Spoiler One Piece 508

di Redazione 6

Ecco a voi i primi spoilers riguardanti il prossimo capitolo di One Piece (508). Continuate se volete leggere le anticipazioni. Niente traduzione italiana degli spoiler questa settimana, mi dispiace.

Page 1:
Chapter 508 “Island of Shura”
Coverstory “Having fun bowling with everyone”

Page 2:
Tiny cannons comes out of Capone.
“Shoot!” “Blow them away!!”

Marine: What the!?
Marine: There’s something in his body!!

Page 3:
Marines are blasted away
Marines: Aaaarrghh!!!

Marine: What…!? He’s not doing anything!
Small cavalries comes out on horsebacks
“Cavalry, CHARGE!!”

Page 4:
Marine: Horses from his body!!!
Marine: Soldiers keeps pouring out!!!
Capone “Gang” Bege!!
What kind of devil fruit user is he!!?

Another soldier comes out of his right eye, but coughs up on the smoke
“*cough cough* Father, the smoke is choking me!!”
Capone: Like I said… the diffrence of sheer military force!!

Page 5:
Hawkins: “Battle” Chance of defeat……100%
“Escape” Chance of success….. 12%
“Defence” Chance of dodge….. 76%

Kizaru: Hey, do you have time….? I’m looking for a man named Sentoumaru
Hawkins: “Survival” Chance of death……!!

Page 6:
Kizaru kicks Hawkins, causing explosion.
Crewman: Captain!!!

Page 7:
24th GR
Kuma vs Urouge

Urouge: (breathing heavily, bloodied) I was only being cautious of the Admiral….!!
I guess you can’t get past near the Marine HQ so easily afterall…!!
Kuma: ……

Page 8:
Apoo: Man, he sure is strong…!! Huh..? He’s still fighting?

LASER BEAM shoots out of Kizaru’s finger, obiliterating what’s in front of him.

Page 9:
Hawkins: ONLY 10 won’t be enough against an Admiral…….
Voodoo doll creatures craw out of Hawkin’s right arm.

Urouge lands right next to them.

Page 10:
Urouge: What a tragic turn of events….!! In front is the Marine Admiral, and behind me is the Shichibukai
Hufff…. Is this the end of me?
Hawkins: Not quite. I don’t see a sign of death on you yet.

Urouge: Heh Heh heh… Hawkins of North Blue… Even though you may be a foe, I appreciate your humor…!!
Drake comes to the rescue!! In a single hit with his mace, he knocks Kuma into a wall.

Page 11:
Urouge: I’ve taken quite a hit…. but let’s see if there really is any hope… by retaliating now!

Page 12:
Zoro: Something is strange…. He doesn’t seem the same as that last time…!! Is it just my imagination…?

Page 13:
Sentoumaru?: He’s late….
His ship should be here already… That’s strange.
Why isn’t he contacting me… father Kizaru? (He uses the term “ojiki”, which is commonly used to refer to a yakuza family “father” boss)
“They” are going to wipe all of them out, at this rate…!?

Commenti (6)

  1. Voglio il caaaap…!!!!!

    Ma quanti cavolo di Kuma ci sono…??? E Law e Kidd ke fine hanno fatto…??? Cmq adesso Zoro si prender� la rivincita…!!!!

  2. Grande!!! sn mega esaltato per questo capitolo nn vedo l’ora ke esca.

  3. qu� ci saranno mazzate serie tra poco

  4. OP 508 potete dirmi se per caso esce oggi, ve ne sarei infinitamente grato…
    …se rispondete si sn pure esaltato. grazie in anticipo

  5. nn credo che ce la faremo, il traduttore non riesce a tradurre pure one piece per stasera 🙁

  6. peccato comunque le vostre traduzioni sono le meglio quindi vale la pena aspettare

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