One Piece 787: Ipotesi e Discussione Spoiler

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  • #1492180

    Luffy necessita di un pit stop di (almeno) 10 minuti.

    Sabo pugno di fuoco & C riusciranno a proteggere il suo riposo?
    Zoro & C sapranno fermare il restringimento della gabbia?

    luffy non recupererebbe prima se gli portassero della carne?
    Oppure potrebbe arrivare la principessa con i suoi poteri di ripristino.
    La carne di principessa sarebbe una portata da re :sisi:

    Spoiler e capitolo giovedì 21 maggio


    Credit: Aohige
    Source: APF

    chapter 787 “4 minutes”
    cover is Zoro playing the taiko with a bear

    The crowd cheers on as No2 of the revolutionaries arrive to save the day.
    Sabo tells Jesus Burgess that Luffy is his brother. Burgess has heard that line before.

    Sabo tells him Ace must have said the same thing. The three of them are brothers.
    He says he doesn’t harbor grudge over Ace’s death, as that was a life he chose, but know this, from now on I will be backing Luffy.

    Burgess says he doesn’t care bout their brotherhood, and tells Sabo to get out of his way.
    But Sabo tells him “what if it’s personal?” and lights a fire on his finger. Burgess realizes Sabo was the Lucy he fought in the arena.

    Sabo tells Luffy he’ll be busy fighting off Burgess, and Doflamingo is approaching.
    Luffy replies Gatz will buy time for him, and he’ll handle Dofla on his own.
    Luffy notes Sabo got Ace’s fruit now, and Sabo says yeah, I wouldn’t let anyone else get it.

    Burgess comes after Sabo, and does a Galleon Lariat, powerful enough to split a building in half, but does no damage to flame-Sabo.
    Sabo counters him with a Kaen Ryuuoh (Flame Dragon King) and sends Burgess flying.
    He realizes Burgess switched targets to him, and that he’s going after Devil Fruit abilities just as the rumors said.

    Gatz runs for his life with Luffy on his back, and Luffy explains to him that the Lucy who won the finals and got the fruit was Sabo, not him.
    The announcer notes that’s against the rules, but he is moved by their brotherhood nonetheless.
    A huge explosion happens behind them, and Gatz turns around to see Doflamingo advancing forward, taking out people and buildings alike.

    Doflamingo is PISSED. He’s barely standing and walking (onomatopoeia of being really tired, likely won’t be translated)

    but he says he doesn’t need health to take out the fodders. He screams at Straw hat to show himself, and he’ll make him pay.

    Crowd running from the center city and crowd running from the birdcage runs into each other.
    There’s no where to run now.
    Zoro fuses CoA on his arms and swords, and slams them into the birdcage, attempting to stop it.
    The samurais says it’s no use, but Zoro refuses to believe it. This power is a result of but one man, there’s no reason another man can’t stop it.
    Meanwhile Franky and Tontattas combine forces to push the SMILE factory against the birdcage. The outer shell is seastone, so it can withstand the strings.

    In the center platform, Donquioxte family grunts are taking up the platform, shooting the citizens who tries to get close.
    This is the center of the birdcage, and the safest spot.
    Kyros, Chinjao family, and other gladiators arrive to mop up the grunts and help the citizens.
    Dagama and others were severely injured, but the Tontatta princess healed them back to full life.
    Kyros and Sai leads the citizens to safety.

    However, Doflamingo frustrated at absence of Luffy, speeds up the closing speed of the birdcage!
    Zoro and Franky do their best to stop the progress, while Fujitora notice and puzzled by… lights? Sparkles of lights of some sort in the air.

    3 minutes and counting until the birdcage reaches the center and massacre starts.
    4 minutes until Luffy’s haki is restored!

    End of chapter


    Ho letto il capitolo. Tutto prosegue come era facile prevedere.
    Direi che i tentativi di rallentare la gabbia sono (al momento) infruttuosi visto che DF è stato in grado di accelerare il processo.
    uhmmm chissà cosa ha percepito Fujitora.

    C’è un minuto che balla… sulla tomba di Dressrosa.


    secondo me Fujitora ha notato un principio di spaccatura della gabbia, proprio in quell’immagine si vedono dei cerchietti bianchi sulla gabbia che a mio parere sono l’inizio della sua rottura!
    sul prossimo numero vedremo i risultati di zoro, franky e i nani!


    secondo me Fujitora ha notato un principio di spaccatura della gabbia, proprio in quell’immagine si vedono dei cerchietti bianchi sulla gabbia che a mio parere sono l’inizio della sua rottura!
    sul prossimo numero vedremo i risultati di zoro, franky e i nani!

    Probabile… ma non capisco perché Oda dovrebbe darci questo indizio ora.
    Sarebbe come farci sapere che non importa che non ci sia abbastanza tempo per il recupero di Luffy…
    Essendo un indizio non chiarissimo… ci può anche stare….
    Vedremo… :sisi:

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