One Piece 704: Ipotesi e Discussione Spoiler

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  • #634185
    Caesar VII

    Lo scorso capitolo, sicuramente sottotono, ha delineato alcune delle sotto trame che caratterizzeranno questo inizio di saga.

    *Rufy parteciperà al torneo del Colosseo; non tanto per il Frutto in sè ma perchè non vuole che la memoria di Ace sia mercificata e disonorata in questo modo. Franky assisterà (senza partecipare) o andrà alla ricerca della fabbrica di smile? Intanto speriamo che i partecipanti al torneo siano migliori dell’omone protagonista della desolante scena finale dello scorso capitolo…

    *Sanji si lascia sedurre da Violet e chissà dove vorrà andare a parare Oda con loro due…

    *Zoro ( e Kinemon?) sono alla ricerca delle fatine ladruncole. Secondo me saranno giocattoli pure loro e chissà che non venga spiegato al più presto la natura di questi giocattoli viventi. Io avevo ipotizzato che potessero aver mangiato tutti unFrutti Homo Homo (il frutto di Chopper), prodotto di scarto della fabbrica di smile.

    *Robin, Law, Usop e Caesar impegnati nel fatidico scambio (la parte che attendo di più)

    Senza contare che pure Nami, Chopper e Brook (e Momonosuke) presto dovranno iniziare a fare qualcosa :sisi:


    I vari “fronti” sono stati delineati, mi aspetto che Oda continui con questa delineazione passando al gruppo di Law e magari qualche accenno a quelli che son rimasti sulla nave :sisi:
    Un capitolo che continui quanto fatto con il precedente quindi :sisi:

    TVRX T-T

    Esatto, i punti sono tutti stati definiti. Le vicende sono tante da raccontare, e non tutte riusciranno a stare in un solo capitolo, è ovvio. Per me il capitolo rimarrà concentrato sul Torneo, su Sanji e Violet, su Zoro e Kinemon e su Franky, che magari scoprirà qualcosa di interessante…

    Amministratore del forum

    Per me è sempre più probabile che si delineino gli altri fronti (Law e Sunny) e spero continuino le vicende di Zoro e Sanji!


    Anche per me adesso lascerà un po’ stare il torneo e ci racconterà meglio gli sviluppi degli altri fronti. Mi interessa soprattutto sapere chi dovrebbe uccidere Sanji. Spero sia uno dei campioni del Colosseum, così parteciperebbe anche lui.. (o le iscrizioni sono già chiuse?)

    TVRX T-T

    Gli basterebbe rubare il numero di iscrizione della vittima…. :look:
    Cmq, spero anch’io che Oda ci parli un pò dei gruppi di Law e Nami.


    Non scrivo spesso nella sezione di One Piece pur seguendo il manga, ma vorrei dire che questa saga mi esalta parecchio! Trovo che la scelta di dividere l’azione su più fronti sia la più saggia ora che la ciurma è così numerosa e in più accompagnata da alleati extra! Così la trama si svolgerà su tre linee diverse e spero che tutti avranno la possibilità di prendere parte a un tipico scontro finale uno-contro-uno come nelle vecchie saghe! Inoltre l’idea di un torneo dragonballesco non sarà originale ma la trovo davvero esaltante, chissà se vedremo addirittura due membri della ciurma sorteggiati in un incontro uno contro l’altro!? Sarebbe eccezionale vedere Zoro contro Rufi o contro Sanji, sempre che partecipino tutti e tre :sbav: Insomma si prospetta una saga lunga e complessa e spero che Oda non si dilunghi troppo in capitoli di transizione vari…credo che il prossimo capitolo sarà ancora dedicato all’iscrizione al torneo, magari dal successivo si cambierà fronte :sisi:


    Non credo che Rufy possa mai combattere seriamente contro un nakama.. però se Zoro e Sanji si trovassero uno contro l’altro nel colosseum potrebbero essere legnate serie.


    Impossibile che si scontrino per me. Al torneo partecipa solo Luffy. Le iscrizioni sono chiuse ormai..Zoro sta inseguendo il ladro e Sanji è con Violet.


    Usciti gli spoiler :O


    Credit: Redon
    Source: APF
    [SPOILER]- In the cover, Iron Boy Scotch from Kaido´s pirates (the guy Drake met 2 years before), attacks members of the revolution.
    – All chapter about Luffy, he meets a lot a new characters, all figthers (Aohige can tell you the names sorry).
    – We have warriors, a cool guy and a woman.
    – At the end of the chapter Jesus Burgess appears in Corrida Colosseum, he´s defeated all his opponents.

