One Piece 726: Ipotesi e Discussione Spoiler

  • Questo topic ha 43 risposte, 22 partecipanti ed è stato aggiornato l'ultima volta 10 anni, 6 mesi fa da eros.
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  • #634482
    Caesar VII

    Per le ipotesi forse non c’è molto tempo visto che i primi spoiler usciranno forse già domani.
    Ad ogni modo io credo sarà un capitolo dedicato al Girone D e alla presentazione di ogni singolo partecipante (già iniziata nel capitolo scorso con Rolling Logan), come fu per gli altri gironi.

    Auspico anche che inizino già le prime defezioni cosicché il girone non duri più di 2-3 capitoli.

    Oda però potrebbe mostrarci ancora la discarica dei giocattoli (la cui entrata sembra il tunnel della sigla dei Looney Tunes) e i futili tentativi dei suoi prigionieri per uscirvi; ovvio che Doflamingo si è attrezzato per far si che non succeda. Parrebbero quindi confermate tutte le teorie fatte già da un bel po’ sulla riproposizione dei vari partecipanti al torneo come giocattoli combattenti (agli ordini di Doflamingo, magari da schierare contro i Mugiwara). Ecco quindi perchè Oda si è impegnato tanto a dare un minimo di caratterizzazione a tutti loro.

    Girone D:


    Credo (e spero) che il capitolo sarà incentrato principalmente sulla discarica e sullo scontro Dofla – Law, con magari un pò di spazio dedicato al blocco D e Bartolomeo. Secondo me, tutti quelli che son fuggiti con la Sunny non li rivedremo presto, ma compariranno “a sorpresa”, per sbloccare qualche situazione complicata che si creerà in seguito. Sono quasi certo che Oda invece farà tutt’altro, smentendomi per l’ennesima volta :asd:


    Non credo che, se verrà fatto vedere, lo scontro Law/DoFla durerà molto visto il divario di forze (essenzialmente Law dovrà fuggire).
    Mi interessa di più gli scontri nell’arena e le vicende sotto.


    uhmm vediamo un po’…
    Se Oda avesse davvero progettato di mostrarci solo DF (che si presenta a palazzo o al colosseum) affermando che Law è morto (v. mia ipotesi nel thread precedente)…
    la cosa sarebbe logico avvenisse tra uno o due capitoli e quindi questo (e gran parte del prossimo) potrebbe essere un capitolo totalmente dedicato al blocco D :sisi:
    In caso contrario, per rispettare la contemporaneità degli eventi, è probabile si veda qualche altro straglio dello scontro…
    Gli altri fronti credo possano essere temporaneamente congelati…
    vedremo :mah:

    :mah: va bene anche quale risposta alla domanda fattami nel thread precedente… sul perché WSJ anticipa l’uscita…
    In Giappone è il 3 novembre ad essere festivo (il giorno della cultura)… e quest’anno cade di domenica…

    ———- Post added at 11:53 ———- Previous post was at 11:38 ———-

    Se il tema di questo numero del WSJ sarà Halloween (ad influenzare la copertina della rivista e altro) allora si potrà presumere che abbiano deciso di “cavalcare meglio” quello che, sebbene in misura ridotta rispetto ad altri paesi, è un fenomeno commerciale anche in Giappone. :sisi:


    Oddio, Acilia! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

    TVRX T-T

    Oddio, Acilia! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

    Che c’hai contro la povera Heidi del nord?

    Comunque, concordo con voi: capitolo probabilmente incentrato sul Colosseo, dove potremmo ritrovare Zoro e Kinemon all’interno delle mura; una Rebecca in difficoltà, (aiutata, magari, da Cavendish); e i nostri teneri prigionieri, che tenteranno certamente di uscire, ma probabilmente verranno fermati prima, (magari dal fantomatico Pica e i suoi tirapiedi).

