why Temari was out more than C or Darui

    It seemed that when Sasuke opened his eyes, blood didn't come out

    I think it's at the level after crying blood


    Amministratore del forum

    Source: Narutofan
    Credit: ShounenSuki
    Verification: Incerto

    [SPOILER]The Raikage’s attack is stopped by sand.
    The three Sand siblings and a woman appear.
    Gaara tries to persuade Sasuke by saying Sasuke is repeating him, but it ends in failure.
    They then fight; using sand, Sasuke’s vision is blocked and Amaterasu is avoided (At the same time, an eye of sand floats about).

    In the conference room, Danzou is planning to escape, so when the Byakugan holder grows tired,
    *due to not being the real thing, he uses the opportunity to put [everyone] in a Genjutsu.
    Zetsu is still tied to a tree
    The small person notices the genjutsu
    Danzou and co leave the conference room
    When the Sand Sibling combination repel the last attack of Amaterasu, Susanoo appear. It ends with this.[/SPOILER]

    Amministratore del forum

    Fonte:Tutto su Naruto
    Traduzione in italiano
    [SPOILER]Il capitolo inizia con il colpo che il Raikage sta per infliggere a Sasuke, sasuke però prova a contra porgli Amaterasu ma in quel momento Gaara interviene con lo scudo di sabbia.
    Raikage: Kazekage, farai meglio ad avere una buona ragione per aver fatto questo affinché possa perdonartelo!
    Gaara: bè… se non l’avessi fatto sarebbe stato nella m***a se si fosse fatto male ben più di quanto lo sia già

    Il Raikage si taglia il suo braccio e Shi lo cura.
    Gaara e sasuke poi hanno una conversazione
    Gaara: ora hai gli stessi occhi pieni di odio, che avevo io in passato. Non è ancora troppo tardi… torna a casa con noi
    Sasuke: anche se tornassi indietro che cosa avrei ?
    Gaara: sono cresciuto stando allerta ma dovresti comunque riuscire a vedere ancora quella piccola luce
    Sasuke: i miei occhi sono già chiusi e rifiutano la luce… ciò che rimane è solo l’Oscurità

    Temari: Ora basta Gaara… questo ragazzo è ricercato in tutto il mondo ninja e non ci sarà un posto per lui dove tornare! Non lasciare che le tue emozioni interferiscano! Tu sei il Kazekage!

    Delle lacrime scendono dagli occhi di Gaara: “Capisco” e poi rilascia tutta la sua sabbia

    Karin avvantaggiata da tutto quel Caos trova dove sia L’hokage

    [La scena passa a Meeting]
    Dato che la stanza del meeting è esposta dato il foro del muro danzou dice: “Usciamo da qui prima che diventi una situazione difficile”
    Ao gli risponde di stare zitto e buono.

    La scienza cambia su Akatsuki
    Akatsuki: “Fantastico”

    Gaara si difende dai colpi di Amaterasu con la sua sabbia.
    Sasuke: “La tua difesa assoluta riesce ad elevarsi da sola, chi avrebbe mai pensato che avresti potuto resistere al mio Amaterasu .

    Darui: “Noi l’assisteremo. Dato che fin dall’inizio non abbiamo fatto molto, noi e i tre shinobi della sabbia ci aiuteremo”

    Quando i jutsu del ninja attaccano sasuke, susanoo finalmente appare (ma non è ancora completo)

    Karin: “Il sasuke che conoscevamo non esiste più. Ora è così freddo”

    Sasuke: “Gaara, questa è la mia difesa assoluta! Quando attivo il Mangekyou Sharingan in entrambe gli occhi sono capace di richiamare la terza tecnica: Susano![/SPOILER]

    Amministratore del forum


    ———- Post added at 21:42 ———- Previous post was at 20:28 ———-

    [SPOILER]from Sho, translations:

    Their techniques

    Darui: Ranton: Razor Circus
    Kankurou: Akahigi: Kiki Sankaku
    Gaara: Rendan: Sunashigure
    Temari: Ookama Itachi

    Sasuke: Gaara…this is an absolute defense above even your own.

    Translation to Kankurou technique:

    I’m sure it’s 機き

    Red Secret Technique: Triangle Instrument (or some variant of that)


    ———- Post added at 23:01 ———- Previous post was at 21:42 ———-

    [SPOILER]From Shounensuki an explicit translation and explanation about the new techniques :

    Storm Release: Laser Circus (嵐遁・勵挫鎖苛素, Ranton: Reizā Sākasu).
    Like with the techniques of the Raikage and Killer Bee, this technique is an English phrase written in kanji. The kanji would literally mean “Encouraging Crushing Chain Tormenting Principle”. That is, if all the kanji I used were correct, it’s a bit difficult to see ><

    Scythe Weasel (大鎌いたち, Ookamaitachi).
    Temari's other techniques are Kamaitachi (カマイタチ, Sickle Weasel; a legendary creature who rides on the wind, giving people cuts. She also summons one) and Daikamaitachi (大カマイタチ, Great Sickle Weasel). For her new technique, the "dai" and "kama" were merged to form "ookama," the Japanese word for scythe (which is basically a large sickle).

