Reply To: Naruto 503: Solo Spoiler

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‘run away, hurry up!’
‘dont be puffed up, kid. It’s parents duty to protect their kids!’

‘Youre a shinobi too. you cant live forever.’
‘But, my daughter, youre a woman.’
‘at the least, entrust the will of fire to the child who is my future grandchild!’
‘make it a promise to ur father (me) here …i have faith in you.’

‘Calm yourself, ………… kurenai!'[/SPOILER]

———- Post added at 00:08 ———- Previous post was at 00:05 ———-

Tipo: Picture
Stato: Confermato
Fonte: APD

Kushina ‘oy!! eat up ur breakfast, im sayin(dattebane)!!’
Minato ‘ha……..hahah…’
naruto ‘@?#$%&(i mean unreadable)…ttebayo!!’
(thanks to yagamis input and ruma it seems like ‘to make a hokage, i gotta go today(now) as always-ttebayo!!’

the Uzumakis customary morning slapstick!!

(if only…..[/SPOILER]

———- Post added at 00:10 ———- Previous post was at 00:08 ———-

Crediti:69 ruma
[SPOILER]188 :名無しさんの次レスにご期待下さい:2010/07/22(木) 01:31:12 ID:IV2hXyv50

一人で逃げたくない、ボクがかーちゃんを守るというイルカに、ガキが図に乗るな!子供を守るのが親の役目だ !と叫ぶ父。
ミナトがどこにいるのか思案する三代目、他の忍と共に九尾を里の外へ追いやり、さらに攻撃を仕 掛ける。
マダラ、いずれ九尾は俺のものになると消えていく。あの感じ、嘘でいってるんじゃない・・・と ミナト。
四代目が来るまで足止めをしている忍び。イルカは誰かに戦場から引き離されてる。とーちゃんとかーちゃんが まだ戦ってるんだ!とイルカ。
紅父が若い世代は九尾に近づくなとどこかの結界に入れてる。カカシ、アスマ(ヒゲがない)、ガイ、紅がいる 。
だが娘よお前は女。ワシの孫のとなる子に火の意思を託せ。父と約束してくれ・・・信頼してるぞ と父。
九尾のもとにミナト。九尾口からエネルギー弾みたいなのを吐き出そうとしてる。三代目、膝をついてそれなり にダメージを負っている。
口寄せで親分を呼ぶミナト。少しの間抑えていてくれとミナト。九尾が吐き出そうとしたところで九尾ごとどこ かへ飛ぶミナト。
クシナのいるところへ飛んだ?ミナト、クシナとナルトを抱えてすぐに結界を張らないとというが、チャクラが 枯渇してきている。
起きて泣き喚くナルト。九尾の復活時期を延ばす為に九尾を引きずり込んで死ぬわ、残り少ない私のチャクラで アナタたちを助けるにはそれしかないとクシナ。
今まで色々ありがとうと笑顔でいうクシナに心が痛むミナト。君が、俺を火影にしてくれた、君の男にしてくれ た、そしてこの子の父親にしてくれた、それなのに・・・!とミナト。
詫びるミナトにそんな顔しないで、私はうれしいの・・・あなたに愛されてる、それに今日はこの子の誕生日な んだからとクシナ。
そしてなにより私が生きてて、家族3人で暮らしてる未来を想像したら幸せだってこと以外想像できないんだも んと続けるクシナの言葉に思わず涙を流すミナト。
ただおおきくなったナルトをみれないのが心残りだというクシナに、少し考えてから君が九尾を心中する必要は ない。そのチャクラはナルトとの再会につかうんだとミナト。
屍鬼封尽なら自分と一緒に半分だけ永久に封印できる、だからもう半分は八卦封印でナルトに封印するというミ ナト。
ここでジライヤがお前が予言の子なのかもしれないのう、予言の子というのは忍びの世界は大変なことになった 時の救世主だと説明してくれたことを思いだす。
ナルトに封印することに驚くクシナ。それにミナトが君の言いたい事もわかるけど、ジライヤのいっていた世界 の変革、それによる災い。あの面の男は必ず災をもたらす。
それを止めるのがナルト。人柱力として未来を切り開いてくれる、なぜかそう確信したんだとミナ ト。
そこに三代目が到着。まだ渋るクシナ。この子を信じよう!なんたって俺達の息子なんだから!!といいながら 術を使い始めるミナトで次号。
[SPOILER]super briefing by ruma

rasengan explodes. Madara steps back. Regenerating the Left hand?
minato however, already having put a marking somewhere on madaras body draws up to him on a jyutsu again.
minato however, having put a marking somewhere on madaras body already draws up to him on a jyutsu again.
he puts a contract seal (a seal that makes/annuls a deal?) madara, which makes 9b free from madara and regain its usual eyes.