    Credit: Aohige
    Source: APF

    [SPOILER]Lucy and the Statue of Kyros
    Coverart: That cyborg-ish guy from Kaido’s crew is wrecking shit up on the revolutionaries on the island, Caribou watches terrified.

    The Spartan guy Luffy took out was one of the star of the Colosseum, the other fights can’t believe their eyes.
    A guard tries to tell Luffy to leave the place since he caused a fight before the games began, but a trio of warriors come in Luffy’s defense.
    The Chinjao brothers (Chinjao as in the Chinese dish, Chinjao Rosu)
    Don Chinjao, Xai, and Buu.

    Xai is insane, he’s so easily agitated, he almost snapped at Luffy for thanking him lol.
    Meanwhile, Two other groups of fighters are arguing.
    The King of Prodence, Elizabero the 2nd and his Strategist Dagama enters the tournament wanting the Mera Mera fruit as a weapon for their army.
    Asassin duo The Funk Brothers from the neighboring country is telling them collaborating with other fighters to win is not fair.

    Tons of other fighters
    Class-A criminal from the Sea of Dias, The Slayman
    Former bounty hunter and mastermind behind blowing up a government facility, Abudhulla and Jet
    An “Adventurer of false massacres” Oorombus(?) The Ruler
    Bellamy the Hyena, now over 100million bounty and admissions from the DonQuioxte family
    And not present at the moment, but few others are entering the tournament including “Young Pirate Nobility” Cavendish and the crazed rookie from year ago Balto Romeo.

    The first round is a Battle Royal. 550 people will compete, and only 4 will win.
    They are separated in blocks. A block Battle is about to start… Luffy is block C

    They take him to the armory, Luffy is excited and wears a full set of armors, helmet, sword, and shield.
    Along with his beard, he looks like an old Gladiator, pretty awesome.

    He comes across women falling from being smitten…. by the beauty of Cabendish, the White Horse.
    He is a completely bishounen, sparkles and all. Bounty of 280 million.
    He came this far without any Devil Fruit, and feels the Mera Mera is perfect for him. Very narcissistic.
    He asks Luffy who he is, and Luffy accidentally answers Luffy. LOL.Luffy corrects himself and answers Lucy.
    Caben says if he really was Straw Hat Luffy, he would have to kill him right now.
    He was a rookie 3 years ago when he entered the New World, and his beauty was the hot topic of the world.
    But two years ago, Luffy and the other Supernovas took the world by storm, and became the hot topic.
    He is jealous of their fame, and wants to destroy them all.
    Luffy has no interest in his story and walks off LOL.

    Luffy comes across the Statue of Kyros.
    Kyros was a legendary gladiator who won 3000 battles, only took one sword slash, and was around 20 years ago.
    …. Says a beautiful, scantly clad gladiator girl named Rebecca.
    But the strange thing is… he is considered the greatest gladiator ever, yet no one on this island has ever seen or heard of him.
    Only thing they know of Kyros comes from the plate on the statue, no one knows if he was even real.
    Luffy likes the statue, and so does Rebecca.
    She says she’s here to take the Mera Mera no Mi, so she can finally defeat Doflamingo.
    She has determination in her expression, obviously a history behind her and the flamingo man…

    Meanwhile, a mysterious masked man calling himself Mr. Store defeated all other gladiators in Block A.
    He takes his mask off in the Colosseum and reveal his true identity…. Black Beard Pirates Division 1 Captain, Jesus Burgess!!

    Luffy recognizes him. “It’s that Champion dude!”

    Oh, btw, the “Fuck You” comment was from Xai, the elder brother of the Chinjao family


    ———- Post added at 07:43 ———- Previous post was at 07:35 ———-

    Non commento…
    è un capitolo ricco di elementi…
    è da leggere :sisi:

    ———- Post added at 08:04 ———- Previous post was at 07:43 ———-

    Kyros è/è diventato (il) cieco…
    Rebecca è sua figlia/nipote…
    e Violet(/BB5) anche :mah:

    ———- Post added at 09:30 ———- Previous post was at 08:04 ———-

    uhmm vediamo un po’…
    Lucy ha il numero 556
    550 partecipanti al torneo
    più i 4+1 di DF…
    fa 555
    A meno che Oda non abbia già tolto dal computo il tipaccio messo fuori combattimento da Lucy nella waiting room…
    mancherebbe un partecipante…
    DF stesso? o Kyros? o chi? :mah:

    ———- Post added at 09:40 ———- Previous post was at 09:30 ———-

    Credit: Kaze1028
    Source: APF




    La storia inizia a farsi interessante. La presenza di qualcuno della ciurma di Barbanera era stata ipotizzata. Invece Bellamy mi ha sorpreso, non era stato eliminato?