    Red Secret Technique: Machinery Triangle )赤秘技・機々三角, Akahigi: Kiki Sankaku).
    The "[colour] Secret Technique" is a standard prefix for puppetry techniques. "Red Secret Technique" has been used before by Sasori for his "Red Secret Technique: Performance of a Hundred Puppets". The "kiki" part comes from Kankurou's earlier technique "Black Secret Technique: Machinery One-Shot".

    Successive Shots: Sand Drizzle (連弾・砂時雨, Rendan Suna Shigure).
    Rendan is the same as in the "Uzumaki Naruto Rendan" and usually refers to a combo piano piece, but literally means "connected or successive shots". Suna Shigure is the name of one of Gaara's earlier techniques.[/SPOILER]

    ———- Post added at 23:25 ———- Previous post was at 23:01 ———-

    Translation of all 4 pages by Shounensuki:
    [SPOILER]Page 1:
    Kankurou: These are inextinguishable flames… or should I say “Amaterasu”
    Gaara: “Samurai, step back. This problem belongs to the shinobi world.” “You samurai need not become victims.”
    Samurai 1: Ex… excuse us Kazekage-dono…
    Samurai 2: Uuh…
    Suigetsu: What happened?
    Page 2:
    Gaara: “Yes……” “I understand!”
    Page 3:
    Raikage: “Done yet C?”
    C: “Just a little more!”
    Darui: “Let’s combine our forces Sand-group” “I’ll take the first shot! You go on and keep showering him [with attacks] please!”
    Kankurou: “All right!”
    Darui: “Storm Release: Laser Circus!!”
    Temari: “Scythe Weasel!!”
    Kankurou: “Red Secret Technique: Machinery Triangle!!”
    Gaara: “Successive Shots: Sand Drizzle!!”
    Page 4:
    Sasuke: “Gaara… This is an absolute defence beyond yours”[/SPOILER]


    Credit: HPTR Fangirl

    Source: NF / edgarluvitug
    Credit: vari
    Verification: Confirmed

    i think i should post it here about sasuke new techinque(the spiky amaterasu manipulation used against the Raikage at the beginning)

    its called:

    from Sesha:


    Enton: kagutsuchi. Or, Flame Release: Kagutsuchi.

    from Yasha:

    From what I can read from the page where Sasuke uses the Amaterasu, Amaterasu is not a katon, but an Enton 炎遁. “En” also means fire, only much hotter
    from hexa:

    Another interesting note is that Sasuke casts Kagutsuchi from his right eye, the opposite eye that he uses for just regular Amaterasu. When he turned off the flames, he definitely used two eyes, and he seemed definitely pretty high on that ability.

    from stream:

    Trying to read what’s on last page:

    Karin: …That chakra… It is not the (same) Sasuke any more
    It is too (something)…!!
    Samurai: What… is that?
    Gaara: The power… of darkness?…
    Sasuke: The power that only receive those who (did whatever thing)
    The third (?) power… Susano-o

    It could also be the power of three somethings, but I doubt it, since Tsukiyomi, Amaterasu and Susano-o go by three.
    Susano-o is written with unusual characters, but I doubt it
    can be anything else.

    Source: 2ch/NF
    Credit: Ohana/Sho
    Verification: Confirmed

    シー 左目はアマテラス
    右目は その アマテラスの黒炎を形態変化させる能力とみて間違いないだろう。
    C- There should be no mistake about it; his left eye has Amaterasu while his right eye has the ability to manipulate the shape of Amaterasu’s black flames

    Sasuke’s pretty crafty

    フーは 感知タイプ カリンのチャクラを拾って
    Danzou’s attendant Fuu is a sensor type. He finds Karin’s chakra and tells Danzou

    In the midst of the chaos, Danzou looks like he wants to get out of there

    Details at 8 o’clock


    Source: 2ch/NF
    Credit: Ohana/Shounensuki
    Verification: Confirmed

    first part:


    464 闇の力…!!