    Come fronte random, io punto sulla Sunny: magari sarà già nei pressi di Zou. :mah:


    Credit: Redon
    Source: APF

    [SPOILER]- More fighters get trapped into the basement, including Boo, Ideo and Kelly Funk.
    – Ricky reveals his true identity. He is the former king of Dressrosa and Rebecca’s grandfather.
    – Sai says their original purpose was to investigate weapons that export from Dressrosa.
    – Trébol uses his powers to kidnap Sai and transforms him into a toy.
    – Finally Bartolomeo finds Luffy.
    – Tontatta Kingdom was a slave of Donquixote family 900 years ago until they got released from Dressrosa’s new king 800 years ago.
    – Toy Soldier also reveals he is Rebecca’s father.

    End of chapter.[/SPOILER]

    ———- Post added at 08:37 ———- Previous post was at 08:31 ———-

    Tutti (o quasi) i misteri svelati in un solo capitolo…
    Sembrerebbe si stia “accelerando”… inaspettatamente :sisi:

    ———- Post added at 08:49 ———- Previous post was at 08:37 ———-

    Quindi il tipo che sembra avere il frutto mocio mocio… sarebbe il giocattolatore?
    Non l’avrei mai pensato possibile…

    Amministratore del forum

    Credit: Redon
    Source: APF

    [SPOILER]- More fighters get trapped into the basement, including Boo, Ideo and Kelly Funk.
    – Ricky reveals his true identity. He is the former king of Dressrosa and Rebecca’s grandfather.
    – Sai says their original purpose was to investigate weapons that export from Dressrosa.
    – Trébol uses his powers to kidnap Sai and transforms him into a toy.
    – Finally Bartolomeo finds Luffy.
    – Tontatta Kingdom was a slave of Donquixote family 900 years ago until they got released from Dressrosa’s new king 800 years ago.
    – Toy Soldier also reveals he is Rebecca’s father.

    End of chapter.[/SPOILER]

    ———- Post added at 08:37 ———- Previous post was at 08:31 ———-

    Tutti (o quasi) i misteri svelati in un solo capitolo…
    Sembrerebbe si stia “accelerando”… inaspettatamente :sisi:

    ———- Post added at 08:49 ———- Previous post was at 08:37 ———-

    Quindi il tipo che sembra avere il frutto mocio mocio… sarebbe il giocattolatore?
    Non l’avrei mai pensato possibile…

    sempre che non usi un oggetto “fruttato” per la trasformazione in giocattolo tipo spada pandman?

    Amministratore del forum

    sono talmente curioso di vedere dove sta la vera forza di doflamingo. insomma fino a questo momento per quel poco che si è visto mi è sembrato un combattente potente però non superiore ad un ammiraglio. comunque se si trova a ricoprire quel posto ed in più riesce a tenere sotto scacco il governo ed il mondo criminale significa che sotto ci sarà un bel motivo.


    sempre che non usi un oggetto “fruttato” per la trasformazione in giocattolo tipo spada pandman?

    Gli oggetti fruttati, dovrebbero essere sempre di tipo zoo zoo :sisi: Ciò non toglie che magari qualche scienziato pazzo (vegapunk) abbia trovato un metodo per far ingerire rogia o paramisha alle armi :sisi:
    Comunque mi ha sorpreso scoprire Trebol giocattolaio :sisi:


