Reply To: Naruto 511: Solo Spoiler


Fonte: 2ch/MH
Crediti: Ohana/saldesu
Tipo: testo

511 帰ってこよう

表紙は 長門 コナン 弥彦



マダラ (少し手間取ったな 行くか…)
コナン 水辺にて死亡(浮かんでる)

小さい板3枚並べ 蛙の着ぐるみを着た ジライヤ コナン 弥彦
ジライヤ 一番右がコナン 中央が弥彦… で左が長門のものだ
弥彦 何だそれ?
ジライヤ これは かえる板という
弥彦 かえる板?
ジライヤ うむ… これは表は赤 裏は白になっていて このように板はひっくり返る!
ニヤケル ジライヤ
ジライヤ 外出するときはこれをひっくり返して白にしてから出掛ける… ちなみにこの絵は もうすぐ帰ると 言う合図になっている!
弥彦 …いや…何なんスか さっきから… ガマ仙人だから大目に見てるだけっすよ このかえる の押し
ニヤケル ジライヤ
コナン … でもなんでそんな事しないとダメなんですか?
ジライヤ この辺はまだ治安が悪い… いつこの場所が狙われるかも分からん… 実わアジトに居る時が狙われ やすい
…居場所がバレバレな分 奇襲などかけられやすいからのう
コナン つまり板が赤のままなのにアジトにその人がいないときは敵にさらわれたとか 白なのに部屋にずっと いるってことは
変化した敵って可能性も考えられる… そういうのがすぐに分かるって事でしょ?
ジライヤ そんなところだ… よく理解してるのうコナン 弥彦とちごーて
弥彦 俺だって分かってましたよ!! …なんとなく…
ジライヤ とにかく四人だけの暗号として各々存在確認を常にしておく! つまりアジトに居るときも気が抜け ない状況だって事だ
一応地下の隠し部屋と そこから外に出る抜け道もつくっておいた なにかあった時はここから外に逃げろ ち なみにお前らの後ろのが
ワシの板だ  さてではそろそろ 蛙の面に水お修行に行くか! 蛙に成りきり何事にも動じない忍耐を鍛える 修行だ!!
弥彦 よっしゃー!! さっさと行こうぜ!皆ア!!
長門 弥彦…本当に分かってんのかな… 今回はさっき先生がやってくれたけど…
弥彦 オレはもっともっと強くなって そんでもってこの国を変える!!
微笑む コナン 長門
ニンヤリ笑う 弥彦
ジライヤ 国を変える前にまず かえる板をひっくり返せのう!!(ワシもさっきあんな顔しとったかのう…恥 ずかしいのう…)

修行 ごはん そしてジライヤとの別れ
ジライヤの かえる板はひっくり返ったまま

3人で 修行 戦闘…

アジトにて コナンが長門の治療をしてる
眼が合う二人 なんだかいい雰囲気。

弥彦 組織も大きくなってきた… アジトもうつらないとな…
コナン こことも今日でお別れね…
長門 ああ…
弥彦 ここでオレ達は変わった… 力をつけた 全てはここから始まった 俺たちは夢の実現のためにここより 出発する!そして…
コナン かえる板をひっくり返す
弥彦 かえる板ひっくり返す
その時 クナイに起爆札がついたのが アジトに
敵 どこへ行った?
長門 隠し部屋が最後に役に立つとはね
弥彦 とんだ出発になっちまったけど… この国らしい感じだな さあ行くぞ!長門!コナン!

俺達の夢の実現のためにここより出発する!そして…オレ達の夢がかなったら たとえバラバラになったとして も…

コナンの紙が飛び アジトのひっくり返るの蛙を隠す

… ならその時はジライヤ先生も呼ばなきゃ… 

カブチマル てこずっただけあっていい眼を手に入れたね
マダラ …アレは元々オレのものだ
ゼツ ほら…キサメからの情報も届いた事だし… 色々ト状況ハ コチラニ傾イテイル…

マダラ 九尾を取りに行く

面も新たに完全体に近づいたマダラが狙うは… ナルト!!

次号休載します。WJ45号は ナルト&岸本先生読み切り ベンチ掲載!