    サスケ『炎遁・加具土命(えんとん かぐつち)』

    雷の蹴り~~に 砂が覆う


    カンクロ、クグツを出し 侍についてる黒炎を取る(侍の鎧の下普通の人間。)
    カンクロ『これが消えない炎 天照ってやつか…』
    ガアラ『侍達は下がっていろ これは忍の世界のゴタゴタだ


    ガアラ『あのままアンタが技を出せば 黒炎でさらに体を
    傷つける事になった  それに うちはサスケに話したい事がある』

    second part:

    左目は 天照…
    右目は その天照の黒炎を形体変化させる力とみて
    間違いないだろう…  本当にビーはサスケに捕まったかもしれない…

    昔ガアラ(言ったはずだ…お前は オレと同じ目をしていると…
    力を求め憎しみと殺意に満ち満ちている目…  オレと同じ…

    ガアラ『…復讐を生きる糧としても 何も解決はしない事をオレは実感してきた
    お前なら まだ間に合う…憎しみに取り憑かれ一人の世界に…逃げ込むな…
    サスケ『で…オレが帰ったとして… そっちには何がある?』
    テマリ『それに雷影や… ”暁”にやられた者達が黙っていない
    五影会議を襲撃した時点で国際手配される… どの道こいつに未来はない』
    ガアラ『…   サスケお前はオレと似ている… この世の闇を歩いてきた者…
    昔も… そして今も…』
    サスケ『オレはとっくに目を閉じた…   オレの目的は闇の中にしかない』
    カンクロ『私情は挟むな… お前は風影だぞ』
    ガアラ、一筋の涙を流しなが『ああ…  分かっている!』
    カンクロ、テマリ、ガアラ 戦闘態勢

    third part:



    いずれここに来るかもしれませんが どのように?』
    ダンゾウ『このままでいい… そいつらが来たらその混乱に乗じて外へ出る』

    青『こそこそ話すのはやめろ! 悪いがオレも感知タイプだ
    …敵にここがバレたのも分かっている  だがアンタ達は決して動くな

    サスケ『炎遁をここまでガードされるとはな 絶対防御健在だな』




    ダルイ『嵐遁・励挫鎖苛素!!(らいとん レイザーサーカス)』
    カンクロ『赤秘技 機々三角!!(あかひぎ ききさんかく)』
    ガアラ『連弾 砂時雨!!』

    ダルイ カンクロ テマリ ガアラ『!?』

    final part:

    サスケのまわりに スサノオ

    サスケ『ガアラ… お前以上の絶対防御だ』




    カリン(…このチャクラ… もう前のサスケじゃねエ… 冷たすぎる…!!)

    柱の影から様子見 侍(何だ…アは?)


    第三の力…   ”須佐能乎”だ』




    First part

    Along with his hatred… Sasuke sets like the sun…!?

    464: The power of darkness…!!

    Sasuke collapses
    He holds his left eye

    Raikage: “Guillotine Drop!!” (義雷沈怒雷斧, “Righteous Lightning Sinking Anger Lightning Ax”; a kick)

    From around the collapsed Sasuke’s surroundings, fire-covored bones appear
    Sasuke: “Flame Release: Kagutsuchi” (炎遁・加具土命, Enton: Kagutsuchi; Kagutsuchi is a God of Fire in Shinto and the one who brought death into the world by burning his mother Izanami to death as she gave birth to him)
    It seems the Raikage’s kick is stopped~~
    C: (That guy’s still…)
    Karin: (Sasuke~!!) She’s sensing chakra?
    The Raikage’s kick is~~~ stopped by sand
    Sasuke: “!!”
    Raikage: (Sand!!)
    Sasuke: “This is…!!”
    Samurai: “!”
    C: “!”

    Gaara is standing there
    Sasuke stands up: “Sabaku no Gaara…”
    Temari uses her fan: “Sickle Weasel Technique!!” (鎌イタチの術, Kamaitachi no Jutsu)
    Kankurou picks up the samurai like a puppet and removes the black flames (underneath the samurai armour is an ordinary person.)
    Kankurou: “These are inextinguishable flames, is this the Amaterasu…?”
    Gaara: “Samurai, step back. This problem belongs to the shinobi world. You samurai need not become victims.”
    Samurai, holding the burned samurai: “Ex… excuse us Kazekage-dono…”

    Despite still being stuck [to a wall] by a sword, Suigetsu is watching
    “…What’s happening?”

    Raikage: “Why this intrusion Kazekage!? I may forgive you, depending on your answer!!”
    Gaara: “If you used that technique like this, your body would become injured by the black flames. Besides, I would like to talk to Uchiha Sasuke”
    Raikage: “Hmpf!”
    Using his right hand, the Raikage cuts off his left hand. His left hand keeps burning.