    Rebecca se la tira un po’ troppo…
    ce l’ha lunga una metrata :icon_eek:

    ———- Post added at 11:15 ———- Previous post was at 09:50 ———-

    Credit: CCC
    Source: APF
    [SPOILER]Chapter 704
    “Lucy and the Statue of Kyros ”
    Cover Story:
    “Caribou’s Kehihihihi in the New World”
    “Volume 24”
    “Quelling the Workers’ Rebellion”
    Page 2:
    Blurb: “The waiting room is going wild!!”
    Someone: “Oi!! What’s up with that little guy!?”
    “He took down Spartan!!!”
    “But how!?”
    “He’s the star gladiator of this colosseum!!”
    “He… he must have just tripped over his own feet…”
    “But he’s embedded into the floor!!”
    Luffy: “Let’s see… where should I go…”
    Guard: “You! For causing this disturbance…!!”
    “Please leave immediately!! You’re disqualified!!!”
    Lucy: “Ehhh!?”
    Page 3:
    Guard: “We don’t stand for hooligans who incite violence before the matches have even started”
    Luffy: “Hmm?”
    Someone: “Hey, hey”
    Xai: “Come off it, ya dumbass!!”
    “The one who started it was that big oaf over there!! If anyone’s disqualified it should be him!!!”
    Buu: “Although he’s already out cold”
    Text boxes:
    Top: “Top: Don Chinjao”
    Left: “Left: Buu”
    Right: “Right: Xai”
    Bottom: “Hanokuni Gang: Chinjao Family”
    TN: “Hanokuni = Land of Flowers”
    Page 4:
    Guy: “Whoa!! It’s Xai and Buu from Hanokuni!!”
    “Even looks like Don Chinjao showed up!!”
    “They’re already practically legends!!”
    Lucy: “Thanks for that!!”
    Xai: “No need for thanks!!”
    “Seriously… no need for to thank us…”
    “It’s fine if you don’t thank us…”
    “Did this guy really just thank us…”
    “Thanking us is…”
    “Take it back, you scum!!!”
    Buu: “You don’t gotta turn down his thanks that much, bro!!!”
    Lucy: “Wahh!!”
    Buu: “Sorry about this. He gets excited a bit too easily”
    Xai: “Don’t you ever thank us again!!!”
    “Fuck you!!!”
    Lucy: “All sorts of people here, huh”
    Someone: “You… scheming something with strong guys in the same block!? Dagama!!!”
    Page 5:
    Someone: “Oi oi big names from every country are showing up, one after the other… It must be the case that…”
    “They’re scrambling to obtain the devil fruit and raise the status of their homelands!!”
    Bobby: “These fights are on an individual basis!!”
    “Even if you try something like that…”
    “Only one winner will walk away from each block…!!”
    Kerry: “Conspiring to bribe your way through the event? Oi!!”
    Left text: “Assassins from a neighboring country: Funk Brothers”
    Right text: “Top: (Younger Brother) Bobby Funk, Bottom: (Older Brother) Kerry Funk”
    Dagama: “How naïve!!! You two were also ordered here by your country, no?”
    “A country in possession of the “Mera Mera no Mi” would, even with all its other weapons aside…”
    “Be able to achieve unparalleled advantage in both diplomacy and war alike!!”
    Right text: “Prodense Kingdom Military Strategist: Dagama”
    Left text: “King of the Prodense Kingdom, “The Fighting King:” Elizaberro the Second”
    “Take a look around…!! What a lineup!!!”
    Page 6:
    Dagama: “Over there… the A-rank war criminal from the Sea Battle of Dias…”
    “It’s Neck-Chopper Slayman!!!”
    “Former bounty hunters involved in the bombing of a government institution!!”
    “Abdullah and Jeet!!!”
    “The Made-up Massacre Adventurer!!”
    “Orombus, The Ruler!!”
    “On recommendation by the Donquixote Family”
    “The brutal “Over 100 Million” pirate!! Bellamy the Hyena!!!”
    “And although they’re not here right now, “The Nobleman Pirate, Cavendish””
    “And the insane rookie from one year ago, “Balto Romeo,” are also said to be participating.”
    “Think none of them are plotting anything!? I expect that even you are!!!”
    Page 7:
    Dagama: “The first round is a battle royale!!”
    “Only those who survive it have a chance!!!”
    “A-block is about to start!!!”
    “Totaling A-block up with B, C, and D-blocks…”
    “Out of over 550 fighters, after the first round…”
    “Only four winners will emerge!!!”
    “And you two… you bribed your way into the same block, yes?”
    Funk: “Pure coincidence.”
    Lucy: “What block am I in?”
    Guard: “I believe we already informed you at the registry desk, but…”
    “You’re number 556, in C-block.”
    Dagama: “Our motivations may differ”
    “But depending on whose hands the Mera Mera no Mi falls into…”
    “Tomorrow, the world will shift a bit.”
    “Without any further ado, let’s get out there and do our best, ladies and gents!!!”
    Page 8:
    Text: “Fighters’ Preparations Room”
    Lucy: “Uohhh!!”
    “So I can really use anything in here!?”
