Bleach 422: Solo Spoiler

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  • #631251

    Nella seguente discussione potrete trovare gli spoilers di Bleach 422.
    1)Postare, come dice il titolo, solo gli Spoiler (script e pics)! Per la loro discussione c’è l’apposito topic.
    2)Postare, possibilmente, script che abbiano almeno la traduzione in inglese (per una maggiore “leggibilità” da parte di tutti) con la relativa Fonte, il relativo Stato (Confermato, Incerto o Fake) e i dovuti Crediti.
    Script e Pics vanno rigorosamente sotto .
    3)Possibili fonti dove trovare spoiler confermati: MangaHelpers e 2ch.


    Credit: maaru/mymangaspoilers
    Verification: Confirmed
    Fonte: MS[SPOILER]
    422 the silent story

    In SS’s Karakura, Karakura’s repairs and recovery are underway, while Mayuri’s subordinates prepare to transition it back.
    町中に死神がいる状態で転移をしようとするマユリをセンカイ門なしでの転移は(死神が)危険ですと隊員が止 める。
    In the middle of town, Mayuri tells the shinigami taking stock of the situation for transfer that there won’t be Senkaimon for transfer because there’s danger, so they halt.
    “The margin of error is only 10!”, so he screams at his subordinates to ‘Hurry-! You’ll die–!’.
    “Your naivete is gonna make me puke”, says Mayuri.

    ひよりの治療を終え、一先ずは大丈夫でしょうと卯の花。助からへんかもしれんの!?と聞くリサ に、
    I’m finishing Hiyori’s treatment, but for now she’ll be alright, says Unohana, to Lisa who’s been asking if she’s saved.
    おおきにな・・・卯の花サンと平子。なぜお礼を言うのですか?仲間の命を救うのに、お礼の言葉などいりませ んと卯の花。
    Thank you… Unohana-san, says Hirako. “Why would you need to thank me? I’m merely saving the lives of our nakama, your words of gratitude are unnecessary”, says Unohana.
    仲間のつもりないわ、ボケェってひよりやったら言うやろなぁとつぶやく平子。そしてもういちどおおきにな・ ・・卯の花サンと礼をいう平子。
    “I wasn’t planning on being nakama, but that idiot Hiyori got that badly hurt…” Hirako sighs. “So I will thank you again…. Unohana san,” says Hirako.

    SSに戻ってきた白哉と剣八(とやちる)を迎える隊員たち。ケガをみて救護班を呼ぶ隊員。今回の戦いはいか がでしたか?ときく隊員に、つまんねぇ戦いだったぜと剣八。
    Kenpachi (and Yachiru) and Byakuya arrive at SS and meet their divisions. They call for the medical division for their wounds. “How was the fighting?”, asks his division, “it wasn’t boring,” says Kenpachi.

    虚圏。大の字に倒れているヤミー。そこにアンアンと鳴き声。虚ろな目で、鳴き声のほうをみるヤミー。そこに は嬉しそうにしっぽをふる破面の犬。
    Hueco Mundo. The puppy approaches the fallen Yammi. It barks loudly. A blank eye opens, and Yammi looks toward the barking. The puppy wags it’s tail happily.
    なんでついて来てんだよ・・・バカ犬が・・・とつぶやくヤミー。そのまま白目になるヤミー。( 死んだ?)
    “Why’d ya come here… Stupid dog…” sighs Yammi. Then his eyes go white. (he died?)

    In SS’s Karakura town, Ichigo’s standing while Urahara’s shouting at him. Everyone’s asking Ichigo
    皆さん黒崎サンに話したそうでしたけど、同じくらい話しかけづらそうでしたんでと続ける裏腹に、まさか記憶 を?と一護。
    “I know everyone wants to talk to Kurosaki-san, but, please it’ll have to be the same story…, Urahara continues, “No way, what’re you gonna to their memory?” says Ichigo.
    今回はいじってませんと答える裏腹に、よかった、もう隠すのもイヤだしな、戻ったら俺の口から伝えるよと明 るく答える一護。
    “This time I won’t change it”, Urahara laughs, “Oh, that’s good, I won’t have to hide it anymore, I don’t want to have to explain again, ” laughs Ichigo.
    “Well, the sealed Aizen will have to be dealt with by central 46, ” says Urahara.
    “Oh yeah, that..” Ichigo says, “Why are you making that face?” asks Urahara.
    自分にもよくわからない、そう答える苺に、アナタは正しいことをしたんだからそんな顔をする必要はないとい う裏腹。
    “I don’t know, ” Ichigo smiles, “You don’t need to make that face when you did the right thing,” says Urahara.
    すると苺は、愛染は本当に宝玉に拒絶されたのかな?ときく。親父が、宝玉の能力は周囲の心を取り込んで具象 化することだといってた。
    Ichigo asks, “Are you sure that Aizen’s truly been rejected by the Hougyoku now? Dad says that the Hougyoku has the ability to detect and confuse the hearts around it.”
    “It that’s so, what if Aizen’s ambitioned power was actually gone…” he wonders.
    “While I was fighting on par with him, I was able to feel his sword,” says Ichigo, “That sword was asking not to be left in solitude.”
    愛染が生まれたときから飛びぬけてたなら、愛染はずっと自分と同じ目線に立ってくれる誰かを探してたんじゃ ないのかな、
    だから、それがみつからないと諦めた瞬間から、心のどこかでただの死神になりたいって願ってたんじゃないの かな・・・と続ける一護。
    “From the point of Aizen’s birth had passed, Aizen’s always had his gaze on someone as if he’s been searching for it, I think,
    That the moment he gave up because he couldn’t see it, I wonder where his desire to be a shinigami in his heart went to….” says Ichigo
    そこに黒崎くん?と声をかける人物。振り向くとそこには井上をはじめ、石田、チャド、ルキアに レンジが。
    Someone asks, “IS that Kurosaki-kun?”. The view pans around to Orihime, then Ishida, Chad, Rukai and Renji.
    もう起きて大丈夫なのかよと声をかける一護に、貴様こそなんだその・・・とルキアが言いかけた ところで、
    Ichigo wonders, “I wonder if it’s alright to wake up now,”, “What do you mean, you idiot…” says Rukia
    井上が、やっぱり黒崎君だ・・・髪が長いからちがんじゃないかと・・・よかった・・よかったあと泣きながら 喋る。
    Orihime says, “It’s really Kurosaki-kun… I thought I couldn’t be wrong but your hair’s gotten long so…. Thank…. Thank goodness,” while tears well up in her eyes.
    “Of course it’s me, my head’s just messed up all over… ” and Ichigo collapses.
    “Ichigo!” everyone shouts, “Aaaaaaaaaaaaaa” Ichigo shouts, and it’s off to next issue.[/SPOILER]

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