Irukas mother on the brink of death worries about iruka
Iruks father goes ‘u leave mother to me and run away’
‘I don’t wanna leave alone. I defend mum’ says iruka.
‘Dont be puffed up, kid. Its parents duty to protect their kids!’ cries the father.

the third ponders where minato is. with other shinobis he drives 9b out of the village and sets about further attacks(/and moreover, goes on the offence.)

Madara disappears saying ‘9b will be mine eventually’
‘the feel… he doesnt say it for a joke (/he means it)’…says minato

shinobis are stalling (9b) till the 4th comes. iruka is pulled away from the battle field by someone. ‘Dad and Mum are still fighting!’ says iruka.
kurenais father tells the rising generation to keep clear 9b and puts them in some shield. Kakashi asum(sans the beard) , gai and kurenai, are there. ‘Its not a battle against the other village but a trouble inside of the village. doesnt worth risking your life.’ says the father. ‘dont speak wilfully!’ Kurenai angers. Asuma calms her down. ‘you being a shinobi, wont live long either. But my daughter, youre a woman. entrust the will of fire to the child who is my future grandchild. Promise me…i have faith in you.’ says the father.

minato (heads for) 9bs. 9b is about to breath something like an energy ball. The third on the knees is quite hurt.
minato calls oyabun (gamabunta) on kuchiyose. ‘Hold back (9b) for a while’ asks minato. When 9b is about to breath(the ball) minato flies taking 9b with him. The third checks that the ball blows up in the distance with the eye.

minato flies(?) to where kushina is. embracing kushina and naruto he tells he has to make a shield asap but he has exhausted his chakra.
‘i still can go’ says kushina. She holds in 9b with chakra chains. Naruto wakes up to cry loud. ‘ill take 9b with me and die. there is no other way to save you 2 with my scanty remnants of chakra.’
‘Thank you for exerything to this day’ says kushina wearing a smile.
that pains Minato. ‘you made me a hokage. You made me your man. And you made me the father of this child. And that ….!’ says minato.

to apologetic minato, kushina says ‘dont look so sad im glad….that im loved by you and today is the birthday of this baby’ ‘And above all, when i imagine my future where im alive and living, with the 3 of us together, i cant see any other thing than happiness’ to hear her say these words, minato cant help but sheds tears.
kushina tells minato the only regret will be that she can never see narutos growth. Minato after thinking for a while says to kushina ‘you dont need to commit suicide with 9b. Use the chakra to reunite with naruto. ‘

minato (suggests that) kushinas chakra should be included with hakke fuin and sealed in naruto and 9b should be taken with minato.
Because its not for a jincyuriki, he is sealing it in shikifujin. ‘but that jyutsu takes the user….’ says kushina. Its only half of 9b that will be sealed in minato, physically and strategically he cant seal the whole 9b (in himself).

Minato tells that
Kushinas sealing it by taking it with her would be no good because the absence of jinchiriki till its revival would break the balance of bjyu.. shikifujin can seal only the half of it with him forever. so that he is gonna seal the other half in naruto.

here Minato remembers that jiraya told him he (minato) might be the child of prophecy. He explained that the child of prophecy is the saviour when the shit hits the fan in the shinobi world.

kushina is astonished that minato is sealing 9b in naruto. She can see where minato is coming from….. but the revolution in the world jyraiya talked of, the calamity of it. the masked man will definitely bring about disasters……
‘its naruto who will prevent it. as a jinchuriki he will open up the future (for us). somehow im convinced of that.’ says minato.

There the third arrives. Kushina is still unwilling (to give her consent). ‘lets believe in this baby. Cos After all, hes OUR son!!’ saying this Minato starts the jyustu.

(editing now)

———- Post added at 00:13 ———- Previous post was at 00:10 ———-


Some minor sentences from shounensuki he wont translate the whole thing:

Apparently Jiraiya told Minato that he thought Naruto might be the child of the prophecy and that is why Minato sealed half of the Nine-Tails inside of him.
The child of the prophecy might become a messiah
Minato believes Naruto might be the child of the prophecy, the messiah of the world. As such, he believes Naruto can stop the chaos and destruction Madara will bring

More from shounensuki:

Apparently Minato cannot seal the entire Kyūbi inside himself for physical and strategic purposes
It gives no reason why he only sealed half in Naruto, though