    Guard: “As far as weapons, the only things prohibited are firearms.”
    Lucy: “Armor!!”
    “A statue of a half-naked old man fighter!!”
    “I want it!”
    “I’ll take some armor!!”
    “And a cooler helmet than Old Man Statue!”
    Page 9:
    Lucy: “Looks good…”
    “Wish Usopp and the others could see…”
    Guard: “All the women are fainting!!”
    “Hey, what’s wrong!?”
    Woman: “It’s… that’s nobleman…<3"
    Man: "Nobleman!?"
    Woman: "It's no good <3 He's just too provocative…<3"
    Someone: "Is this the equipment room?"
    Man: "…Look! It's him! It's Cavendish…!!"
    "The Nobleman Pirate!!? Is it really him!!?"
    "He's so gorgeous <3"
    Someone: "Ah, you, over there!!"
    "That won't do. There's a weight limit for one's gear."
    Page 10:
    Cavendish: "Well… it doesn't really matter what you do…"
    "Because I will be taking the Mera Mera no Mi"
    "Yes, it really is suitable for me… such a beautiful power."
    Text at bottom: "Captain of the "Beautiful Pirate Crew:" Cavendish of the White Horse, Bounty: 280 Million Berries"
    Middle panel: "I've come this far without a devil fruit"
    "And without exerting too much effort"
    "Just my own genius."
    Guard: "You're over the limit"
    Lucy: "Eh"
    Cavendish: "Come here!!! Don't walk away when I'm talking to you!!!"
    Page 11:
    Lucy: "So that's why everyone is practically naked"
    "Even that bronze statue"
    Cavendish: "This is a show!!"
    "The audience is looking to see blood"
    "The ring is where the true nature of humans is brought to light"
    "Who wants to see a match prolonged by swords and armor?"
    "Gladiators are showmen. It is the blood of the fallen…"
    "That excites the crowd…!!"
    "I saw you earlier, when you flipped that large man."
    "Who are you?"
    Lucy: "I'm Luffy!!"
    "The man who'll be king of the pirates"
    Men: "Ehh!!?"
    Page 12:
    "You mean LuCY!!!"
    Sfx: *donk*
    Lucy (bottom bubble): "Oh yeah, I'm Lucy."
    Guy: "You just said your own name wrong!!"
    "For a second I thought Strawhat Luffy was here!!!"
    "Yeah well that couldn't be right. The real one is supposed to be an 8 meter tall giant"
    Cavendish: "…Fu fu… if you were really Strawhat Luffy…"
    "I'd kill you right here and now"
    "I entered the New World three years ago…"
    "And as a "beautiful rookie" with a bounty over 200 million…
    "I stirred the hearts of the world"
    "Day after day, my wanted posters that appeared in newspapers…"
    "Would be stolen by girls everywhere, as if they were the pictures of a famous star…"
    Page 13:
    "I'm the Nobleman Pirate, "Cavendish of the White Horse"!!"
    " "Hey, you big star!!" " ß(Attention Typesetter, include the extra quotes. He's pretending to have a conversation with himself in the voice of someone else)
    " "Hmm? You mean me?" "Of course <3" "Fufufu…<3" "
    "And then what, one year later!!!"
    "News of Whitebeard's "Paramount War" drowned out everything else…!!!"
    "And the little rookies who sprang out after me…"
    "With their "Worst Generation" name to accompany them…!!"
    "Kept showing up and making such a scene!!!"
    "The reporters no longer cared at all for me!!!"
    "And that's why I'd kill him! Him, and all those rookies who stole my spotlight!!!"
    Lucy: "Shouldn't you really be thanking them…?"
    Cavendish: "The Mera Mera no Mi…"
    "It shall be mine!!"
    "And when it is…"
    "Maybe you'll stop ignoring me too!!"
    Guard: "You're good to go."
    Page 14:
    Lucy: "I see… so I ended up looking like this old guy after all."
    Woman: "Want to know about him?"
    Guys: "Whoa!! Is she a participant? That lady gladiator? <3"
    "Hehehe<3 Looks weak… but she sure is cute<3"
    "Who is she?"
    "The gladiator, Rebecca"
    "Thank you for what you did earlier."
    "I hate that guy, Spartan."
    "But this statue is of a legendary man."
    "He was the strongest gladiator in the history of Corrida Colosseum, "Kyros""
    TN: Pronounced "Kyoo-ros"
    "The undefeated winner of 3000 matches. And in all that time…"
    "He only received a single wound from his enemies."
    Luffy: "That strong, huh!"
    Rebecca: "I've heard that he was active here until 20 years ago."
    Page 15:
    "No one in this country…"
    "Knows who he is!!"
    Text box: "Corrida Colosseum Gladiator: Rebecca"
    Luffy: "Huh??"
    Rebecca: "Neither the elderly nor any of the gladiators"
    "Have ever met him."
    "This is the most mysterious statue in all of Dressrosa."
    "Whether the gladiator Kyros actually existed, or whether he was a mere contrivance…"
    "And why this statue appeared one day…"