    Credit: Ishuhui/Divvens
    Source: -/OJ
    [SPOILER]- More of the defeated contestants end up in the underground area with the other defeated contestants.
    – The warrior with the sword Ricky is originally Dressrosa’s King and grandfather of Rebecca. He was a generous, kind and liberate ruler.
    – Since Doflamingo came to power, there’s been wars in the country and surroundings (not sure about “in country”). Doflamingo under his alias JOKER makes big profit selling weapons in warn torn areas.
    – Some of the contestants were here in Dressrosa to investigate the shipment of weapons.
    – Sai get’s “sucked” by something and reaches Trebol, Trebol turns him into a toy.
    – Luffy tries to get a better view to watch the ongoing battle of the block, Bartolomeo spots him.
    – 900 years back, the Dwarves set out to the sea to explore, find resources to survive and learn more about the humans.
    – The King ruling back then (From the Donquixote Family) sheltered the Dwarves, but made them sign an unfair labor treaty.
    – Dwarves were sent into a dark era of slavery to make Dressrosa richer.
    – The Riku family came to power later, and the king liberated the Dwarves from the unfair treaty, and handed them Green bit as a act of charity (I’m not sure about this, but “green bit” was given to the dwarves).
    – The Dwarves made flourished in green bit and took great care of it and swore to make it thriving as a symbol of gratitude.
    – Everything was fine until Doflamingo showed up, the nightmare began again.
    – Thunder Soldier (Toy Soldier) is Rebecca’s Father.


    Amministratore del forum

    nello spoiler si dice solo che trebol preleva sai grazie al suo potere e poi lo trasforma in un giocattolo, non si dice che usa il suo potere per trasformarlo in giocattolo, perciò può essere anche che fra la cattura e la trasformazione ci sia un altro personaggio che per il momento non viene rivelato.
    Comunque si farà più chiarezza con l’ uscita del capitolo, anche se sinceramente preferirei che si avverasse la mia previsione che vedeva la bambina come “giocattolaia” 😀


    ma dovrebbe uscire domani il capitolo ??? sembrerebbe interessante anche se con poca azione

    TVRX T-T

    Credit: Redon
    Source: APF

    [SPOILER]- More fighters get trapped into the basement, including Boo, Ideo and Kelly Funk.
    – Ricky reveals his true identity. He is the former king of Dressrosa and Rebecca’s grandfather.
    – Sai says their original purpose was to investigate weapons that export from Dressrosa.
    – Trébol uses his powers to kidnap Sai and transforms him into a toy.
    – Finally Bartolomeo finds Luffy.
    – Tontatta Kingdom was a slave of Donquixote family 900 years ago until they got released from Dressrosa’s new king 800 years ago.
    – Toy Soldier also reveals he is Rebecca’s father.

    End of chapter.[/SPOILER]

    ———- Post added at 08:37 ———- Previous post was at 08:31 ———-

    Tutti (o quasi) i misteri svelati in un solo capitolo…
    Sembrerebbe si stia “accelerando”… inaspettatamente :sisi:

    ———- Post added at 08:49 ———- Previous post was at 08:37 ———-

    Quindi il tipo che sembra avere il frutto mocio mocio… sarebbe il giocattolatore?
    Non l’avrei mai pensato possibile…

    [SPOILER]Trebol? Azz, e io che speravo in Pica. Chissà come funzionerà. E chissà perché, dopo un ritmo abbastanza pacato, (dal punto di vista dei misteri), vogliano subito accelerare. :mah:[/SPOILER]


    Credit: Aohige
    Source: APF
    [SPOILER]Sai notices Ideo, Kelly, and Boo falling to their pit.
    Tank Repanto approach Ricky, and tells him I’ve had this feeling all along…are you not.. my majesty, King Riku?
    Ricky takes his helm off. He looks like Heihachi from tekken but with a cupid mayo baby hair on the forhead.
    Riku Doldo the third, former king of Dressrosa

    Tank bursts in tears, rejoicing to see his king alive.
    Tank’s disloyalty to Doflamingo was because he was royal to the Riku royalty.
    Riku guessed Tank was looking after Viola’s safety all along, and that he would never question his loyalty.

    King Elizabello comes over and hugs Riku, glad to see his old friend alive.
    Riku helped out his nation many times, and Elizabello is tired of all the warfare in the neighboring nations after Riku’s disappearance.
    Sai says there is someone benefiting greatly from all the war in the region.
    Doflamingo is making a fortune off by manipulating the war from behind,and selling weapons to all sides.
    Even their home nation of Ka no Kuni is caught in the wars.