    Second part

    Darui: “Bo-boss!!”
    Raikage: “C, hurry up and stop the bleeding! As soon as you’re done, I’m going after Sasuke again!!”
    C: “Yes sir”
    C treats the Raikage’s arm (He was able to touch the Raikage-sama while clad in the Raiton Armour… He took two big moves, yet he still lives… His left eye has Amaterasu… and it seems there’s no doubt his right eye has the power to transform the shape of the Amaterasu’s black flames… Perhaps Bee really has caught by Sasuke… The Shinobi World… could it be there is more in store for it…?)

    Gaara: “Your eyes are the same as before…”
    Sasuke, still with his left closed, remembers a conversation with the old Gaara
    Old Gaara: (I expected you to say that… You have the same eyes as mine… Eyes filled with intent to kill and power-seeking hatred… The same as I… Eyes that are aching to kill the people that drove you into the hell called loneliness)

    Sasuke: “…”
    Gaara: “…Even if revenge is what you live for, I feel it won’t resolve anything. There is still time for you… In the world of a person obsessed with hatred… there is no refuge… There won’t be a place to come home to”
    Sasuke: “If I did return home… what would be there [for me]?”
    Kankurou: “Gaara… stop this… Didn’t even Naruto fail at persuading him? That guy’s now nothing more than an Akatsuki, a criminal… He’s different from you”
    Temari: “Besides, people who were hurt by the Akatsuki… people like the Raikage won’t be silent. From the point he attacked the meeting of the Five Kage, he became internationally wanted… There is no future for this guy”
    Gaara: “…Sasuke, you are similar to me… A person who walks in the darkness of the world… That’s why even just a tiny glimmer of hope should get though to you… In the past… as well as now…”
    Sasuke: “I closed my eyes long ago… For my goals, I have to be in darkness”
    Kankurou: “Don’t let your personal feelings blind you… You’re the Kazekage”
    Temari: “Gaara”
    Sand comes out of Gaara’s gourd
    One tear flows from Gaara’s eye “Yes… I understand!”
    Kankurou, Temari, and Gaara prepare for battle
    Bones surround Sasuke’s body

    Third part:

    A picture of the place of the meeting

    Karin: (I found it! Danzou’s there too! I have to tell Sasuke immediately! But… near him is nothing but powerful chakra)

    Fuu: “!” (As I thought, there’s a sensing type)
    Fuu whispers in Danzou’s ear: “It seems there’s a sensing type among the enemy. It’s possible they could come here sooner or later. What should we do?”
    Danzou: “It’s all right as it is… If those guys come here, we’ll take advantage of the chaos and go somewhere else”

    Ao: “Stop that sneaky conversation! Too bad, but I’m a sensing type too. I also know this place has been found by the enemy. However, by no means will you guys make a move. We’ll deal with the enemy”
    Tsuchikage: (It looks like this conversation turned rather interesting)

    From the shadow of a pillar, Kurotsuchi is watching Sasuke’s fight (A-awesome…)
    Gaara fights while protecting Kankurou and Temari with sand
    Sasuke: “So you can guard against the Enton all this way. Your absolute defence is in good shape”

    Raikage: “Done yet C?”
    C: “Just a little more!”

    Darui: “Let’s combine our forces Sand-group” “I’ll take the first shot! You go on and keep showering him [with attacks] please!”

    Sand is floating in the air

    Darui: “Storm Release: Laser Circus!!”
    Temari: “Scythe Weasel!!”
    Kankurou: “Red Secret Technique: Machinery Triangle!!”
    Gaara: “Successive Shots: Sand Drizzle!!”
    Sasuke: “Gaara… This is an absolute defence beyond yours”

    Karin: (Th-this is!!) “!?”
    Darui, Kankurou, Temari, Gaara: “!?”

    Final part:

    Surrounding Sasuke is Susanoo

    Sasuke: “Gaara… This is an absolute defence beyond yours”

    Raikage: “Is that what he used to guard against my attack…?”
    C: (This chakra… It’s the same as that genjutsu before…!)

    Suigetsu: “What’s this… This is getting dangerous…”

    Juugo is buried under a wall: “Uhh…” (Is that… what he said he wanted to try out!?)

    Karin: (…This chakra… He’s no longer the Sasuke from before… He’s beyond cold…!!)

    The samurai are waiting and watching from the shadow of a pillar: “What… is that?”

    Gaara: “The power… of darkness…?”

    Sasuke: “The power obtained only by those who activated the Mangekyou in both eyes… The third power… This is ‘Susanoo’ ”

    Sasuke’s darkness is far too powerful!!

    The end!! Bye~☆

    Being this powerful, if Sasuke doesn’t weaken at some point, Naruto will never win… [/SPOILER]

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