    Credit: CCC
    Source: APF
    [SPOILER]Page 16:
    “All we know is what’s inscribed on this plate.”
    “Nobody knew him… but nobody has ever tried to remove this…”
    “That too, is a mystery.”
    Lucy: “Wahh… I don’t know what you’re talking about…”
    “But I like this statue!! It’s real manly!!”
    Rebecca: “…I like it as well.”
    Guy: “Yo!! Great warrior Rebecca-chan<3"
    "We're looking forward to seeing the "Undefeated Woman" today!!"
    "Bet that made you feel good, before…"
    "Seeing your longtime bully Spartan put to shame!!"
    "Ha ha cut that out, stupid"
    "It's true, ain't it!!"
    Lucy: "What're they talking about?"
    Rebecca: "…Pay them no mind."
    Page 17:
    Rebecca: "Today…"
    "I'll end it…!!!"
    "I'll win the Mera Mera no Mi…!!"
    "And I'll have my revenge on Doflamingo!!"
    Lucy: "Eh!!"
    "On Mingo…!?"
    Rebecca: "What block are you in?"
    Lucy: " "C" "
    Rebecca: "Great! I'm in "D" "
    "I hope we're both still standing at the end of the first round."
    Someone: "The match is decided!!!"
    Guy: "Huh!? Already!?"
    "Who is that? He's monstrously strong!!!"
    Announcer: "And in the blink of an eye, it's over!!!"
    "The winner from A-block is the "Masked Man"!!! Mr. Store!!!"
    Page 18/19:
    Announcer: "Oh!!"
    "He's taken off his mask!!!"
    Sfx: *gulp*
    "What a twist!!! We know this masked man!!!"
    "There's simply no way NOT to recognize this extraordinary strength!!!"
    Dialogue in giant panel spanning both pages:
    "What an uproar of an opening event!!! A truly unexpected participant!!!"
    "From A-block!!"
    "The winner of the battle royale!!"
    "From the pirate crew of the Yonkou, "Blackbeard," who silences even crying babies!!"
    "Captain of the First Ship!!! It's Jesus Burgess!!!!"
    Jesus: "Uuuiiihahhahha!!!"
    Blurb: "An unexpected fighter!!!"
    Back to page 18, bottom panel:
    Fighters: "Bu… Burgess!!?"
    Page 19, bottom, continued: "Why's he here!!?"
    Lucy: "Ah!!"
    "It's that "champion" guy!!!" [/SPOILER]

    ———- Post added at 12:23 ———- Previous post was at 11:16 ———-

    letto il capitolo…
    Elisabello II e Dagama…
    saran mica la mascolinizzazione di Elisabetta II e Diana?:icon_eek:


    Penso che i tre fratelli della Chinjao Family facciano parte della ciurma di Kaido. Infatti 2 di loro hanno tatuati sul corpo dei numeri.

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