511 Return

I, who have been a prisoner of memories. Are there comrades waiting for me, who has finally set off…?
Cover is Nagato, Konan, Yahiko

Madara reaches Nagato!! And Konan is…

Madara dysons Nagato (TN: I just had to give a direct trans cuz I found it funny. Dyson is the name of a bran of vacuum cleaner in Japan)

Madara (That took a while. Shall we go…?)
Konan has died in the water (floating)

3 small boards are lined up. Jiraiya, Konan, Yahiko are wearing frog suits.
Jiraiya: The rightmost one is Konan’s, the centre is Yahiko’s… And the leftmost one is Nagato’s
Yahiko: What’s that?
Jiraiya: These are what we call “frog boards”
Yahiko: Frog boards?
Jiraya: Mmhmm… On this side, it’s red, and the other side is white. And if you turn it over like this!
Jiraiya breaks into a grin
Jiraiya: When you go out, turn it over to the white side before you leave… By the way, this picture is a signal meaning that you’re going to come home soon!
When he flips it over, there is a picture of a frog.
Yahiko: … What the… What’s that, since just now… We’re just overlooking the fact that you’re pushing these frogs onto us cuz you’re the frog sennin
Jiraiya breaks into a grin
Konan: … But why do we have to do that?
Jiraiya: There’s still poor public order in this area… We don’t know when this place could be targeted… And when you’re in this hideout, its easy to get targeted. If your location gets out, then it’s easy for a secret attack to be launched.
Konan: In short, even though the board stays red, if that person is not inside the hideout, it means that he’s been abducted by the enemy or something. If it’s white but he’s been inside all along, it could mean that there is a possibility that the enemy has transformed into him… We can suss that out right away, right?
Jiraiya: That’s right… You did well to understand that, Konan… Unlike Yahiko
Yahiko: I got that too!! … Somewhat…
Jiraiya: In any case, it’s a code just for the 4 of us to constantly check each other’s presence! In other words, I’m telling you that we’re in a situation where we can’t let our guard down even when we’re in the hideout. For the time being, I’ve made a hidden room underground and a path to get out of it. If anything happens, run away from here. By the way, my board’s behind you. Now, it’s about time to do our “water off a duck’s back” training! It’s training that trains your unshakable endurance and turns you completely into a frog!!
Yahiko: Yosshaa!! Let’s go! Everyone!
Nagato: Yahiko… Does he really get it… This time Sensei did it for us earlier but…
Yahiko: I’m gonna get even stronger and stronger, and then change (kaeru) this country!!
Konan and Nagato smile
Yahiko smiles widely
Jiraiya: Before changing (kaeru) the country, flip the frog board!! (Did I make that kind of face as well just now… How embarrassing…)

Training. Meal. Then they part ways with Jiraiya.
Jiraiya’s frog board remains turned.

The three of them continue to train and fight…

Only Nagato’s frog board has been flipped.
In the hideout, Konan is treating Nagato’s wounds.
Their eyes meet. Somehow there’s a nice atmosphere about them.
Nagato is waiting at the door.
And they battle again. (TN: I think ohana mixed up Nagato and Yahiko a little here)

Yahiko: Our organisation has grown big… We’ve gotta switch to a new hideout…
The three of them gather their luggage and stand rooted to the ground
Konan: Today, we have to say goodbye to this place as well, huh…
Nagato: Yeah…
Yahiko: We changed here… We attained power. Everything started from this place. For the sake of the realisation of our dreams, we will set off from this place! And…
Outside, enemies are waiting for an opportunity to attack
Konan turns over her board
Yahiko turns over his board
Just then, a kunai with explosive tags on it hits the hideout.
The enemy infiltrates the hideout
Enemy: Where did they go?
Some distance away, outside
Nagato: The hidden room was helpeful in the end, huh
Yahiko: That was a pretty big explosion, though… Feels just like this country. Well, here we go! Nagato! Konan!

For the sake of the realisation of our dreams, we will set off from this place! And when our dreams come true, even if we’re separated from each other…
We’ll return to this place. (TN: this is where the chapter title comes from)

Konan’s paper flies. It hides the frog boards at the hideout.

And then the three of us will congratulate each other!!
… Then we’ve got to invite Jiraiya-sensei too when that happens…
Well… Will it even happen…

Madara has a mask like in 20th Century Boys
Kabutomaru: Despite causing some trouble, you’ve got hold of some fine eyes, haven’t you?
Madara: … They were mine to begin with.
Zetsu: Hey… The information from Kisame’s reached as well… In many ways, things are looking to be in our favour…

Madara is holding some stick? cane? something long
Madara: I’m off to get the Kyuubi

What Madara is aiming for as he nears perfection with a new mask is… Naruto!!

On break next week. Naruto as well as Kishimoto-sensei’s one-shot “Bench” will be serialised in WSJ #45!