    Sai and his group were sent by the king of Ka, to investigate and destroy the weapon smugglers.
    He blames Riku for losing his head and allowing Doflamingo to become a king for all the wars in the region.
    To this Dagama agrees, telling his king that even though Riku was a friend in the past, they should alienate from him.
    Enraged, Tank tells Riku he doesn’t know the truth that transpired ten years ago.

    Riku stops Tank, but Tank tells him he’s a soldier loyal to your majesty.
    Many gladiators stands up and announce that they are soldiers of Riku as well.
    Some of the toys stands up with them.
    Many soldiers and toys kneel before their king.

    Hack, hidden from others, communicates with someone on a small Den Den mushi.
    He reports that with such a huge pit underground, there may be more hidden secrets here.
    The person on the other side of the communication acknowledges, and tells him to continue his recon.

    Just then, a blob of slime stretches down, and snags Sai away.
    Shortly later, Sai is turned into a monkey toy.
    Trebol gives him orders.. “Do not harm humans” “Obay the Family”, now head to the factory.
    Sai is conscious, but cannot not disobey the orders, and his body moves on its own…

    Meanwhile in Colosseum
    Luffy is cheering on Rebecca, and tells the TV to show her more instead of Cabbage.
    He heads to a better spot to see the fights, but before that he chats with the gladiators there.
    He tells him how he though this country was fun and happy, but seeing them, that doesn’t seem like the whole truth.
    The gladiators tell him how this nation exist both light and dark, and the losers are thrown in the darkness.
    If you take out the trash (losers) of course the country will look clean and bright.
    Luffy tells him it reminds him of the country he grew up in.

    As Luffy leaves, Barto finds him. *bursts into tears of joy*

    At the flower garden:
    The elder explains their history. The Tontatta faced extinction every time they encountered humans in the past.
    But the king of Dressrosa at the time, Doflamingo, offered them resource and safety in return for small amount of labor.
    But in truth, it was a slave system. Enslaved, the Tontattas were locked underground and abused.
    Due to their slave work, the people of Dressrosa flourished in wealth.

    But after the “Void Century” all changed. A new king appeared in Dressrosa. King Riku.
    Riku found out about the Tontattas, cried, and apologized to them for all the cruelty.
    He promised them that they can take any resource they need for survival from his country, he’ll simply chalk it up to “fairies did it”.
    Thus the fairy legend was created in Dressrosa.

    Riku royalty were generous rulers. They were never very wealthy, but always helped others in needs, including neighboring nations.
    But the the 800 years of ties with Riku and the Tontattas were broken 10 years ago when Donquioxte, the descendant of the Doflamingos took the throne. He plans to reenact the terrible history of the past. He’s already claimed 500 Tontattas, including the elder’s daughter princess Manshelly.

    Hearing their tale, Usopp riles up for a battle, while Franky sheds tears for them.
    Robin asks why the girl on the screen is being jeered on by the crowd for being the granddaughter of Riku then?
    The toy soldier explains that the King lost the favor of his people 10 years ago, but they don’t know the truth of what transpired.
    The king was trying to protect his own country the whole time. Doflamingo tried to rid all the Rikus at the time, but he took Rebecca and fled. But at last they’ve been caught and now she’s an exhibition at the Colosseum…!
    He couldn’t protect her mother, but he’ll protect Rebecca and King Riku’s trust with all his life.
    Usopp asks him exactly who are you?

    The soldier replies that although she wouldn’t remember him after he’s been turned into a toy, he is the true father of Rebecca.

    End of chapter.

    ———- Post added at 07:35 ———- Previous post was at 07:35 ———-

    Credit: Kaze1028
    Source: APF


    ———- Post added at 07:52 ———- Previous post was at 07:35 ———-

    uhmm ho visto le raw…
    effettivamente, non viene mostrata la trasformazione di Sai….
    quindi ci sono ancora buone speranze che il giocattolatore non sia trebol

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